I start with poor Arya working as a servant in Harrenhall. She has to like clean stuff and serve food...this is no job for a lady!! At least she can practice being quiet as a shadow or whatever. She hears all sorts of rumors and is hopeful that one of the captives can help her escape. She is approached by creepy prisoner dude who she let free during the fire and he tells her he will kill 3 people for her since she saved 3 lives. She is hesitant at first but ends up naming one of the mountain's dudes who is telling a story about how they gang raped this poor girl and like laughed about it. He totally deserved to die but I'm not sure this is a good idea. Vengeance is never good! Justice is better!!!
CB Note: You're right LB, that IS not job for a lady!!! PS, baby don't forget to do the laundry when you get home from work! kisses! Oh, Jaqen. 3 lives she has saved. 3 lives she must pay. Arya gets to start killing off her list!! Bye bye Chiswyck! Jaqen is so sneaky, making it look like an accident. Usually I'm also of the anti-vengeance route, but with Arya, I want her to get her revenge! She gets 2 more lives! Insert JN asking "Oh boyz, I wonder who she'll pick next?!?!"
JN Note: "that is NOT a job for a lady" would be the proper syllable emphasis i believe, ma cherie. vengeance is great, what you talkin bout willis?!? as for chiswyck... ill leave him off my prayer before bed tonite. It sure paid off for Arya saving Jaqen! btw, what's arya callin' herself nowadays? as for what JN will ask, cb gets a raisin, bc i will ask this: "Are the ghosts of Harrenhal real?"
RK Note: Arya is calling herself Weasel, like that girl they had with them. Arya is SO the ghost of Harrenhal! Who would you guys pick if you got 3 lives? I'd pick evil terrorists except I'm not sure who they are or where they are or how Jaqen could find them.
Next to Catelyn who is going to try convince Renly one last time to not fight. Sad little scene where she is praying in the sept to all the seven faces or whatever (btw, always found this to be a good little catholicisms reference with the 7 but 1 thing...Father Mellin please insert an explanation here). She goes to talk to Renly and is waiting for him to get armored when she sees this shadow and OMG all of a sudden someone has slit Renly's throat. I was genuinely GENUINELY completely shocked here. I cannot believe Renly is dead. It's that creepy Red Lady who did it! I know it!!! They first accuse what's her face, ugly knight woman, but Catelyn yells that it was Stannis not her and they end up running away. So two things from this...now apparently Catelyn has ugly knight woman on her side, which is a good thing, and no civil war b/w the Baratheons is good for Robb b/c it let's Stannis march on the Lannisters. I just hope Stannis isn't foolish enough to try march on Robb or something. Also have to deal with the Greyjoy's still. Sigh. It's kinda like a game of risk. The key is the Ukraine, and the Ukraine is NOT WEAK.
CB Note: Whatsherface is Brienne. Lol at the Risk reference. "The Ukraine is weak. It's feeble. I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine." So, yea...Renly got killed by a shadow!! How crazy is THAT!
JN Note: What's this 7 faces of catholocism talk? do explain. we "heart" Risk. let's play next game nite! shotgun Black Army of Australia!!! and fyi, the ukraise IS weak. its bordered by asia and europe, and is a stone's throw from greenland and africa. its a TERRIBLE place to be. the only reason to ever send your army to ukraine is to get some chicken kiev. back on topic, whodunnit?! was it hte Lady in Red? Stannis? one of Renly's guard?! i dunno! glad you were surprised - twisties are good for nutting. this was hard to see coming tho, one of the Kings gettin mucked out pretty early. oh renly, if only you hadn't spent your entire reign feasting and tourneying. LB told you it was a bad idea! i am sure the Tyrells will mourn deeply!
RK Note: HOW did Renly get killed by a shadow? I mean it was SO the red woman, but HOW? OMG Dave and I are still involved in a game of Risk for like MONTHS ago that we really should finish. My problem with Risk is it like takes OVER my mind and if I'm in the middle of a game I DREAM about Risk and then I can't sleep soundly. Also on an unrelated note, I walked by the store Bolton's the other day, and my natural immediate thought was "Oh Roose Bolton, and his bastard." Sort of like how when Justin texted me asking if I liked tie-dye, my natural immediate response was "Cupcakes? Yes love them!"
Then to Sansa, who is summoned by Joffrey. Turns out that Robb has won another victory and has killed a number of Lannisters. Hazaaaa! Unfortuantely this means that Joff gets his kingsgaurd to beat Sansa. What an asshole!!! They start doing that and then Tyrion enters and tells Joff that he's a jackass. Wooo. He takes Sansa back to the Hand's tower and treats her but she is upset to be in Arya's old room. Tyrion makes some cryptic remark about how Robb defeated his cousin or whatever but that's not his father and Robb should bend his knee. He also says he would not let Joffrey marry her, which is a good thing. She convinces Tyrion to take her back to her room b/c she doesn't want to stay there and also wants to go see her fool knight in the Godswood. I hope he gets her out of there!!!
CB Note: That was nice of Tyrion to save/treat her! Joff is suuuuuuuuuuch an ass!!
JN Note: gee baby, dont put too much effort into these cb notes or anything... L2spell Huzzah imo, lb. Way to go tyrion! he's just continuing to kick arse and take names. and go Robb! way to keel lannisters! As to Ser Dontos the escape artist, i hope he gets hoppin' on this escape plan, for sansa's sake.
RK Note: Put JOFFREY on my To Kill list please. He is such a DBAG. That Tyrion is something else, I find myself liking him even though he's against the Starks, but he's very compassionate and is just doing his best.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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