Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oct 10, 2007 Dirty Sexy Money

This could be our second favorite show of the new season. its not good good, but its not bad. its good enough for us to stick around for now.

2:00 - i sooo knew that that "i dont want to be bothered" would be a "problem." counts as a nut.

5:00 - i love samaire. but this natalie girl is smokin'. worst euphemism of the week: "you dont mind when i put in too much banana."

08:00 - word of the night: "twintuition"

10:00 - lesson of the week: don't sleep with guys who "sound 50% like a dude"

11:00 - "you never made a sex tape?" "you mean a mix tape?

12:00 - samaire is a vrgin. im nutting it right now, after the "impossible" and "can i tell you something"

12:20 - BAM!

13:00 - "why do i pretend to be a slut? b/c its easier." Samaire has won my heart. again. if i were seth, i'd travel back in time and pick anna over summer. that whole interrogatoin scene was terrific.

15:00 - remind me to google the "reverse italian baker."

15:30 - caryn and sonia think the tape is of tripp. i think this is a decent guess. tripp and his wife? tripp and somebody else? mrs. trip and nicky's dad???

19:00 - reverse italian baker.

20:00 - caryn and i guessed last week that tripp didnt know of the affaire, he oly suspected. the face he made when the code worked indicated such.

22:00 - samiare is playing cats in the cradle with that string i think. i used to love that game!

22:30 - and everyone is wrong. the sex tape is karen's.

24:00 caryn and sonia think that nick is gonna cheat on hsi wife with karen. i disagree. kissing, mayyyyyybe. full fledged consensual nutting? absolutely not.

25:00 - midway, im loving this show. good scene with nicky and karen also.

25:30 - oh it was the italian banker. It exists!

27:00 - great scene with the sex tape blackmailer.

33:00 - lol the cop has to take somebody in, too many witnesses. and th driver says he's got it, b/c he's used to it.

36:00 - provocative thought of the day - "how come the sponge eats burgers under water and the buns dont get soggy?"

45:00 - "is he wearing a purple leather suit?" "oh yea....."

46:00 - predictoin: Samaire will learn that her twin is nutting natalie. then she'll be upset. Samaire! youre twintuition is never off!!!

49:00 - DSM Trivia: Who was the 2001 winner of the Miss Gay Continental U.S.A. national pageant for female impersonators, held every Labor Day in Chicago, Illinois? Answer

51:00 - 5 minutes ago, when i made that nut, i didnt realize it would come true so fast.

53:00 - sonia and caryn claim to recognize the asian wife. the tennis pro in weeds, among other things.

58:00 - ooh simon Elder bought teh sex tape. what does it mean?!?! why did he buy the tape really, you ask? i think it was b/c he wanted to see Karen doing the reverse italian baker.

I'm pretty high on this show atm.


1 comment:

Caryn said...

First Problem:
15:30 - Sonia and I both thought that the tape would end up being Nick's father and Mrs Darling, we never said we thought it was Tripp

24:00 - We said that we thought Nick would come CLOSE to cheating on his wife at some point down the line, but end up not doing it.

You've got to learn to listen!!!!