Catelyn is heading back north and stops off in this inn that she used to go to as a child. Everything was going swimmingly and then the imp comes in and recognizes her. Catelyn gets all of the knights at the inn who are all allied to her father to arrest Tyrion, telling them that he attempted to kill Bran. I think there's gonna somehow be a conversation b/w Tyrion and Catelyn and he is going to convince her it wasn't him (it was his brother) and give her some important information.
JN Note: What a powerplay by cateleyn!!! where's she taking him? i bet the Lannisters are not gonna be pleased when they hear about this tbh. what will tyrion do?! i bet its something trixxy. imps, like gollums, are trixxy.
CB Note: Catelyn was so badass!
RK Note: I mean this was sort of a tough spot, I was a little scared, but I'm not sure Catelyn fully thought this one through! But she was SO smooth announcing loudly and often that they were going to Winterfell when really they were going to the Eyrie. BUT, was it so wise to make ppl think they were going to her home? What if they decide to attack Winterfell?!?!?!!
Cut to Eddard who goes to visit the Blacksmith where the former hand (name?) went to before he was killed. Turns out he had gone there to visit an apprentice who looks strikingly like Robert. Ned things this is Roberts bastard and that the hand went there to figure this out. The real question is who was Robert getting it on with? This must have pissssssssssssed off the Queen! I wonder what role this apprentice will play in the future. In a later chapter Eddard talks about bastards not playing a role in having a claim to the throne, but methinks there may be something different here. If this dude is Robert's Jon Snow something may happen!!!
JN Note: The former Hand was Jon Arryn. Bastards dont inherit, thats true, its why it sucks ot be Jon Snow. The Queen will surely be mad about this, good nut!
CB Note: la la la I don't have much to say here, so I'm gonna say how much I love Jon Snow.
RK Note: SOMEHOW, this particular bastard is important, and more important than other bastards... Because in a future chapter Arya overhears those 2 guys saying "he has a bastard, and a book, its only a matter of time before he knows it all..." or something. So somehow this bastard, together with the book on genealogies of the houses of the kingdoms, will connect something very important... is it possible the mother of the bastard is someone from an important family? or a targaryen or something, which would combine the two families with a claim to the throne and make this bastard an extra threat? but bastards don't inherit, so... WHAT is so important about THIS bastard? because robert has like a gazillion bastards i think. Unless the Lannisters have plans to kill ALL the king's bastards? I wouldn't put it past them...
JN Note: A bastard and a book. what could it mean?!?! what indeed!!! i shall not tell, but a true nutter might nut it... unlike cb, lb, and i, who all failed.
We then join the tournament in full force. Sansa is loving this tournament stuff. She watches it with the Septa lady and doesn't even close her eyes or whatever when someone falls off the horse!!! (I think that makes her cold, not ladylike...). She gets a flower from flower knight--you know the one all the ladies are swooning over. (Kinda pathetic name for a popular knight.) Then she sits with Prince Pansy at the dinner who is all kind to her but he won't escort her home. Intsead he sends that creepy Hound. Turns out the hound's face was burned off by his own brother!!! He's kinda creepy but Sansa starts to pity him. I guess she's not so cold.
JN Note: Sansa is on cloud nine. being at the tourney, its just like in all the stories and songs! The flower knight is Loras Tyrell, aka The Knight of Flowers. he is from Highgarden, and their sigil is the red rose i think. ouch re the Hound. I bet he's pretty bitter about that whole face burning thing... LB, would YOU pity the Hound? or only The Fool?
CB Note: The Knight of Flowers! *Swoon* I pity the fool who writes JN Notes. I also pity the Hound for his story. Though I don't think he wants our pity.
RK Note: The Hound shows a softer side of himself when we learn of his abuse at the hands of Gregor. I think Gregor is a BAD BAD BAD man. This story first tipped me off, and then later, when he almost kills the guy who beat him in the joust tourney, I mean, he's a nut. I bet he DID smash the baby Targaryen's infant head against the wall, and kill his little sister in a mysterious accident, and his parents too... That Gregor is a fucking terrifying nutjob and I predict awful deeds from him in the future. Anyway Sansa is a sissy and a wimp but I don't blame her she wants to think lovely things of Joffrey her betrothed, despite it becoming clearer and clearer that he is a total dbag.
JN Note: "i predict awful deeds from Gregor." was this a Nash-style nut or what?? somebody call captain obvious, rk stole his nut! as for sansa, she's like a dumb freshman in college, who doesn't realize why hte frat boy senior is... ummm... nutting her.
Oh! And there was a huge argument b/w the king and queen that ends up with Robert saying he's gonna be in the melee! But, the next morning Eddard goes to see him and Robert is too fat to get in his armor. Eddard convinces him to not be in the melee because everyone would let him win.
JN Note: Robert being too fat was lol.
CB Note: Awww, Ned is the best!!! He's so awesome, isn't he? Instead of telling Robert he's too fat/out of shape/unable to win a melee, he says that everyone loves him too much to beat him! Sounds smart to me.
RK Note: I think Ned was also right they'd let him win, but its especially good he didn't fight in the melee if the Lannisters were planning to kill him off during it!! Those freaking tricky Lannisters.
The next morning at the tournament the King Slayer gets upended by the Hounds brother. Then the Hounds evil brother (name?) faces flower dude and flower dude demolishes him! (Hilarious that Hounds brother's horse was in heat and flower knight got some female horse). Hounds evil brother jumps off the horse and slaughters it (ass!) and then goes after flower dude but Hound steps in the way and they fight until the King stops it. Flower dude gives Hound the victory b/c he saves his life. Nothing else of interest until Eddard goes home and gets a surprise visit from the Eunuch (Varys?) who tells him that apparently the melee thing was a plot by the Queen to get Robert killed. Pretty damn smart of her...if she "forbade" the king from entering the melee he would get angry and insist on fighting. Ned foiled the plan inadvertantly. I still don't trust this Varys dude though. I don't think he's with the Lancasters but he's too opportunistic to be all good.
JN Note: Hound's evil brother's name is Ser Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain That Rides. Loras fought dirty! also super lol. The Eunuch is Varys, correct. good nut! a plot by the queen?! ohnoes!!! good thing Ned stopped Robert! also, cb tries trixx like that to me all the time. Varys is trixxy its true; however, i am POSITIVE he is not on the Lancasters side. but thats only bc there are no Lancasters.
CB Note: I try to "trixx" you all the time like that? I don't recall ever trying to get you to enter a melee against The Mountain to get you killed. It doesn't sound like me. Also, once again...the Knight of Flowers? *Swoon*
RK Note: LOL JN what do you mean CB tries to trixx you like that all the time? Are you comparing CB to Cersei or to Loras? Either way, not flattering! LOL to "Lancasters." The Knight of Flowers sounded like he had the BEST cape-- I mean first the armor with the sapphire forget me nots on it, and THEN the gorgeous cape with the real fresh forget-me-not blooms SEWN into the fabric of the cape? I mean, GORGEOUS. Get me some fresh flowers and sew them onto my clothes, STAT, I want to be the Kurth of Flowers!
JN Note: cb tries to trixx me by telling me what she wants but wanting something else, or pretending shes gonna let me decide stuff, but she already did. as for the Kurth of Flowers, lol. ask dave to go make you a Cape of Flowers. incidientally, mm never answered the following concluding note. hes so useless.
Concluding Note: MM - did Cales start reading on the plane?!?!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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