CB Note: Rather rockband instead of LOST?? For shame!
RK Note: OMG I must get Dave to open his Rockband!!!!
1:00 - oooh i forgot, its a Faraday ep. im kinda excited now
2:00 - cb is glad we are getting desmond. i bet he lives. bill it later.
CB Note: Of course he lives! No one dares to mess with my Penny & Desmond! They're the heart and soul of the show! (I heart them)
3:00 - Eloise Hawking just admitted her son is Faraday! and its his fault desmond got shot!
CB Note: Duh about the sonage.
RK Note: Ditto CB duh to son.... And Justin, you knew this!! Anyway the reason this was not in blog records is because Justin did not BLOG the season premiere, but it was discussed via e-mail:
Many nuts were had, and then Justin promptly forgot them!why is no one replying to my Lost chat?! i wish we blogged it. also, could that young girl on the island be faraday's mom? I still think that woman from last week's episode who was doing the experiment on the computer in that weird church looking lab place wearing the hooded cloak is also daniel faraday's mom (my nut from last week), but could the girl on the island be his mom before he was born, which is why she looked familiar to him? could faraday have been born on the island? could charles widmore be his dad? the girl on the island and widmore could have hooked up when they were Others, had Faraday...?
from Rachel Kurth
to Justin Nash
cc Caryn Hammer
, Mike Mellin
date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:47 AM
subject Re: Lost Chat!
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jan 29
ReplyI was JUST going to reply that I thought she was faraday's mom too! But I was still reading your first email! :) I think it's a great guess. The girl who's sick in the present couldnt be the same girl cause she's young in the present. The girl from 1954 would be old in the present (around widmore's age, which would match up with faraday's mom)
from Caryn Hammer
to Rachel Kurth
cc Justin Nash
, Mike Mellin
date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:52 AM
subject Re: Lost Chat!
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jan 29
Also in the episode where Richard Alpert visited Locke as a little kid, remember he showed Locke 3 things and asked him to pick one? Was that compass one of the things he asked Locke to pick?
from Rachel Kurth
to Caryn Hammer
cc Justin Nash
, Mike Mellin
date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:31 AM
subject Re: Lost Chat!
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jan 29
Also I am very concerned that Penny and Desmond are going to LA to find Faraday's mom, who I think is the woman who was with Benjamin Linus 2 episodes ago like i discussed above in the lab wearing the hood, and if they find her and she's with Ben, Ben will know where Penny is, and he told Charles Widmore he wants to kill his daughter the way Widmore's men killed HIS daughter, meaning Ben could try to kill Penny when they get to LA!!!Yes, the compass was one of the objects the richard showed him. He asked locke to pick what objects already belonged to him and that compass was one of the things he picked.
from Caryn Hammer
to Rachel Kurth
cc Justin Nash
, Mike Mellin
date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:40 AM
subject Re: Lost Chat!
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jan 29
True! I am very concerned about ben trying to kill penny and if he succeeds i will be extremely upset with lost cause i think that the relationship between desmond and penny is such an important thing in this show and is by far the relationship i root for, over kate and her many men!rachel was throwing out one awesome theory after another. i was impressed. i LOVE the idea of that you g girl being daniels mom. she was getting ALOT of screentime and i was kinda like "why does this random girl with a gun have so much screentime this ep"
from Justin Nash
to Caryn Hammer
cc Michael Mellin
, Rachel Kurth
date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:26 PM
subject Re: Lost Chat!
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Jan 29
coma girl i tihnk is just some gf that daniel tried time traveling on. and what happened ot her is like caryn said to those othe rpeople, and now apparently to charlotte as well.
AMAZINg nut on that compass from that episode. makes it look so AWESOME in retrospect.
as to time travel paradoxes, like with heroes , they are hard ot tihnk about logically. i will expound on hte 2 coherent time travel theories a show could use at our next game or lost tv nite.
it woudl be kinda awesome if daniel was charles widmores son. im inclined to not think so, but its only been 1 ep, so we dont know any relationships yet between 1950s others. lets just reiterate how AMAZING it is that that was yougn charles widmore, former other. just so cool. shaping up to be an awesome season. this ep was better than the first ep maybe, and def one of hte top eps all time.
and, finally, bc this ep was so amazing, next week i will resume...
5:00 - ohnoes! how do they not belong there? dont they always have to have been there b/c thats the way LOST time travel works?! or did it get changed by Desmond impacted it? im confused. also, didnt faraday send desmond to his mom for some reason to begin with?
6:00 - ooh, Star Trek preview. cb: "what's going on on Hoth?"
7:00 - oh little faraday, you CAN make time! youre a time traveler!!! but imo you should play the drums!
8:00 - what were the circumstances many eps ago when we saw faraday in a dharma outfit in the orchid? i dont remember what we were watching. only that it was this... i forget the context of the ep tho.
CB Note: This is where I had to explain to Justin the entire beginning of the first ep of the season where we see Chang go to the Orchid station to yell at that guy about the drilling and then he passes a guy and it's revealled to be Faraday. Also, I just went to look back in the blog to post the nuts that I believe both Rachel and I had regarding how that could have happened, and that post is nowhere to be found! I think Justin deleted it to deprive us of our nuts!
RK Note: OMG JN, that was the whole thing in the premiere!! And Caryn and I both absolutely discussed many a theory about how that could have happened and I correctly nutted Dan was in 1977 posing as a member of the Dharma initiative! I allude to it in this post: http://nashsnuts.blogspot.com/2009/02/lost-feb-18-2009.html
9:00 - oh i love it. Faraday stoned up and actually answered "im from the future". and i suppose we are about to learn about the first big event at the swan. please answer my questoin in the last entry tho girls.
CB Note: No, instead I think we need to berate Justin for not paying enough attention to the best show on TV.
RK Note: Justin should have to reread his own blogs as homework before Lost episodes
10:00 - omglol. "dr chang... Miles is your son"
CB Note: So awesome. Can't believe Miles wussed out of confirming.
RK Note: Me too! Miles totally should have confirmed!!!
11:00 - whats dr chang supposed to do! obvi faraday is worried that jack is gonna mess it up i bet dr chang is gonna get killed perhaps... explaining how hes out of miles life.
RK Note: Except Mommy Chang thinks he abandoned her and baby Miles... Hmmmm...
12:00 - caryn nutted that this chick at faraday's graduation was the time travel girl that got mucked up.
13:00 - that widmore grant surprised eloise. why?
CB Note: Cause she didn't know he'd do that? Nut?
14:00 - lol at hurley's "wishy washy"
15:00 - i bet its faraday at the door interrupting the tem meeting.
16:00 - nut.
RK Note: Oy.
17:00 - omg jackin' it up even further. now he wants to go see the hostiles!
18:00 - and eloise is a hostile!!! and they need to find her! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. is she gonna be that girl from the 1950s ep we thought she would be?
CB Note: Duh she's a hostile. I nutted that back in 1954. The episode is also inconspicuously missing for JN's blog.
RK Note: SERIOUSLY, Justin? Please refer to e-mails from January, above.
20:00 - dude, i dont even remember this "faraday crying at the plane crash" scene except now that im seeing it again i sorta remember it happening. and hes visited by widmoooooooooooooooore. omg the condition affects his memory? faraday is sick? it seems like hes sick in the future with memory trouble! htf did he get ok enough to get sent to the island! im so lost. and cb is being mean to me too bc i cant remember stuff.
CB Note: Yes this is when I got fed up that J can't remember a single thing from this show. The whole fun is the remembering!!!! I bet you remember every stupid quest you've done in WOW, but not this stuff?!?! This is when I have to explain to J that yes, we saw the beginning part of the Faraday crying scene before last season when we got our first glimpse into the backstories of the 4 freighter peeps. Then I have to explain to him that Faraday was a scientist at Oxford and did time travel experiments on rats and people (himself and his assistant Theresa) who became "unstuck" and is now bedridden. Obviously whatever he tested on himself cause memory loss, and we (yet not J) did know that he had memory problems since we saw Charlotte playing a memory game with Daniel on the island last season. Please hate on JN now.
RK Note: LOL at CB's exasperation. I sympathize. I have hated on JN so much this blog though I'm starting to feel bad about it.
21:00 - yea, whys this plane crash bothering faraday so much! i KNEW it was widmore that set up the fake, not ben. credit pls.
CB Note: No credit for something we all guessed (and was pretty much proven last ep by Miles mindreading that dead guy who worked for Widmore)
22:00 - i dont see why faraday would be sad. this faraday hasnt met any of the people yet...
CB Note: Maybe he knows deep in his subconscious.
23:00 - was faraday losing his memory every day when he first came to island. oooh, widmore just said the island woudl heal him, locke style.
CB Note: Yes, just like it heals EVERYONE.
24:00 - faraday: "why would you help me?" cb: "luke, i am your father."
RK Note: LOL, and points for Star Wars references.
25:00 - hey, faraday just said it was that girl we thought from the 50s!
RK Note: GROAN at Justin's thinking this is still a nut
26:00 - cb totally just nutted faraday making a "dont come back to the island" charlotte pitstop.
27:00 - faradays totes trying to change things. that cant work. whys chang sending poeple off the island?
28:00 - cb's "lolling" over that "beginner" line.
CB Note: You know, when Kate's handing out the guns. lol.
29:00 - so, am i the only one who immediately thought "i cant belive nobody shot those giant drums of fuel" immediately, and then "finally" when jack got aroudn to.
30:00 - rusedski is a dbag btw. cant wait ot see him get killed.
CB Note: We discussed in a prior blog how he's the guy who ends up pushing the buttons with a partner prior to Desmond's arrival. And he killed himself.
31:00 - things are NOT looking good for jawyer.
RK Note: LOL to jawyer as opposed to sawliet
32:00 - a few things on this faraday plan. first, i believe it was totally nutted by somebody that this buried hydrogen bomb from the 50s woudl totally find later usage. second, im nto sure how i feel about this "hey i can change the past" stuff now...
RK Note: Yes I believe this was nutted by somebody. I think I nutted that Jughead (the bomb) is buried beneath the shadow of the statute, and thus is what lies beneath the shadow of the statute. Not sure if that is right, but I like Faraday's insane plan to detonate a hydrogen bomb to somehow eradicate the electromagnetic forces. I'm no physicist, but... Sounds to me like a recipe for two explosions, or just a super big explosion.
33:00 - re my second question, cb quite legitamtely nuts that faraday's plan will fail, thereby preserving the past. it better, as far as im concerned. im not sure how all this "people are variables" stuff would makes sense anyway!
RK Note: I do NOT like this whole changing of the past thing, because if you can change the past, it could be like the entire show of Lost never happened, and an alternate reality will exist where dead people can be alive and live people can be dead, and Jack, Kate, etc, might never be on the island at all, and are they just going to VANISH to accomodate this alternate reality, and then time and the past would be in constant flux and could change over and over and over again ALL the time and it just would make no sense and make this show as awful as Heroes. I'm going to nut that they TRY to change the past, but it fails every time, and they just wind up going what fate destined them to do all along...
34:00 - "for the first time in a long time, i dont know whats going to happen next". oh eloise.
RK Note: Perhaps because she was only visited in the past with knowledge leading up to the Lost-day present, aka, what Jack and Kate etc know up to 2007 (the present in Lost time) and tell her when they hang out with her in 1977 is all she knows... After that, the future is unknown to her.
CB Note: Second DUH. Nut from way back!
RK Note: Refer to e-mails from JANUARY. Seriously, nutted from three months ago.
36:00 - also.. she sent him back "knowing full well"... knowing WHAT full well?!?!
37:00 - well, i guess we know WHAT she knew full well. however, as for faraday dying, i do NOT like it. aside from him being a great char, i want him aroud nto explain stuff!!!
CB Note: I'm also piiiiiiiiiissed about this development. I really liked Faraday. He was a really interesting character. So the question is...why did Eloise send him back?! She knew she had killed him, so she knew she had to send him? Cause the past has to have happened like it did a la Faraday? Whatever it is, it sucks.
RK Note: Maybe he's not dead? Maybe Richard Alpert can take him to that Temple where they took Ben after Ben was shot and steal his innocence and heal him into an Other just like Mommy and Daddy? If he's dead, SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! And what a mean bad Mommy knowing his whole life she's going to shoot him dead and then forcing him to abandon his dreams of being a pianist and forcing him onto the path of being a scientist who must go to the island and DIE. Worse mom than Sun!
Re next week: how convenient that jack can apparently read the journal instructions!
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