Well, with nothing to do in Springfield, NJ, I read...a lot. Enough to finish the book. I'm not gonna go chapter by chapter because it's to much. Just a few general thoughts.
JN Note: fortunately for the readers of this blog, i will take it upon myself to go back and make sure that notable events are properly noted. Also, can we get a Clash of Kings picture in here LB?
RK Note: I find it EXCEPTIONALLY disappointing that LB did not even do a long blog entry after I waited and waited for over 300 pages since the last entry to discuss the details of this book, and am now being left in the cold!
CB Note: No clue why I didn't note this originally, so I suppose I'll do it now. In LB's defense, he read those last 300 pages in a like a day and a half. That can be overwhelming to blog about!
LB Note: I would comment, but since I wrote this blog several months ago, I am unsure how to respond...
JN Note: lets just hope LB steps it up and blogs the last 300 pages of ASOS soon! They make the last 300 pages of AGOT look like The Bernstein Bears.
First, I feel some pity for Sansa, though not too much. I was so pissed off at that dumb ass little snot Joffrey when he told her that he did in fact show pity on Ned--he could have made the death much more painful and drawn out. I hope that someone kills Joffrey in the next book and soon. Better yet, don't kill him, something that would absolutely humiliate him. Ugh.
JN Note: Poor poor Sansa. First she runs and tells cersei. then joff promises her not to kill Ned. Something tells me life wont be all knights and tourneys and flowers and Ser Loras from now on... Joff... well... he's only like 12 or 13 i think, 14 maybe, but he sooooo deserves to die. i hope he gets what's comin' to him!
RK Note: Joff is one evil douchebag, is all I have to say! AND a dumb one at that, since Cersei and Tywin all agree that beheading Ned was a stupid move and lost their chance of leverage at trading hostages for Jaime. But Sansa was a vapid little idiot for running to Cersei in the first place and also for siding with Joff about the incident with the direwolves that led to Lady being killed-- Sansa sure would be better off if she'd had her direwolf around, don't you think? She could have sicced him right on Joff! She SO should've pushed him off that ledge when she had the chance when he forced her to look at all the heads on spikes. He's so cruel!
CB Note: So....no discussion of the sadness about Ned dying?! I don't know about you guys, but I cried...
LB Note: I still cry...
JN Note: i expected a lot more rk commentary on how she half nutted ned having to be killed uring a long winded email or previous blog. and some sadness and remorse. rk is heartless!
I was very upset that the Khal died and even more so that Dany made this horrible bargain killing her baby in order to give the Khal a half-life. (Khal's life was kinda like Voldemort after he split his sole or whatever). The thing with the dragon eggs. Wow. I wonder if she is gonna fly in and try to take the thrown or end up takin someone's side. Also, found out that the maester at the wall is actually her relative. Does this lessen her claim to the thrown?
JN Note: i totally didnt see the Maegi Mirri Maz Dur being traitor to Dany when Dany was trying ot be nice. so sad about the Drogo, despite hte age difference, since they were actually a good relationship in the end. Fortunately, Dany's no dummy, and she knew that its blood for blood, life for life, and she won out in the end! i thought the Dragons born chapter was awesome, and a great end, but cb was surprisingly down on the chapter. or just didnt think it was as awesome as i did. i think its bc shes a lame girl or something. As for what Dany will do next... start reading Clash of Kings! That is Maester Aemon up on the Night's Watch. Also, Throne is spelled Throne, not Thrown x2. Maester Aemon's story is told at the end of book 1, and maybe more to follow, but he does not threaten her claim -> Maesters are servants, Night's Watch serves for life and gives up all their claims and doesn't take part in regular wars - his story gets told so that you can study what Jon does in comparison to him.
RK Note: LB slipping a little with "Sole" and "Thrown" x2! Now I can see why he graduated second in our law school class, Joe Mueller would never have made such errors. :-P Anyway being in the Nights Watch means you give up all other familial ties and stuff so Maester Aemon won't have anything to do with a claim for the throne. I REALLY hope Dany can fly on the dragons when they grow up, sort of like if they were hippogriffs! It reminds me a lot of the dragons in Harry Potter, which were awesome (book 4, my favorite of all the HP books). I was SO SAD Drogo died, Dany really loved him after that first sweet night of unbraiding his hair and making love, and I also did NOT see it coming that the Maegi Mirri Maz Dur was going to be an awful evil TRAITOR. Dany SAVED her, as best she could when she got there, and was such a heroine rescuing those women from being gang raped and murdered, and the Maegi repays her like this?!?! That evil whore. I am so glad Dany burned her at the stake, she deserved it! But oh Drogo, so tragic, so sad that most of the 40,000 men of the khalasar just deserted when he was sick. So let's talk about the baby that came forth from Dany's womb, Rhaego... It sounds like he looked like a DRAGON, with his batlike wings and stub tail... Was Dany going to give birth to an actual DRAGON all along? And he just died from going into the tent of death with the Maegi and trading his life for Drogo's life, but would have been born a dragon anyway? Or was he like a real baby inside of Dany but then died and turned into a weird dragon in the trade of life for life? I mean, WEIRD, people giving birth to dragons, sort of like people giving birth to litters of rabbits (I hope Mike Mellin reads this blog for that reference!). Anyway I was like super disappointed with the book's ending UNTIL reading the last chapter with the dragons being born!!! I think that is AWESOME, Dany KNEW there was warmth inside those eggs and something special, and I LOVE that the dragons hatched! I hope those dragons are as loyal as direwolves and I hope they grow to be big and strong and firebreathing and I hope she flies in on them to the Red Keep and they breathe fire on Joffrey and all the Lannisters and kill them and melt the Iron Throne! I am rooting for Dany to take the throne, Joff needs to be unseated and the Lannisters suck, and the Starks/Tullys don't WANT the Throne, the Starks should just be Kings of the North and rule Winterfell, and I hear bad things about Stannis and Renly Baratheon and I think Stannis is up to something shady with his inaction, and even though Stannis has the "true claim" to the throne, its only because they had a coup and killed the Targaryen king, so I think Dany is the one with true rights to the throne and I hope she wins!
CB Note: Yikes there's a lot of writing up there. So I'll start with the fact that I don't really get why you're so disappointed with the ending of the book. I actually was thrown off by Dany's chapter at the end cause of its weird sci-fi-ness. Anyhoo. I don't think Dany was always going to give birth to a dragon, I think it would be a regular boy except that she went into the tent when Mirri was doing her stuff.
LB Note: Had I gone to Cardozo when it was Tier 1, I'd know how to spell better. Concur with CB.
JN Note: first off, HOW THE TIDES HAVE TURNED since those days of "ewww hes 40 and shes 13"!!!!! second, the baby was likely normal til mirri took a life for a life. Dany has to learn to not be so trusting! these maegi are bad news! her handmaidens told her so - it is known after all! As for the Baratheons, maybe they will be some of the Kings Clashing next book....
There's gonna be some sort of conflict with teh Others from north of the wall and something has got to happen. Perhaps some sort of temporary alliance? Winter is coming!
JN Note: I'm pretty sure this is a contender for Most Obvious Nut Ever, amirite?
RK Note: Like, not even a nut at all. I think the armies are being sent the wrong way and the wars over the iron throne are misguided because they need to be worrying about fighting those baddies in the North. HOW COULD LB NOT EVEN MENTION THE WIGHTS??? Those ALIVE DEAD PEOPLE GHOST EVIL BLUE EYED BLACK HANDED PHANTOM THINGS!!!!!!!!! That is some scary scary scary shit. And I am afraid Benjen Stark is gonna come back as one! I can't wait to hear about the Night's Watch big mission beyond the Wall where Jon Snow is going to get to go out with them. I hope they stay safe!! Also I am SO glad that Jon's buddies came to save him from becoming a deserter of the Nights Watch and talked him back to the Wall, AND now we know why he was made a Steward and he's going to get to go out as a squire like he was a Ranger now anyway! Mance Rayder might be gathering his forces, but I bet there is something even worse than Mance Rayder out there... LB I am BEYOND disappointed in you for ending this blog entry with this meager commentary. So glad JN has other things of note to add!!
LB Note: See LB note above.
JN Note: Other things of note -
- since everybody's always complaining about who is having sex with who, and who is marrying who, im surprised there was no complaints about Catelyn arranging her kids' marriages just to make a war alliance with Late Lord Frey.
RK Note: I am actually OK with that. Also why is he Late Lord Frey, when did he die? I don't recall that! I recall him being like 80 years old and refusing to die.
CB Note: Late Lord Frey is his nickname, because during Robert's Rebellion, when Hoster Tully (Catelyn's dad and Frey's bannerman) called all of his people, Walder marched slowly and arrived after the Battle was over. I think it's also a play on the fact that he's so old and there have been several times where people have assumed he wouldn't live past a certain point and he still is alive.
LB Note: Starks always do their duty and they need the Freys. There cannot be a complaint about this.
JN Note: also, i just noticed you were darkening my font color. cut it out!!! Late Lord Frey's name is indeed a reference to him waiting to see which side was gonna win the Baratheon v Targaryen war, then joining the winning side at practically the end. (he was "late" to the battlefield). Frey himself thinks its a reference to his old age. to clarify, the Tullys rule hte Trident, and Frey is under them in the feudal hierarchy, altho hes very powerful bc he holds hte Crossing.
- Robb ambushed and captured The Kingslayer!!! omg w00t!!!!!
RK Note: Most brilliant war strategy and ambush ever! So happy they captured that douche Jaime, I hope they don't let him go!
- Who took Arya at the end of the execution?! what will she do?!
RK Note: YOREN!!! I bet Arya will be OK because shes super resourceful and self sufficient, but I hope she finds Nymeria soon because the girl could use her direwolf!
- Tywin was a meanie to Tyrion... but then it looks like things are looking up for The Imp...
RK Note: Tyrion will DEFINITELY be a better ruler than Joffrey, if he can get Joff to do what he says
JN Note: fat chance?
- Jon almost deserted the Night's Watch when he heard about Ned. so sad. Good thing they brought him back.
RK Note: YES! See my comments above!!
- King in the North!!!! GREAT chapter i thought, lots of excitement when its declared. woohoo go Robb!
RK Note: YES YES YES!! SOOOOO happy Robb is King of the North!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to the old ways!! Ned would be so proud....
LB Note: Wasn't going to say anything, but since RK threw the gloves down...King in the North!!!
JN Note: zing!
Unfortunately, i dont think ill be able to Note tommorow til i get home. prolly shouldnt be noting on my first day. CB can do the first round of notes in the morning i think.
That's it 'cause there's just way too much to blog about.
RK Note: The Hound was kind of nice to Arya when Joff was being a douche. I think there's good in him. I hope someone kills Gregor soon. Maybe a dragon/direwolf teamup. I'm glad Catelyn got to see her dad on her deathbed. Also WHAT is going on at Winterfell when Bran and Rickon BOTH dreamed and just somehow knew that Ned had died. Prophetic. Also that Osha woman totally has some info about whats going on in the North... Also, saddest story ever about how Tyrion once married that whore when he was a teenager and what Tywin did when he found out... Super sad. Now he's got the new whore and Tywin seems none too pleased about it, but sounds like hes bringing her to court!
CB Note: Sansa, not Arya. So it seems like you did enjoy this book! As a first book in a long series, it's supposed to have everything up in the air more than tie up endings, I thought it ended in a really good place and makes it exciting to go on and read book 2.
JN Note: The Hound: good or evil?! as for these dreams.... trixxy! its like i told LB, pay more attention to the dreams! (he never did, so he starved all winter bc he had no nuts). as for Tysha, this was indeed a sad story. poor tyrion, nobody ever loves him :( as for rk's negative email comments a few days ago, i thought the book ended pretty good, with the ned storyline, arya vanishing, jon getting sent north, robb king, and the total awesomeness of Dany, MOTHER OF DRAGONS!!! i was sad cb was weirded out, but glad you liked it! dany totally knew those eggs were gonna hatch, she'd tried to warm them up multiple times earlier in the book. it was great how she knew and life 4 life-d mirri the maegi- EAT IT BIYOTCH! i think LB and cb can tell you that book 2 is as good as book 1, and book 3 will be the best book youve ever read.
onward ho!
p.s. who relies on mm for anything anymore????
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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