Episode 1 was pretty awful. Expisode 2 was a little better. Let's get to it:
01:00 - Addison is locked out of her house in the rain in a nighty. this scene appeals to me, but im not sure why it woudl appeal to all the female viewers, unless this is a fantasy caryn hasnt told me about.
02:00 - it turns out the readon Addison left Grey's was bc of the seattle rain. now that its raining i california, apparently she's gonna put us all out of our misery and rejoin greys.
03:00 - oh it turns out Addison moved to LA for the beautiful people running in slow motion on the beach. I'd consider us lucky if Addison decided to forsake this practice and become a Life Guard.
04:00 - this guy talking to judging amy the psychiatrist. i remember watching him get in a motorcycle accident 2 nites ago and then get pissed on by animals. She's calling him Doug. i think that's wrong. Doug is the councilman. and why is he telling his wife he's getting a divorce? hasn't he already told celia he wants a divorce?
6:00 - in california, its a hoo-ha. not a va-jay-jay. whatever's its called, lets just please not discuss the icky-sticky.
07:30 - here's an unlikely nut--did she try out for the Blue Men Group?
13:00 really, who waits that long?
13:30 - in my HS, all the bandgeeks were having sex with eachother like crazy. there were even lesbian bandgeeks.
15:00 - caryn laffed when addison said "dirty" 3x i 15seconds. he's sad b/c his wife died this week in 2001. nutter-roo.
16:00 - speaking of goalposts, nobody moves them like hte Bush administration.
16:30 - if doug's wife died, id be happy. how am i supposed to care about that subplot?
18:00 - teh japenese was delivered 5miutes ago. the yellowtail scallion roll didnt make it here. and then teh salad was not closed properly and spilled in the bag. and then i had to call up and complain. didnt this already happen...
22:00 - predictoin - these muscle pills will not work on her hoo-ha. will anything work by the end of hte episode though? i predict yes.
22:30 - caryn wants to know why addison hasnt bought an umbrella yet. why is Pizz flirting with the divorced doctor? can't he get a hotter chick? i mean, he was nailing Veronica Mars for cryin' out loud.
23:00 - that didnt take long. the pills didnt work. I'm pretty sure the moral of this story is that you should lose it early and often.
25:00 - pete is totally gonna cure virgin woman.
26:00 - wise words from Pizz: "Figure out what they want, and give it to them." Why do they never want 3-ways?
27:00 - when did the Smurfs join the cast of Private Practice?
27:30 - euphemism of the night; "parting of the red sea."
28:00 - what's a Buddha Complex?
29:00 - mean wife is coughing blood. i still dont care. thats the 2nd time in 3 weeks Judging Amy's storyline has sucked. which is sad, b/c we enjoyed her performance in "The Jane Austen Book Club"
32:00 - missed a trip-ff nut :(
33:00 - what's making the girls blue? i think their dad is papa smurf. that's the best i can come with.
37:00 - saw that wife's death anniversay thing coming a mile away. nut!
39:00 - now seems as good a time as any to mention that caryn and i watched Pete in The Nine last year. on a similar subject, Marie Cruz from PB also was in The Nine. our taste in new shows isnt always the best :(
39:30 - while we're at it, i would like to predict that the detective in Pushing Daisies is the bank manager from the Nine. i knew he looked familiar. Nut me a river baby!
44:00 - trip-ff nut. redeemed.
45:00 - imdb nut.
46:00 pete cured her. did i predict that 21 minutes ago? yes, yes id did.
48:00 - this "i can talk to you about the records in front of Doug, but its confidential do you still want me to" is such bs. That should totally be a violation of doctor-patient privilege. he's so telling Doug that she's hiding something. If i was her lawyer, I'd sue the doctors.
49:00 - Doug's gonna stay with her. i still don't care. the most interesting thing about this plot for me was the ethical privilege issue and impending lawsuit. i don't think thats what Shonda was going for.
50:00 - i forgot to mention that it turns out they did give us that Yellowtial Scallion roll. but instead of 3 rolls in each boc, there was 4 in 1 and 2 in the other. and in the 4, the 4th roll was packed sideways, and the seaweed blended in with the black tray. so, yea, i'm pretty sure this already happend.
54:00 - Caryn's friend Sonia and her boyfriend are here now to watch Grey's and Dirty Sexy Money. we bought a bottle of Riesling. a new one, it snot bad. caryn and sonia are drinking rum and coke out of martini glasses. high class.
55:00 - caryn forgot to tape 30 rock again. good thing i reminded her at 8:31. sometimes this incompetence frustrates me. i hope caryn doesnt read this post.
57:00 - Naomi's cake tirade sounds like a Meredith monologue.
58:00 - i didnt see this coming. it turns out that Pete did not love his wife. he hated her.
59:00 - im supposed to think that Kellerman telling Judging Amy to "be a man" is funny. get it? b/c she's a woman. i get it. but its not funny.
60:00 - when does this show get cancelled? January? April? I'm predicting that it does not make it to season 2. put that nut in the bag.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
10 years ago
ahem. last thursday when 30 rock didn't tivo i wasn't able to go a week in advance to set it to tivo. BIG DEAL! Mike Mellin got us a copy of the show immediately anyway! Good going Mike Mellin!
Oh, and I was drinking a vodka, cran and sprite, not a rum and coke. Out of the AWESOME stemless martini glasses my sister-in-law got me. Useful for wine or mixed drinks!
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