Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oct 17, 2007 Pushing Daisies

Best new show on TV. and top 5 overall. we love it.

1:00 - hilarious with the lightning bug studies. loved catching those as a kid.

2:00 - i cant tell if the gimmick ways they have to touch is adorabl cute, or sickeningly sweet. lol hurricane olive.

3:00 - is salesman gona fall in love with olive?

4:00 - the truth? or the bitchy cross town express? famous quotes: "The bitchy cross town express? YOU CANT HANDLE THE BITCHY CROSS TOWN EXPRESS!"

5:00 - its the funeral guy! i know it!

7:00 - nutted. i LOVE her yellow outfit btw. so cute.

8:00 - "future me is here now and hes got something to say" - lol.

12:00 - mm, happyness in a bottle. i want some.

13:00 - malice aforethought isnt required in all jurisdictions. we just did this in evidence.

15:00 - i like her red dress. i tink they dress he rup like a flower. i love it.

17:00 - this tale is gonna be hilarious.

23:00 - emerson running out when the coffin got stuck was great. will the brother die? or will they open the coffin? i bet the brother dies... then they must revive him.

27:00 - nope, they opened it.

30:00 - pirate metaphors are always apt. "this isnt a doubloon"

31:00 - Whose mind is murder on? the pharma salesman? the brother?

32:00 - whats gonna happen to them from the drugs?!?!

33:00 - Nut inc. theyre gona die from the pie. the guy was trying to poison chuck for olive. if this one is right, im breaking out the (insert name of a large nut here)

34:00 - oh "plight of the abandoned pie. Why is Louis dead?!? who killed him!? how'd he get in the fridge?!?

38:00 - is olive gonna see pictures of Chuck at the aunts' house? (15secs after i wrote it caryn said it out loud)

39:00 - caryn awwwed at the gruyere. well, olive figured it out, but not from a picture.

41:00 - who is setting them up?!?!?!

45:00 - "gonna show that sucker how a sucker gets framed!" why did woodruff frame them?

47:00 - totally shulda been able to nut emerson not fitting! he's like winnie hte pooh! i wish somebody got us a winnie the pooh stuffed pillow or toy fro mDis.

50:00 - i predict the pie maker lives.

52:00 - caryn just noted that emerson is also stuck, jsut like Pooh always gets stuck.

58:00 - great climax!

59:00 - regifters! i wonder if one of the heirlooms is a cigar shop indian?

This show is GREAT! everybdy should be watching it.

1 comment:

Selina said...

I liked the plastic wrap kiss, kinda kinky.

Love her dresses, even though she's going to start looking too much like a cartoon character.

Liked Ned's hair better in episode 1, its more floppy now.

Roommate commented that the narrating of the show is similar to Amelie. I dig that.