Monday, February 2, 2009

Heroes Volume 4 Premiere

So, since i agreed to start blogging Lost, a good show, i thought i could weasel out of heroes, but cb is making me do it. le sigh.
RK Note: Please blog ANTM when it returns, it makes it worth watching

i put the odds of this show being better than the 2 heroes commercials last nite (the singing commercial and the football commercial) at 0.

1:00 - yea, so, let me just say that junior senators who have been senators for 3 months are NOT chairmen of the homeland security commission. this show is so dumb.

2:00 - how did last season end? i have no recollection.

3:00 - ali's in trouble! and they are immune to ice!! maybe they are equipped with Ice Shields or Ice Armor?
RK Note: How WERE they immune to her ice? Sylar was no match for their armor though!

4:00 - great insight from cb - how did those 5 people get in through that window?
RK Note: Excellent point. That window being ajar foreshadowed nothing, as there is no evidence whatsoever the men in masks entered through it-- they didn't even come from that direction!

5:00 - its that guy from damages! and he set ali up.

6:00 - save the taxpayers... save the world.

7:00 - am i watching heroes, reading a tom clancy novel, or perhaps a holmes opinion?

8:00 - so... can hiro really never time travel again?
CB Note: Well, if he came back from the future in season 1 to tell Peter what to do, doesn't that mean that he has to at some point regain his power, a la all of that time travel logic we've discussed???

9:00 - the andocycle is so lame. so is basecamp. i wanted to watch himym.
LB Note: But it was presumably Japanese made and therefore much more fuel efficient than its American equivalent...

10:00 - i bet the password is significant at some point. caryn throws a nice charlie guess from s1.
CB Note: My second guess was Ando, they are BFF afterall
LB Note: I thought it was gonna be that chick he fell in love with at the diner in S1. Is that Charlie? I forget. What about creepy dude who they buried alive? Think he'll come back this season? Oh Papa Petrelli killed him.

11:00 - this peter scene was so bad. his acting is terrible. he sounds like batman...
CB Note: You sure he wasn't just singing a Kanye song? Work it harder make it better, Do it faster makes us stronger
LB Note: I just snorted when reading this CB Note. Fortunately I am alone in my office with the door closed.

12:00 - sylars dead? i didn't know that. apparently they found his teeth after primatech asploded.
CB Note: You really don't pay attention to this show do you...

13:00 - oh look claire wants to be an agent. haven't i seen this plot 4 times.
CB Note: This time with awful lipstick!
LB Note: Clare should apply to Tufts!
RK Note: Why were they all "Hamilton," "Smith," is this some sort of promotional placement for Hamilton and Smith? And Claire was all "Hamilton, Smith, Georgetown, they're all great." Really, should Hamilton be used in the same sentence with Georgetown? Apparently Claire with her GED, even with her superpowers, is not equipped to apply to elite institutions like Tufts, Cornell, and Penn...

14:00 - "primatech, the company, pinehurst - 3 names for the exact same plot device used in 3 seasons?

15:00 - sylar lives! i thought he was with Captain Picard?
RK Note: who?

16:00 - aww, its sylars real dad. and hes a watchmaker! lol.
LB Note: We knew his real dad was a watchmaker and his creepy mom collected snow globes. Remember when he went loco and killed his mom...?

17:00 - im complaining incessssantly about having to watch this. i must be awufl to be around. i feel so bad for cb. im pretty sure if we didnt invest 3 seasons in this show together, i definitely would have quit and not come back.
CB Note: You sure didn't act like you felt bad for me! Stop whining!

18:00 - at least i like daphers. wtf why is dead african guy there? i wonder if parkman has a brain tumor like izzy stevens?
LB Note: The plot with Izzy Stevens is far FAR worse than this. Izzy HAD SEX with the ghost. At least this is a show about super powers and Parkman has brain/mind reading stuff so it makes more sense in the context.
RK Note: I knew there were reasons I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy after the second episode. SEX WITH GHOSTS? Seriously? Awful, it sounds just awful.

19:00 - i just showed that 18:00 entry to cb, and she totes laughed out loud. gjme.
CB Note: I believe it was more like a polite giggle.

20:00 - hey it just got cool, after taking down ali, he's going for peter and parkman! and claire heard, bc they had this top secret convo on the landline and claire just picked up the phone! i suppose that makes angie and nathan 2 dumb teenagers and claire the smart parent?

21:00 - who is sylar's father! who was this guys brother! im at the edge of my seat!!!
RK Note: I still am not sure who set Sylar up. Was the father in on the set-up? Was the brother? Where IS the brother? WHO is the brother? Could the brother who gave Sylar to the father as a baby be someone WE KNOW? Who that we know would live in a weird house full of taxidermied animals? Bet the Brother has powers too, right? But then why didn't the baddies round him up, too?

22:00 - not.

23:00 - ooh, peter's iranian emt partner throws in a great political diatribe that is supposed to make us think "hmm, the middle easterners who are different but not evil are just like our friendly heroes!". slick, writers, slick.
LB Note: I thought the EMT Partner was hispanic...I was confused.
RK Note: Just laughed out loud at LB Note.

24:00 - claire just called peter. caryn said "peter dont be stupid". safe to say thats not gonna happen.

25:00 - well, i thought this mohinder/peter cab s1 reminiscence was a bit ridiculous, but i did get a laugh when peter made the extraordinary comment.
LB Note: I'm just happy Mohinder no longer has scales.
RK Note: I'm sad they didn't kill him off back when he was putting people in cocoons. Speaking of, where's MAYJA this season? Did they kill her, or is that too much to hope for? Why can't I remember the last chapter?

26:00 - so... how did hrg know to be there? to save mohinder who i forgot still has his power.

27:00 - caryn asks a good question: how'd they get down there so fast?

28:00 - oh you tricky hrg!

29:00 - when did nathan get this plan? was it arthur's too? i cant remember.
CB Note: Nathan has always wanted to segregate the heroes, from the very beginning. He wanted to blow up NY and blame it on people with powers, then he wanted to announce it at the press conference when future peter shot him, now he's back at it.

30:00 - seriously, the season finale was so awesome i don't remember any of it.

31:00 - that turtle is so cute. i want one!
RK Note: How could it be as cute as Little T?! I think you should start a blog of pictures of Little T being adorable.

32:00 - oh noes parkman is talking to this guy now. i hope they don't start kissing and having sex, a la denny...
CB Note: This joke is growing old, especially since Mike and Rachel don't even watch Grey's Anatomy!
LB Note: Agreed!

33:00 - i showed that one to caryn too. she said "how many times are you gonna make that joke?" my answer: as long as parkman still keeps having chit chats with this dead guy.

34:00 - wtf, how did izzy learn to draw all of a sudden? what bs.
LB Note: This made a little sense since a number of the characters in the past have developed the ability to draw the future and then their eyes go all white and stuff and they become a profit. Plus Parkman has all these mind reading powers. Future drawing doesn't seem all that far out there for him.

35:00 - ando cycle as a chick magnet i lolled for reals! and then hiro got mucked lol. but he has no powers anymore anyway.

36:00 - nice, nutted that ff.
CB Note: ?
RK Note: ???

37:00 - nice job claire, way to save the day you newberry.

40:00 - nathan's character is so ridic. he just vacillates from good to bad. s1 a pawn, then saving peter when he asplodes, then back to being a douche, then not a bad guy, then douche lalala.
CB Note: He pretty much has always been a bad guy who will make exceptions and do good things, usually to protect his family. The guilt got to him in s1 about killing so many people, so that's why he saved peter from exploding, but then he went right back to being a bad guy.
LB Note: Nate was always the jackass brother who couldn't stand up for what he thought and did what his parents wanted (became a lawyer--what a jackass--politician, went along with his mom's plan to blow up the world etc.) Peter is the one who acted independently (Became a nurse, questioned the mom's plot, etc.) This is just par for the course.
RK Note: While I heard the CB and LB comments, I do agree with Justin's allegations of ridiculousness-- Nathan has seemed, to me at least, to vacillate back and forth between good and evil this entire show-- sometimes he's really evil, and sometimes he seems all good! For awhile it was like Peter was bad and Nathan was good, and then they were on the same side, then it flip-flopped... Remember when Peter was all "I have the hunger"?

41:00 - so, plot prediction: sylar is gonna end up helping all the good heroes escape and fight back against nathan and his stooged - nut city baby.
CB Note: I thought this before you wrote it =p
RK Note: Bring back good Sylar who weirdly lived in the Bennets' old house in Texas in the alternate future and had a cute little boy!

42:00 - caryn: "i thought that too!". screenshot or it didn't happen, babe.
CB Note: You suck.
LB Note: To be fair, wasn't there some sort of trailer for the season saying "they are all hunted and will have to be on the same side" or something...
RK Note: Excellent observation LB. Excellent banter J and CB.

43:00 - so, ill be honest, my first thought was "F, there goes my nut! i guess cb wont be complaining about my attempts to not give her credit for that busted nut now..."

44:00 - fortunately for me, sylar pulled a spock and decided to smack those guys around, and in the process, seal the deal for my first Heroes nut of the season. BOOYAH!

45:00 - oh, look, as predicted, this password would matter. i didn't think it would be so soon, but, count it! cb threw out an "ando" nut just in time. gj babe!
LB Note: I don't get why they took Hiro in the first place. He has no powers. Do they not know this? How did they find him anyway? Do they have that Molly girl?
RK Note: Luckily, smart Hiro put that GPS device on himself! Ando should be able to hop right onto the Andocycle and go rescue him! But seriously, those ppl should get the memo Hiro doesn't even HAVE powers anymore! But as Caryn discussed above, I hope and bet he gets them back at some point!

46:00 - way to hammer home the guantanamo analogy with the orange suits, the masks, and the headphones...
RK Note: Ooh is that really what they do to prisoners at Guantanamo? I was thinking it looked so terrifyingly scary.

49:00 - hey, i would swear that claire borrowed B's writers for that "what are you gonna do? threaten my family..?"
CB Note: Once again referencing a show no one else watches (Gossip Girl)

51:00 - also, what a terrible idea to let her go. i mean, he's mucked peter, and is a total heartless sob. does he really care about claire that much that hes gonna f up his entire grand plan. pathetic.
RK Note: YET another example of what Justin and I were saying at 40:00. Nathan is all super evil but then randomly good! Which as Caryn pointed out, his good moments are usually about his family. But also, I can't even remember how it is that Nathan is Claire's father. Nathan slept with Gina from Nip/Tuck who's now dead? And then didn't want Claire after they thought that Jessalyn Gilsig died in that fire, and so then Hiro's dad gave baby Claire to HRG on that balcony? And now he's all "oh its my daughter, she knows our grand evil plan, and she's stubborn and fearless and can't die, but let's just send her off in this limo and send her off to Hamilton/Smith and she won't do anyone any harm..."

52:00 - lol at having claire with just one dumb dude?

53:00 - cb is all "what is claire's plan? whats she gonna do on the plane?" i think its obvi, shes gonna free them, duh!

54:00 - cb makes a terrific observation - claire has always been kim bauer v2.0
RK Note: Yes, they are both SO ANNOYING. I think I prefer Claire to Kim Bauer, marginally.

55:00 - what are there, like 2 guards on this plane with all these superdangerous heroes? sigh.
LB Note: Yeah but they are drugged up, tied up superheroes. Also there are more people in other parts fo the plane. Duh!

56:00 - oh well, at least peter grabbin suresh's strength was cool. he should have everyone's powers on the plane based on proximity tho.
CB Note: Yea, all of a sudden they're making it like he needs to touch the person in order to get it. When before he didn't (even in the finale, he was able to fly just by being near Nathan)
LB Note: I think Peter just wanted to touch Mohinder...
RK Note: It drives me INSANE that they are rewriting the rules and making it so he has to touch ppl to get powers!! He so does not!!

57:00 - loved that claire terrible oneliner, then look at hrg.
RK Note: My favorite part of the entire episode. "Dad?!"

58:00 - when did they change peters power to needing to touch people?
RK Note: WHY? WHY? WHY? And now when he touches people he winds up accidentally using powers he doesn't know he has? Doesn't he have to THINK about which power he wants to use to use it? I guess its like when he couldn't control his powers in the beginning and he iced the wall of the plane, but seriously, that was a total newbie move.

59:00 - also, speaking of terrible ideas?

60:00 - lol at random masked hero out the plane and dead.
RK Note: SO funny. When Claire unmasked the random I was all "who's that?" Then she was dead 5 seconds later. Hilarious.

61:00 - cb hopes they don't crash on any creepy time traveling islands with others...

62:00 - so, we are watching this "will peter fall out?!" montage for about a minute and then i finally go "i hope he decides to fly!" and cb responds "oh yea, wtf"
LB Note: He could have flown and used his super-Suresh strength to carry the plane and coast it to safety. I very much enjoyed the slo-mo screaming shots though...
RK Note: I cannot believe they want us to forget Peter can fly. DUH PETER CAN FLY!!

Verdict: Guilty as Charged. send this show to the hangman!

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