Monday, October 29, 2007

October 29, 2007 HIMYM

Mike, after pretending to cute Heroes nite, comes through!

1:00 - Rachel thinks tika masala is spicy. indian food is not for her.

2:00 - will Marshall keep his NRDC job or take the job with the evil corporate firm? Like Mike and Lawrence, i predict Marshall will succumb to the dark side!

5:00 - Harold! from harold and kumar! reunited with NPH! dude, i think that next week, we should order in white castle. let's! im psyched.

7:00 - kobe lobster. sounds like something jchien would eat.

8:00 - come to think of it, why did they sign harold for this role? jchien coulda nailed it!!!

10:00 - for the record on the nut front, marshall is gonna be persuaded to take the job, but change his mind by the end of the episode.

24:00 - NUT! marshall accepted the job, then backed out!

26:00 - gah! he took the job after all! i knew it. i was gonna retract the nut.

27:00 - lol at Funland scandals. and he doesnt end up with the job. the nut returns!

28:00 - great concluding text message. i sometimes like to wave to caryn from the facilities.

29:00 - we never use the couch like that.


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