cb has a Davos chapter coming up tonite after Lost. just fyi.
1:00 - we are back on the island, after being off last week.
2:00 - miles says "id say its way before that" and they all turn and look somewhere. 1 second later im all "the statue... the statue... the statue..." and then... BOOMSHAKALAKA!!! i was throwing Hamlet around the room in celebration of my totally awesome nut!! w00tah! kindly note that i mentioned the statue in a blog 4-5 weeks ago i think, when we saw that temple, as part of the ancient civilization. thats why i had it in my mind, and nutted it out. OINK!
RK Note: I nutted that too! But I also think it was on my mind because you mentioned the statute in a previous blog, so you get credit. Also how awesome would it have been if we had gotten to see them spend a longer time in the ancient time with the full statute! Also, the time on the beach with the flaming arrows, could that also have been the ancient past? Are the ancient peoples the ones the Others are descended from?
CB Note: I don't think this is a particularly good nut, I think it was fairly obvious to all.
3:00 - ooh, so will we find out what the wheel did? they look in pain. the well is back! headaches are cured!! bummer for charlotte she didnt last another 30minutes... huh?
RK Note: Sucks for Char! It makes MUCH more sense that now that Locke turned the wheel back the flashes would stop, except if the flashes stopped 3 years ago, how is it that Jack, Kate, Hurley, etc, on the plane, flashed 3 years later?
4:00 - so if the flashes are over, why'd the Oceanic 6 get flashed off the plane? obvi they cant really be over, right?
RK Note: Ditto ditto ditto
CB Note: Well, since the island is in 1977 currently, perhaps it wasn't so much as a normal flash, but more like a time warp, where they were moving from their current time into 1977 time over the island. The flash they experienced could have been like the last flash the islanders experience bringing them from ancient times to 1974 (they said it was a different kind of flash). The flash would still have taken our Losties from the plane to the island, just like it did with the island Losties.
5:00 - "as long as it takes" - nutted it.
CB Note: I'm so over these obvious/ridiculous "nuts" of yours.
6:00 - omg they just went to "3 years later". they're not gonna have the Losties be on the island for 3 years now?
RK Note: Please see RK notes from a few weeks ago where I nutted that the way we saw Jin in the Dharma suit and Dan in the wheel room was that they stayed in the Dharma time period for a very long time without flashing out and were posing as Dharma members for an extended stay. NUTTED it way back when!!! (See February 18th Lost blog, 63:00, RKNote)
CB Note: My post from the Feb 18 said the same thing as well.
7:00 - why is this guy dancing? i thought he was paralyzed and playing murderball with jason street on Friday Night Lights?
8:00 - lol polar bear reference. yes, we know you never bothered explaining that.
RK Note: I love that they talked about the polar bears
CB Note: Well we know that they used polar bears in some of their experiments, perhaps involving seeing how animals react in different climates than those they're bred in? That might be of importance. We know they used a polar bear for some sort of time/space travel type experiment, since Charlotte discovered the bones of one in Tunisia.
9:00 - wtf is happened? whose the guy they are gonna wake? who is horace? who is that girl they had to rush out of there? when the f is it - 3 years later, but dharma people. are the Losties fixed and and stopped time traveling but back in the 70s we guess?
RK Note: First off, I immediately nutted that the guy they were going to wake was Sawyer. And yes the Losties must have stopped time traveling back in the good old Dharma days. Why do I remember Horace? He seems so familiar to me, I swear we saw him in a past flashback to Dharma times or something... Or was there a point in the past where someone got a Horace jumpsuit? Remember the episode where we saw Ben come to the island as a child with his dad? I swear we saw Horace during that episode when they came off the submarine and Ben's dad got his jumpsuit and was told to be the janitor or something. Also didn't the Losties, at some point, while they were all still on the island after the Oceanic crash, find a Dharma jumpsuit that said Horace on it, when they were first finding the Dharma stations and stuff? Or like a skeleton wearing a jumpsuit that said Horace? Horace is SO FAMILIAR TO ME.
CB Note: First of all, we said that they stopped time traveling and are stuck in the 70s 2 weeks ago. J, you're slow. Secondly, Horace has been a big DHARMA figure in many prior episodes:
1. Horace and his wife (not the woman from this episode) were in the states when they stumbled upon Ben's parents - his mom giving birth to Ben on the side of the road and they stopped and tried to help.
2. Horace is the one who brought Ben and his dad to the island to work for DHARMA. He's the one who met them when they came and handed Ben's dad his uniform.
3. Horace is part of the purged DHARMA people when the others gas them all, Ben sees Horace on a bench and closes Horace's eyes.
4. Locke sees Horace in a dream, where Horace is chopping down the same tree over and over again and wiping blood from a nosebleed. Horace says he is building himself a cabin (for jacob presumably) and that he's been dead for 12 years. He tells Locke that he needs to find Horace in order to find Jacob and his cabin. Locke finds Horace's body in a mass grave pit (the same pit where Ben had previously shot him and left him for dead) and in the pocket there's a map of where to find the cabin.
10:00 - we both got sawyers voice. GREAT TWIST!!! also, was totally nuttable in advance unfortunately. -> explains how we saw faraday in the Wheel room in the season premiere, and jin in a dharma uniform a week or 2 ago!!! howd they infiltrate dharma? whats their plan? oh man its gonna be aaaaaaaaaaawesome!!!
RK Note: As discussed above, I totally nutted this weeks ago!
11:00 - if they are hanging out in the 70s or 80s how are our people in present time gonna find them though?
RK Note: They're in the past with them! That's how Jin found them while driving the Dharma van wearing the Dharma suit! They flashed off the plane AND back in time! Awesome!!!!
CB Note: Yea seriously, why are you so slow??? Rachel and I have been all over this.
12:00 - fyi: if our Losties are in the past with dharma... THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND BEN AS HIS YOUNGER SELF!!! i will be super impressed if the writers choose to address this possibility. i mean, if i were sawyer, id totally go to young ben and tell him whats what... i think the writers will just ignore it though.
RK Note: This is a great point, and how could the writers ignore it? The only possibility is that Ben's not on the island yet at the time period that they are living there. We know Ben was 8 or 9 years old when he came to the island with his dad, but we don't know for sure what year it was... And then I think he was maybe 17 or 18 when he gassed all the Dharma people to death and got in cahouts with Richard Alpert and the Others... And I think we know he gassed the Dharma people in the late 1980s or early 1990s? So he would have been on the island as a child for 10 years before that... So let's say he gassed the Dharma people in 1989 when he was 18... He would have arrived as an 8 year old to the island in 1979.... And Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Jin are infilitrating Dharma in 1974... So Ben wouldn't be there yet. Even 3 years later, it's 1977.... so if Ben came to the island after 1977, they wouldn't encounter him. It is possible timeline-wise that Ben could be there, but it will be up to the writers to decide if they want everyone to find childhood Ben, or if they want the time overlap to be such that Ben arrives after all the Losties manage to leave the time period, which I presume they do manage to figure out and get back to the present day.
CB Note: The purge happened in 1992, Ben came to the island around the age of 10. Lostpedia puts the timeline of Ben getting on the island at an estimated 1977/78, which would mean it probably hasn't happened yet, would be happening soon. It would be an interesting twist for sure. What if they all just stay within DHARMA and end up being part of the Purge? Would be kind of trippy. We know that they can't change the future, so there wouldn't be any way to prevent the purge from happening. Of course, they could just leave the islane or return to present day somehow before the Purge. Also, it still trips me out that little Ben and present Ben could be on the island at the same time.
13:00 - cb just predicted a pregnancy death immediately. good one babe!
CB Note: What are you talking about? I didn't predict death, I believe all I said was "uh oh" just noting that in the past (well, future really) all women who get pregnant on the island die. Stop misquoting me!
14:00 - charlotte didnt flash bc she was dead maybe?
RK Note: That's what I think, that the dead don't flash
CB Note: Duh.
15:00 - daniel is wondering whether to tell her what he apparently told her... -> circular theory of time - future taking into account past. he cant not tell her - its just like mama faraday told desmond.
RK Note: Exactly, he has to tell her as a child, because we know he did in the future.
16:00 - lol juliet and the beach issue. i love her. <3 style="color: rgb(204, 51, 204);">RK Note: WHY were they trying to kidnap or kill her?!?! Was it for her baby? Were the Others obsessed with the babies and pregnancies even then? Is it an issue specifically to the OTHERS not being able to have babies on the island, and the Dharma ppl don't have that problem? Although if the Others couldn't have babies, you'd think they'd be extinct. Unless, like Richard Alpert, lots of them don't age....
CB Note: This happened in 1974, she didnt have her baby til 1977. So unless there was another pregnancy that was never spoken of again, I don't think this had anything to do with babies.
19:00 - i wonder if the girl is significant... at first i guessed rousseau when the scene opened. my only other day is the girl from the 1954 episode, just 20 years older.
CB Note: I still don't understand why you didnt recognizer her as the SAME woman from before...
20:00 - Role Models commercial - watch it mm if you havent seen it yet.
21:00 - this ep is soooo good. how could we watch Heroes after this?
22:00 - also, btw, i nutted pregnant girl was Michelle Dessler from 24.
RK Note: Great nut! I thought she looked familiar but didn't recognize her with red hair!!!
23:00 - missed it. i guessed "her son." cb is lambasting my guess :(
RK Note: What are you referring to?
CB Note: the dead guy, Paul. Her husband. That she was having a picnic with and the Others killed. Justin guessed that he was her son. Yea, that 30 year old.
24:00 - HAHA. "im a professional, i used to lie for a living" - love it.... thats good one liner joke writing.
25:00 - more lol at juliet. dessler totally tried to kill them, but juliet was having none of it. brilliant scene again. dessler is all "omg how did they know wtf is happening?!"
26:00 - trixxy trixxy with those ear plugs!! i bet she learned that from jack bauer...
RK Note: Really? Ear plugs is all you need to get through the sonic fence? Can't the Others figure that out?
27:00 - if her husband died, whose baby is this? i was totes gonna guess sawyer, until that doctor told us it was horace's.
28:00 - has there ever been a sexier mechanic than juliet?
29:00 - what was sawyer and juliet's "agreement"? good argument sawyer - maybe its still safe in this time period... i was thinking the problem with juliet helping was more gonna be "how does this mechanic know how to do a c-section?"
CB Note: The "agreement" was obviously to forget their previous lives and just live as the people they are now, with DHARMA.
30:00 - i wonder if dessler knows the truth about them? whyd she want juliet to do it?
31:00 - "juliet?" "pulled her out of retirement" lol. how is jin looking for their people?
CB Note: No mention of how much better Jin's english is getting!
32:00 - sawyer's "clean" hair kinda annoys me.
33:00 - haha! brilliant sawyer! way to drop the Black Rock name as the ship you were searching for! what a con man!
34:00 - lol at miles and his "hes prolly trying to explain time travel by now..."
35:00 - baby charlotte is so cute! i wonder whats gonna happen... Others attack?
CB Note: That also may not even be her. When Charlotte came to the island, Ben knew everything about her because of his spy, Michael, on the boat. He claimed she was born in 1979. Now, that may have all been a lie or false information, or Charlotte's mom changed her birth information once they got off the island (perhaps due to the fact that it was a different year when they got off the island than when they were on the island). But, the girl on the island would have been born in about 1969 if she was that age in 1974. Just saying.
36:00 - cb just nutted richard. whats he gonna do?!
37:00 - horace knows richard! richard can walk through the fence! what was the truce! sawyer broke it by killing the 2 guys!!
RK Note: Does Richard just have a pair of earplugs? Or is there something more to this?
38:00 - whoa... sawyer talking to richard... would be epic. oh yeaaaaaaaa. im on the edge of my seat.
39:00 - sawyer called him "hoss". we used to say "what up hoss?!" back in HS!
RK Note: What does that mean exactly?
CB Note: I think he called him "boss"
40:00 - oh yeaaaaaa. Sawyer is Fing with richards head. mentioned the bomb. Bald locke. amazing!!! richard must be trippin'...
RK Note: This scene was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
41:00 - wish they talked more about stuff :(
RK Note: Me too!!!
42:00 - why do the Others want pauls body? whyd they want to kill her and him? i hope we find out one day.
CB Note: Very odd.
43:00 - i is that wooden cross that looks like a female reproductive symbol significant?
CB Note: It's an ankh, an Egyptian symbol that symbolizes eternal life. The statue they saw also was holding one in each hand.
44:00 - think sawyer and juliet are together in the 3 years later time? or him and dressler? i think him and juliet is so funny - first him jack and kate, now him jack and juliet.
RK Note: What a great love quadrangle!!!!
CB Note: Yes I had thought Sawyer and Juliet would be getting together, since they were on the island together basically alone for 3 years. Also, I dont know what your obsession with Dressler is, you've mentioned her and Sawyer together like 5 times in this blog. She's with Horace, what don't you get?
45:00 - i know cb would pick sawyer over jack. fyi, id pick juliet over kate. back in season 1, that would have been blasphemous, kate was so hot then. but juliet is so smart and badass and cool. the actress is great. cb is not happy about juliet kissing sawyer. she wants sawyer+kate and juliet+jack
RK Note: I want Kate & Jack and Juliet & Sawyer!!!!!!!!!
CB Note: Kate & Saywer, Jack and & Juliet, please.
46:00 - cb is telling me stuff all of a sudden about horace and ben. i remembered none of it, but i see the lostpedia wiki open on her comp. ill let her cbnote all this relevant information.
RK Note: See above how I have distinct Horace memories, I will count on Caryn to lostpedia it and figure out what the heck it is I am remembering vaguely
CB Note: Apparently Justin thinks the only reason I remember things is because I check them out on lostpedia. Everything I mentioned about Horace to Justin last night and wrote above already I had remembered, I gathered more details from lostpedia to better explain for everyone.
47:00 - cb nutted that he found the necklace before horace pulled it out.
48:00 - cb didnt take long to see the "3 years to get over somebody" parallel, yelling out NOOOOO out of anger that sawyer has abandoned kate.
49:00 - sawyer got that call, and it sounds like something got found, so i said to cb "oh didnt we see jin finding somebody?!" and she started insulting me! after i made a nut!!
RK Note: This was a totally obvious nut! Clearly the second we saw this episode was of Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Jin infiltrating Dharma for 3 years, we knew that the episode would END with Jin finding Hurley, Jack and Kate, and a reunion.
CB Note: Another Duh. And I started insulting you cause you couldn't even remember who Jin had found.
50:00 - i bet cb is gonna start tearing at this sawyer-kate reunion. ill let you know if i nutted it in a minute...
51:00 - DAMMIT!!! they ended the ep, instead of giving us a minute of longing looks, followed by a hug and passionate kiss. cb totally woulda been a pile of mush. instead, she is throwing stuffed animals (hamlet, pookie, quackers) around the room in frustration that the ep ended, lol.
great great ep. sooooo good. cant believe we have to wait 2 weeks :(
Late Note: a) we decided to watch House. b) how did jack kate and hurley flash? if the flashing stopped. my best guess is that Losties all had a "flash to current island in time location" and flashed off, and the other people crashed in the present. but i dont think that works unfortunately, bc frank would flashed, and he was on the beach with the plane people last ep i think.
RK Note: I also cannot figure out how there was still flashing 3 years later, and how Kate, Jack and Hurley managed to flash but no one on the island flashed. I guess because people move and not the island? Kate, Jack and Hurley were caught in a surge moving through time somehow, but not others on the plane? i don't get it....
CB Note: I already talked about this issue earlier. See minute 4:00.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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