So I finished the chapter with Theon going out hunting for Bran and Rickon. I will say--and you won't believe me probably--that as soon as he started following the wolf tracks, I was like "they're still in Winterfell and this is a trick." Theon is such a jackass. Maester Luwin has convinced him to spare Hodor and the two boys but not Osha. Then he realizes they were leading him on a wild goose chase and he gets pissed. They dont' say it but they suggest that the two are hiding out in the Stark Crypt. Eek. I hope he doesn't hurt them!
CB Note: I will make no comment regarding any possible nuts or raisins or whereabouts of any Stark children. I will agree that Theon is a jackass tho!
JN Note: for obvious reasons, i am contractually bound to not comment on any nuts or raisins that may or may not exist in this post full of Trail Mix. However, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a picture of one or the other in a future blog post...
RK Note: Nut! I also thought they were hiding in the crypts of Winterfell, probably I guess because it was foreshadowed in this!
Next to Jon who is out scouting with Halfhand or whatever. They see a fire in the mountains belonging to some wildings and Jon and one other dude go to kill them before they blow their horn to get help. They climb up with some difficulty but catch the 3 people there (they had thought it was only 2) The third is a chick who Jon won't kill! He takes her captive. When the other people join them they tell him to kill her because they dont' have enough to feed her. Jon goes off to do so but then feels guilty and lets her go. I just hope that doesn't come back to haunt them. Kinda reminds me of the scene in LOTR where Gandalf is like let Gollum go, he has some part to play in this tale. Are wildings like Gollums?
CB Note: Well Gandalf was like, the smartest ever, so mayhaps he knows what he's talking about! The girl wildling's name is Ygritte and she tells Jon an interesting story about Bael the Bard.
JN Note: oh Gandalf! how did you know that Gollum would lead frodo and sam to Mount Doom, and that frodo would ultimately be unable to destroy the ring, and that he would need gollum to inadvertently help him do it?!?! you were os wise Gandalf!! I think the Starks need their own Gandalf! as for Ygritte... lets hope and wonder... and perhaps nut or raisin...
RK Note: Thanks for ruining LOTR for me JN! It is a good thing he let Ygritte go because she will help him live later on! It's not as fun to blog after I've finished the book since I know what happens for the rest of ACOK!
Sansa meeting with her fool-knight who is totally smashed. She is upset because he hasn't gotten her out yet. He notes that all the ships are gone for the war so there is nothing he can do but once he can he has a friend who will smuggle her out. Also, Stannis has arrived on the other side of the river and both sides are burning things. Just hope the imp doesn't resort to the wildfire too soon! Especially now that there's dragons...
CB Note: Yikes!! War is almost upon us!!!!!!!!!!
JN Note: Dontos is like a drunk fraternity brother who hasnt gone to class all semester or studied for the final exam, and now you are counting on cheating off of him as your only way to pass the class and graduate. if i were to make an analogy, id say that sansa relying on dontos is like some kid relying on mm in Trademark...
RK Note: Her Florian really sort of sucks. I like your analogies JN.
Oh, and Sansa is a WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No No...she didn't have a bat mitvah. She has begun her flowering. This should be a joyous time for a young woman. Instead Sanasa is scared what it will mean for her and Joffrey. She tries to hide the evidence but they find her and she ends up havin ga heart-to-heart with Cersei who tells her not to fall in love because it's poison (a sweet poison, but poison nonetheless). I hope Sansa doesn't turn out to be a cold manipulative biotch like Cersei. Plus if she does, Robb better watch out cause she'll go after him...
CB Note: Yes! We've come to my favorite Sansa moment EVER!!! I laughed SO HARD during this scene. Imagining Sansa freaking out, trying to burn her blanket, sheets, and MATTRESS!! I'm laughing now even at the thought of her running amok in her room trying to stuff a feather bead into a fireplace.
JN Note: i swear, on pesach, that cb just busted out laughing in bed at like midnite one nite. and i was all "omg whats she laughing at?" and i looked over and she explained it was this chapter, and i was like "yea that was kinda funny i guess" but she jsut kept laughing and laughing and laughing. she couldnt get over how hilarious it was that sansa actually tried to burn THE MATTRESS. in hindsight, i do indeed think this is funny. but, on a serious note, cb's Red Flower is no joke!!!
RK Note: I felt so bad for Sansa in this part, I was really afraid they'd like whisk her off to marry Joffrey or bed him or whatever right afterwards, no wonder she was scared!! The burning was a bad plan, she should have tried to bury things!! Also I'm sort of fascinated by how women handled menstruating in olden times and/or Song of Ice and Fire-- like before tampax and sanitary napkins, how did women handle that? Like with RAGS shoved in their pants? And women didn't even WEAR pants back in the day! That sounds messy and not very convenient. I don't even understand how it was handled!!!! So glad to live in the modern age.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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