Sadly I only read two chapters because of the New Jersey bar CLE crap. Sigh.
CB Note: Just another reason to hate NJ!!!!!!
JN Note: can you guys make sure i dont forget to do my CLE and get disbarred?
Samwise Gamgee, errr, Sam is running away from the fist. He recounts what has happened. Basically, they were attacked by wights on the fist, hundreds and hundreds of them. Sam had been told by Mormont that if they were attacked he was to immediately go and send off ravens with word. He goes to do so but apparently has forgotten to give the ravens the messages. Oh Sam. At some point Sam collapses and falls over and that simple giant dude carries him. Dude is so dumb. He keeps on saying that he wants Sam to give him a raven. When they finally stop, Sam, simple dude, and Grenn (?), they have lost the rest of the party and all of a sudden are attacked by one of the Others. Now i'm confused here because I dont' know what the difference is between wights and the others. Apparently they are different. Don't clarify if this will be sorted out later. Sam stands aside but then charges and stabs one of the Others with the dragonglass and the other dude dies. Apparently dragonglass is Other-cryptonite. Go Sam!!! You ain't no craven!!!!
CB Note: I loved this chapter. Even how it was written. I don't remember the exact line, but it kept repeating something like "Sam takes another step." I don't know, I liked it haha. Small Paul is the simple dude who carries Sam. Hmm, Others versus Wights. I'm kind of unsure about this as well. I'm about to paste their descriptions from the super site we if you don't want to read, skip ahead! Wights are an undead creature with black hands and burning bright blue eyes. That's like the guy who attacked Mormont back at the wall and Jon fought and killed and caused his hand to be injured. Others are a strange race of creatures that live in the Far North. They are tall and gaunt, with pale flesh and deep blue eyes. I guess this means that they are different things. Right? Right?? lol.
JN Note: see my email re the distinction between Others and wights. as for Sam, thank rh'llor he slayed that Other!!!
RK Note: Small Paul!! Sam isn't such a craven after all!!! AWESOME to finally figure out the use for Dragonglass! Seems we could use quite a lot of that right about now!!! I think it was like "Just one more step. One foot in front of the other. Just one more step..." and then he kept taking more steps to keep going. Now I tried to sort out others vs. wights in my A Storm of Swords Entry 1 notes earlier, and my impression was DIFFERENT from the one Caryn just shared! So I guess I was wrong!! Can someone forward me this e-mail from Justin on the distinction between Others and Wights? Thanks!!!
To Tyrion meeting with the counsel. Lotsa revelations, but here are the conclusions:
1- Lannisters have caught wind of the plan to have Sansa marry cripple-Tyrell. Tywin is not amused by this and....he wants Cersei to marry him. Cersei is much less than amused. Tyrion finds this highly amusing but wonders what Jaime will do when he finds out. Silly Tywin, Cersei only sleeps with relatives...
CB Note: Hahahhaahahaha. She's a ho.
JN Note: great comeuppance. she totes deserves the cripple. maybe itll do her good!
RK Note: Cersei is a damn slut, I hope they marry her off to someone terrible and more powerful than her.
2- Littlefinger is to go to the Eyrie to try and seduce whatsherface, Catelyn's sister. If he can marry her and bring her as a Lannister ally this will be a big blow to the Starks. This was obviously Littlefinger's goal all along. He was slighted by the Starks because they wouldn't let him marry Catelyn. He wasn't highborn enough. But now that he has Harrenhal he can. This would be a huuuuuuuuge personal victory for him. I hope it doesn't work out!!!
JN Note: sometimes cb and i just say "craaaaazy lysaaaa" to eachother at random times and start laughing. oh lysa, you so crazy girl! as for Littlefinger, great job by him, he sure is good at this game of throneses!
RK Note: Lol!!! It's a tough journey up to the Eyrie, I keep wondering whether we're going to see it again soon, and whether that goat bastard girl will become important like I thought from book 1!!!!
3- The worst thing ever EVER EVER. Tywin wants Tyrion to marry Sansa. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. First of all, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Second of all, this is just horrible for Sansa. I hope what's his face fool-night can forgive her and get her out before she has to marry the imp!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWW. Tywin tells everyone about Robb's marriage and if Tyrion does marry Sansa he can lay claim to Winterfell. As I mentioned to CB, I audibly gasped as I read this on the subway.
CB Note: Everyone in unison, let's throw out books at Justin!!! That's what I do when I'm unhappy with an event in the book.
JN Note: this was absolutely one of those "im gonna stop reading moments" for cb, and i had to insist she keep going, while at the same time i obvi couldnt tell her nuttin about about sansa and tyrion's future of wedded bliss. Sansa needs to get out of Kings Landing asap. its like i said, she cant seem to escape these lannisters! (great nut by me).
RK Note: I can't believe you want to STOP reading when the twists in the book happen, that's what rivets me so I can't stop reading at all! Anyway I think Sansa could do worse! Tyrion is a decent guy, he's witty and gentle and clever and he means well, and Shae seems to like him well and good. He's a better catch than cruel Joffrey! Sansa should be nicer to Tyrion!!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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