Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 24, 2007 ANTM

i begged for gossip, dsm, or pp. but caryn insisted we watch these hoes.

2:00 - the usual "i miss my ____ scenes." YOU JOINED A REALITY TV SHOW!

3:00 - caryn: she wasnt saying i miss you, just that she wasnt doing well.
CB Note: She wasn't!

4:00 - who is tyson beckford? he's not that famous if i dont know him imo.
CB Note: imdb

4:30 - but apparently, he could doubletap all these girls right now. look at that giant arm tattoo. is he planning on breaking out of prison next month?

6:00 - she is going to makeout with that mango before bed. i hope they show it on tv.

7:00 - they are going to be soooooooooooooooooo bad. wait, let me amend that. sooooooooooooooooooo bad. had to add one more o.

18:00 - howd i fall so far behind again? i should really give up on the times.

19:00 - i read a hardy boys book when i was a kid titled... something no evil.

19:00 - team 1. good idea, poor execution. sounds like a top chef dish.

20:00 - team 3 - i wasnt feeling the yellow face paint on their necklines.

21:00 - yes, bianca was indeed awful. good judging.

22:00 - what's carol's daughter? who is carol?

23:00 - MJ Blige in the hizzy! what what?!?! come on come on! true dat!

24:00 - how far is heather gonna go? im predicting final 5 at least. possible final 3. i could even see her winning.

25:00 - who wouldnt wanna hang out in the closet?

26:00 - well ebony wants to go home. she misses her family. granted, it was ambreal on the phone earlier, but frankly, im still counting it. add it to the nutboard!

27:00 - does every commercial with jaslene make her look worse and worse? is it just me?

30:00 - caryn is mad i made her move on the couch. and that i didnt ff. but i was blogging the awful jaslene commercial!!!

32:00 - predictions on who is going home yet? I'll go with ebony. caryn is still giving me the silent treatment.

33:00 - i liked the paper in the air picture. i hope that gets picked.

34:00 - the way selesha ran away from those falling tires, is like us when we see a bug.

35:00 - jay ripping into ebony. inc nut for me. caryn is claiming she called it, but i asked and she didnt answer. claiming she nutted "in her head".
CB Note: I didn't answer cause you made me move from my super comfy position on the couch! =p

36:00 - i like this raina spanish red in the mouth, but not as much otw down.

37:00 - safe to say ambreal is the other girl in the bottom 2.

38:00 - nigel looks like a total tool in that wig. know why? b/c he *is* a total tool. lets just call him black&decker from now on.

39:00 - tyson beckford is an actor? me: "i dont even know what he's been in." caryn: "bad stuff"

41:00 - id look better than ambreal.

43:00 - i wish they showed us the scenes of victoria talking back to tyra.

44:00 - what was that weight stuff?

45:00 - if that lip snarl is so bad, whyd they pick that photo? lol. she is so cooked.

46:00 - caryn carved the cutest pumpkin last nite btw.

49:00 - tyson got owned. they ran over his opinion.

50:00 - are we gonna find out that sara is purging later this season?!?!

55:00 - i nutted like the entire picture order. fyi.

56:00 - gee, didnt see that bottom 2 coming. oh, wait, yes i did. scroll up for the nutty goodness.

57:00 - Tyra: yada yada yada.

58:00 - whoa. they eliminated ambreal and not ebony. wtf?

58:30 - and now ebony says she doesnt want to be here! will she stay or will she go!?!

59:00 - she quits!

60:00 - tyra: "use your natural talent. take it. own it." me: "W.T.F. does that mean!"

60:10 - im LOLing at myself.

60:30 - ebony "i missed my family." me @ 2:00 "YOU JOINED A REALITY TV SHOW!"
CB Note: It wasn't ebony you were referring to! it was ambreal and she WASN'T talking about missing her family!

61:00 - ohnoes! what happens to heather at the video shoot?!?!

61:30 - we cant watch gossip girl bc we still havent seen last week's. sighmo.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your blogging of this show really enhances my enjoyment of watching it!
pretty please blog tomorrow's big finale of the y&r garage collapse!!!