Jon is up at the wall now and he is realizing that it is not what he had thought it was going to be. He is better than all the kids he's training with and they all hate him. He tries to go with his uncle on a ride but Benjen is a different person when he's at the wall. Then two of the kids come in and pick a fight with Jon and he hurts one of them and gets in trouble, but the dude who comes to talk to him teaches him a lesson--he's acting like he's better than these kids and that's why they don't like him. He has learned his lesson. But now at the end Benjen has not come back and everyone thinks he's dead. (I don't think he's dead. He's going to come back way later in the book...)
JN Note: No comment on this Benjen MIA-ness. The Wall sucks. its all criminals and rapers mostly. Tyrion was telling Jon the truthizzle. I believe it was Donal Noye who told him that lesson. Donal used to serve the Baratheons i believe, until he lost a limb in a battle. Know who is a total dbag? Ser Alliser. that momo makes Joff look nice.
CB Note: Truthizzle? What is with your little language? Also, I don't know if ANYONE could make Prince Pansy look nice.
RK Note: Why don't I have any thoughts whatsoever about this book?
Next we're down south with Ned who goes to his first meeting with the council. Apparently the king wants to throw a tournament and Ned finds out that Robert has spent all of the treasury and the king is in heavy debt (mostly to the Lannisters). I just hope they don't raise taxes. The Dems always get in trouble when they raise taxes and then we get a Republican administration and look where that left us! After the council meeting Littlefinger leads Ned to Catelyn at some brothel and she tells him about what's been up. She wants to see the girls but he won't let her b/c people would recognize her and he sends her off back to Winterfell. He tells her to prepare for war. you know Robert isn't gonna believe his wife is doing all these bad shennanigans and there's gonna have to be a fight!!!
JN Note: well put LB! they'll just decide to let Littlefinger figure it out i bet. Robert does sometimes act like the Boy King though. aka Dumbya. I remember that brothel scene being pretty funny. Something about Littlefinger telling Ned he needed to leer a little more. I'm gonna call Shenannigens on rk soon, if she doesnt get readin'. Should we tell Ceilidh to start reading tonite?
CB Note: Was I the only one hoping for Ned and Catelyn to make better use out of their room in the brothel??
RK Note: Am I the only one who is NOT as into this book as they are into Lost?
Next we're back at the wall with Tyrion who is meeting for the final time with the wall's commander. Turns out the wall is not in good repair and there are no good men to defend it! This does not bode well!!! The winter is coming and we've already had one glimpse of the Others! Hopefully Tyrion can get someone to send support up there! Then Tyrion meets with Jon one more time. Jon is doing better and helping some of the other kids learn how to fight. Tyrion is going back to Winterfell and asks Jon if he has a message for him.
JN Note: Question: Are we human, or are we dancer? Westeros is gonna be in trouble if the Others attack and theres not enough people to defend the Wall!! who wants to live up there though? if its anything like how cold it was in New York yesterday... pshaw.
CB Note: Was the Killers song really applicable here? Also, why do they trust the whole realms security on criminals? Seems like they're asking for trouble really.
RK Note: Someone might have to hint to me what sort of nuts are being seeded or something to keep me remotely interested in reading this
Next back to Arya who is pissssed. She hates it there down South and she is not talking to her sister. She picks a fight at the dinner table and storms off. (Btw, this Septa teacher woman pisses me off!) Arya goes to her room and looks at needle and thinks of home when her dad comes in. He talks to her about how they need to be a family b/c the winter is coming and they have enemies. A revelation here: I didn't realize that they had sent her direwolf off to save it from the Queen. Nut: Arya's direwolf will come back and save her at some point. Ned is such a good dad! He knows how to talk to Arya an the next morning she is feeling better and she gets to go to her first sword lesson! She's a real bad-ass and is gonna end up fighting in some important battle later in the book!
JN Note: Answer - My sign is vital, and my hands are cold. Cb just asked me if i liked her hair for tonite. i told her it looked kind of tomboyish - Arya-esque imo. hawt! Uh oh, its 7:07. we have to go. Noting will be finished later!!!
JN Note Cont'd: Nymeria is totes MIA. where has that wolf got to??? that sounds more like a justin nut than a real nut, btw.
CB Note: Now we all know why we weren't early to dinner on Saturday! Also is a brain in one's hair really tomboyish? Arya has messy hair, I don't know if I like being compared to that.
RK Note: I like the name Nymeria. I think these chapters are lacking in twincest and incest, I was more riled up about the book when that was going on.
Back to Dani. She hated her new life at first, which consisted of riding and very uncomfortable sounding blisters (eek) and then sex with Mellin, who prefers the whole doggy style thing. (Whatever floats your boat I guess!) But, she gets used to it and then, the best scene so far, her annoying evil brother comes to yell at her and because she is now the queen or whatever they call her in this language people offer to kill him and instead she makes him walk behind the horses (which is a huge insult!) As I already said to J, I think, unfortunately, the brother is a big enough prick that he's gonna do something bad. Dani realizes that her brother is never gonna retake the throne. She is starting to grow up! And then we find out she is pregnant at 14! crazy! Babies having babies!!! I hope that they have a Planned Parenthood out there!!!
JN Note: The Khal likes to mount his women like he mounts his horses. duh. that was a great scene! however, im worried that Dany might have woken the dragon!!! eep!!! They don't have planned parenthood back then. they dont even have contraception! all they have is moon tea.
CB Note: Babies having babies! When will the madness end?!?! I will tell you, the starting so young thing is NOT cool with me in this book. I don't care if your flower HAS blossomed. You're too young!
RK Note: So THIS was insane, she's 14 years old and she's all boldly riding him in the moonlight and then gets preggers? Babies having babies, what a travesty!!!
Finally we're back to Winterfell and Bran is depressed because he can't do anything he used to and he has to sit up all day with Old Nan who tells him stories. Hillarious scene with the simple giant stableboy "Hodor" (apparently that's not his real name but he says it all the time so they just started calling him that). Then Tyrion arrives from the wall. Robb is still getting used to this whole diplomacy thing and they have some words and then Robb, Bran, and Rickon's direwolves try to attack Tyrion and they call them off. Tyrion has designed a saddle that Bran can use and we end the chapter with a rather touching scene between Bran and Robb talking about how Bran will be able to ride out to meet Catelyn comin back home and also up to the wall to see Jon. Awwww brothers. How sweet!
JN Note: Hodooooooooooooooooooooor. one day i tried saying nothing but "hodor" all day, but cb din like it. shocker. that tyrion, what a good guy! or is he? hmmmmm. i never knew LB was such a sap, btw. All in all, good work today LB, keep it up. lets hope Cales doesnt let us down on that flight to San Francisco. oh, was there any elbow suckling in the elevator?
CB Note: That's not true! =p Oh Hodor. What a weird thing to always say.
RK Note: This was funny, Hodor not being his real name made me laugh
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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