The big event! We will fastforward through pb after.
0:00 - oh shit. who stole that girl's lucky charms!!! i hope peter gets them back for her!!!
1:00 - kik, takezo said dollop.
2:00 - cool on the paintings.
3:00 - poor bob. hardly knew ya.
3:30 - see, the virus gest nyc in the future. thats the nut. and the heroes gotta stop it!
4:00 - west is so sketch with this waffle hunting. hes totally a bad guy. or hes just a flake. god i hate west. he is so annoying. how coudl tvguide or ew cal him the brightspot? wtf are they sinking?
5:00 - im still not sure nightmare man matt's dad is the killer. its just that the killer was fast and all when he threw sulu off the roof and broke into cop station, and thats not nightmare man's power. this would be a great nut by me...
6:00 - i dont approve of this changing of parkman's power.
7:00 - i want some of what hiro's got.
8:00 - rachel nuts first time hiro took ppl away with him without touching them.
9:00 - peter is shirtless and getting sprayed with water. caryn and rachel are so horny now.
10:00 - rachels phone is ringing. and it is an awful ring. and while we're at it, whats the deal with nancy grace? did rachels mom find that bird? yes rachel, its exciting, we know. "that show"? what, you cant tell nancy we watch heroes? are you ashamed? its not like we are watching pb.
11:00 - whoa, the virus has killed 93% of the world pop!!!
12:00 - caryn, its not red. its green. and rachel, what planet have you been on the last 5 minutes? tone it down with the nancy grace.
13:00 - will parkman use his power to wake molly?
13:30 - 15 seconds after i say it, it starts to nut. and BAM! get. me. an. acorn.
15:00 - caryn: "D.L. is the new jessica." basically, ali larter's haracter has been downhill ever since she stopped stripping on the internet.
16:00 - ooh, learning about Adam. Adam's power is controlling the weather perhaps, based on the snow. btw, i semi-nutted parkman's dad as not being the bad guy.
17:00 - linderman was adam's disciple? locked up and escaped?!?! is bob telling the truth? what was in adam's note to peter?
18:00 - peter and his mom in the future! awesome...
19:00 - omg. could you product place that cell phone that allows you to plug in earphones and listen to music any more? how much money do you think they paid for that? im never getting that phone. that was just awful.
20:00 - west is so scared of HRG, he sure doesnt seem like a bad guy...
21:00 - hiro is going to save kensei bc of the good in his heart. Kensei is like Hiro's Ando of the past!
24:00 - caryn says out loud what ive been wondering. why not jsut freeze time for everyone and blow up all the guns? why all the sneaking?
28:00 - rachel puts together the worst nut ever: "oh kensei is dead..."
40:00 - i fell 13 minutes behind.
41:00 - Captain Obvious notes that mori sure seems dangerous!
42:00 - photos of peter 3 months ago. lost track of him in ireland!
43:00 - caryn with a great question: "when does kristen bell come back?" WHEN!
44:00 - parkman brought his dad to nightmare place. awesome!
50:00 - "fight for mohinder, parkman!" - lawrence
51:00 - way to go matt!!!!
53:00 - pater accidentally timetraveled. and trapped irishgirl in the future. SUX TO BE HER! AMIRITE!?!?!
54:00 - an email jsut arrived from ellis, claiming ot have nutted the end of heroes tonite. none of us believe her.
55:00 - and so, Hiro becomes Takezo! Just as it always was to be! they gaveth the nut, and then takethed it back, and in the end, returnethed the nut!
56:00 - ohoes, hiro is going back. Hiro and the dragon? me: he T-Rex he fought in old painting?
57:00 - caryn is firs to notice that mohinder is wearing the bandage on his nose, like in the painting when he shoots.
58:00 - ohnoes and his blood is no longer a cure?!?!
59:00 - does mohinder kill bob? or hrg?
59:30 - oh mohinder, why are you so dumb?
60:00 - claire could sure the virus!?!
60:30 - lawrence: "this is too much to ask of a simple scientist."
61:00 - hrg recognizes west's name. imo.
61:30 - "stop being a rebellious teenager. hrg is doing whats best for the family. hrg gave up everything for you" - rachel
62:00 - NUT. NUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUTNUT!!!! peter shot hte bolt into the door, and then white takezo turns in the doorway, and i shoutout "HE IS ADAM". THINK OF THE BIGGEST NUT EVER! AND MULTIPLY IT BY 100. NUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
CB Note: Ok, no. The "most biggest nut ever" is NOT that it was Adam. The "biggest nut ever" would have been if you guessed that Adam was Kensei. Which you did not. Everyone knew it was Adam!
And next week is the "what happened in the last 4 months episore". and it looks amazing. Adam, Peter, and VM!
consensus is that this ep was amazing, and next week will be too. note that there were no twins this ep.
late nut on the previews viewing: peter hasamnesia b/c the haitian mucked his memory from him.
how did adam get to the future? rachel tihnks he regenerated from bone inside the helmet. just awful. I think perhaps he just lived thru time since he cant die. mike develops the consensus here. rachel is so confused. he jsut realized claire cant die. was it a team effort on the tsunami-snow, and not just adam?
Mike: great ep, look at all this discussion! Rachel: this is like in the renaissance when they would have salons in Paris. Caryn: Finer Things Club!!!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
1 comment:
so did the haitian take pete's memory because the company captured petey and HRG didn't want them to know his shit, or because haitian was working for company, or...?
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