I began my subway trip with Catelyn (sp?) and Ned in flagrante delicto/a la boudoire ;). They are interrupted by some servant dude with a note from Catelyn's sister saying that the damn Lannisters killed her husband :-o. Nothing good is gonna come of this!
JN Note: before noting starts id like to point out that, unsurprisingly, there were no MM Notes for yesterday's entry. figures. sp: Cateleyn. what is "in flagrante delicto"? could you describe it? No good indeed!!!
CB Note: We all know never to trust Justin with spelling...you were right LB, it's Catelyn. "Nothing good..." sounds like another Nash-style nut for LB! Do you really not know what that means baby?
RK Note: I mean that dude delivered all her babies so she wasn't going to pretend to be falsely modest. But it just sounds so COLD in there, its a good thing she made Ned close the window.
JN Note: First, why is RK trying to steal my color? There's no way im letting her steal drums in our rockband. As to the temperature... there are like 5 different comments i want to make, all of which would be inappropriate on this family blog. I'll head to gchat instead.
Speaking of, we cut to poor Bran catching the Lannister twins in flagrante delicto. Sense a theme here? The other theme is brother/sister incest. CREEPY! (On a side note: that would be one ugly genetic freak of a baby). Ass hole pushes Bran off the window. I was so angry! I kinda want Jon Snow (my favorite character so far) to get some vengance for all of 'em. I hope Bran wakes up and tells 'em all that the creepy Lannister twins are getting it on and plotting all sorts of bad shennanigans!
JN Note: ohhhhhh, is that what "in flagrante delicto" is? why do you know the latin for "boinking"? did some judge use it? RK messaged cb, mm, and i and was very concerned about this incestuousness, btw, it was funny. So much else to comment on, but i cant!
CB Note: I know that term from Clue, the movie. I loved that movie and know it by heart. :)
RK Note: This book is SO into incest, I'm sorry, it upsets me a little bit. TWINCEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh heh twincest, i amuse myself.
JN Note: I use the phrase Twincest in a later blog. but i got it from a website. if you came up with that yourself, well done! It's just good RK wasn't a courtier or a Lady during Midieval England...
Next they're all leaving for their respective destinations--Jon to the Night Watch, most of the other kids to the South. Why is Catelyn so mean to Jon?!?! It is not his fault that Ned got it on with some other chick while at war! Not cool! Jon gives little sister (whose name I forget) a sword. She's pretty cool. I hope she kills one of the Lannisters with that thing.
JN Note: little sister = Arya. Not just a sword, a Needle. To practice "sewing" with. As for Cateleny, girls can be so jealous! It's hard out here for a bastard.
CB Note: Catelyn is so mean to Jon, which sucks cause he's awesome. But also understandable. If J came home with a baby that wasn't mine, it would be hard to look at him without thinking of the ho mother!
RK Note: A big thing to give up at age 14, joining the Nights Watch and giving up all hope of love and family! But honestly Catelyn is SOOOO mean to Jon Snow, is not his fault he's a bastard!! She should be mad at Ned, not Jon! Now WHY do Arya and Jon say together "Don't tell Sansa!" Is Sansa just a loudmouth tattletale, or is there some bigger reason not to tell Sansa?
JN Note: Sansa.... well... hmmm... I think you'll see soon enough why they didn't want to tell Sansa. As to Catelyn and Jon, i think CB put it best in her note re "ho mothers". Still, i totes would never join the nightwatch.
Then I end up back east at the wedding of Dany (?) and Drogo (?) --I shall refer to them as Dani (James) and Mike Mellin. They are getting married in the barbarian lands of the East--a/k/a Westchester. Those people are weird as f*. I guess Westchester is a weird place. This wedding is also kinda messed up--dudes die and then start mounting women in the middle of the field! Crazy shit. Mellin gives Dani a horse as a bride gift. That's kinda cool--maybe he won't be so bad after all. I have to stop reading just before Dani and Mellin are going to leave to consummate their marriage. This is sure to be a barbarian affair as it tends to be with Mellin. I'm just thankful that they aren't brother/sister--again Creepy! I think Mellin isn't gonna be as bad as Dani thinks he will be and they'll end up being ok (Nut!) . He's better than that terrible brother of hers anyway. Those Westcherians are barbarians but they can be nice (when they're not flaking out of things...)...
JN Note: Dany and Drogo was correct. I am enjoying this analogy. who is this Dani from mm's past? I think the problem with westchester is they raised an Il Postino to be their khal. as to weakly attempted nuts - they'll be ok? ok? whoa now, bold statement there buddy! - i cannot comment.
CB Note: I think it's a fine nut attempt. Also loving the analogy. Westchester IS crazy!
RK Note: OK so this book is just TRYING to be shocking at this point, the Dothraki mount eachother in public mid-wedding and then kill eachother mid-ceremony so that over a dozen die by the end of the wedding?!??!?! Also at one point when two men grabbed for the same woman, my first thougth was that they were going to share her, not fight to the death over her. These Dothraki are nutty. Anyway, surprisingly tender love scene between Dany and the Khal at the end, the sensual unbraiding of hair and touching in the field. Very surprisingly gentle. I thought because he was a Dothraki he'd just grab her and mount her and all that. Um ALSO how creepy is it that they gave her 3 handmaids and one is to train her in the art of lovemaking or sensual arts or something, and Viserys is all "She's very good in bed, Illyrio and I can personally attest to that." Um, barf. Also, is anyone else disturbed by the fact that DANY IS THIRTEEN YEARS OLD? The Khal is such a pedophile, this is some sick shit. Also I found the language barrier amusing. "No?" "No" "No?" "Yes"
JN Note: I guess you "raisin"-ed the first Dany+Drogo naughtytime session then. RAISIN! (cb - can we get a pic of a raisin on here?). as to the barbarous dothraki - theyre supposed to be kind of primitive-ishi. as to the violence/sex/incest and ages, try to look at the novel as kind of a period piece, set in midieval times, not in the year 2009... lol at the 'barf'. Frankly, i think its a terrific idea - all girls should be trained in the "sensual arts" once they flower. No means No!
That's it for this edition!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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