No way this ep is as good as last one, but let's hope it comes close!
1:00 - i bet that it was penny's boat that rescued the oceanic 6 otw off the island as soon as we saw a boat.
RK Note: This is NOT a nut. We were all meant to know that was penny's boat and that was the night they were rescued! I don't think anyone thought, "oh, what is that mysterious shot of the boat on the water at night that we've seen 567890345678 times before?"
2:00 - nice line about the normal bed kate. nut 1 for me!
RK Note: What about Kate's line was nice? That is NOT A NUT!!!!
2:30 - hey, speaking of claire going to LA to give the baby up, remember like in season 1 some people told her she had to be on that plane? cb mentions that claire was told that claire had to raise it. i really cant remember.
CB Note: Claire went to the psychic. He freaked out and initially refused to do a reading for her. She went back to him after her boyfriend left her to get him to do her reading. During the reading he told her that Claire had to raise her child herself and that "her goodness must be an influence on the child's development." Claire said that she wanted to give the baby up for adoption rather than raise it alone. She tried to give the baby up to a couple in Australia, but when she was signing the documents 2 pens given to her didn't work and she took it as an omen. She then went back to the psychic one more time, who told her that her baby would be safe if she gave it to a couple in LA and gave her the 815 plane ticket and insisted she had to take that flight.
3:00 - just writing the name "claire" makes me think of kim bauer and peter "batman" petrelli.
CB Note: This claire is so much better!
RK Note: This claire is WAY better. Do we have any good working theories on what happened to Claire when she disappeared? Is she dead? If she is alive, where the heck has she been all this time, and why was she so weird that time she was in Jacob's cabin? Slash, she may have been dead when we saw her in the cabin.
4:00 - fyi, the first 3 minutes of the show were pointless.
RK Note: Stop insulting Lost, give it a chance!
5:00 - cb thinks future kate looks hot. i prefer season 1 kate. but lets be honest, id still... ya know.
CB Note: It's amazing what a little makeup and hair product can do!!
RK Note: Future Kate looked GREAT! Evangeline Lilly is so pretty in person, too!!
6:00 - cb thinks that sun looks exactly the same. i agree.
RK Note: Where is Sun's baby?
7:00 - also, if it appears the blogging is mostly pointless thus far, thats bc nothing has happened yet, still.
RK Note: Really, you just don't have enough to make fun of, because Lost is so good!
8:00 - but ooh, sun has surveillance photos of ben and jack. and a box of chocolates. what's that Forrest, your favorite kind is Caramel Colt 45?
CB Note: Life is like a box of guns....
9:00 - commercial break one, and i am just really skeptical of this Sun is bad and working with caleb plot. is she really dumb enough to think that its all ben's fault, and not caleb's too? would she really not discuss things with the rest of them off the island and figure out that they cant really trust anyone? feh.
10:00 - juliet is totes muh fav. im rooting for her.
11:00 - why is only charlotte sick?
12:00 - great minds think alike, juliet, great minds think alike.
13:00 - shouldn't this lawyer guy be on the CW? one of his daughters ended up dead on lost 2 years ago (i'm lookin at YOU nikki, of nikki and paulo), another one is sleeping with D on GG, the other is a floozy costarring with xstina macintoshfence on samantha when, and the last, well she was lindsey's best friend in Mean Girls!
CB Note: Just, wow. I'm going to have to explain ALL of that to everyone else cause no one watched Related, no one. And he will always be Angela's dad on My So-Called Life, before anything. I'm so glad he has a more substantial part...I was hoping his whole part wasn't those 2 minutes at Kate's door last week.
14:00 - LOL at all this "we'll take a raft around the island" talk and lack of island geography.
RK Note: Where's that big foot statute with four toes? That's my favorite piece of island geography! Also where's the black smoke monster lately?
15:00 - wtf are you kidding me? this is why locke has to bring them back? "this is all happening bc they left, i have to bring them back..." yea, sure, bc it had NOTHING to do with you watching ben go down a super secret elevator shaft and turn a giant wheel in some rock. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. (cb has her own note ill let her add herself)
CB Note: Richard TOLD Locke that he had to bring them back to fix the island. It's not like he made it up himself. And you know Locke, he'll believe anything with his whole heart and not for a second doubt that it needs to be done. Furthermore, Ben turning the wheel is involved in the "bringing them back" because Ben has to come back too! They have to get everyone who left with the flash back on the island to fix it. Not that I understand why or how that would fix it, but you don't disobey the never-aging man!
16:00 - lol maybe it will kill you johnnyboy!
17:00 - for the record, its 9:14, and i still don't think anything has really happened yet.
RK Note: I resent your negativity
18:00 - charlotte pretended to have amnesia for a second it seemed there. shame, something almost happened!
19:00 - did anyone else find the sawyer says "we're goin' to the orchid" music pretty funny?
20:00 - lol, at jack taking that call while that woman was yelling at him. it was all, "talk to the hand bitch"
21:00 - a) its unclear who was first to nut the "ohnoes this guy is coming to kill sayeed" amazingly obvious plot twist of the year so far. i mean seriously, could there have been less tension? cb commented "how do they know where sayeed is always?" and my response for now is "Sun is surveilling him!"
CB Note: First of all, as I said to J last night, not EVERYTHING has to be a huge plot twist or something nutworthy. Why is the nurse being a bad guy trying to get Sayid bad TV just cause we realized (as Sayid did) what was happening immediately? It doesn't make it any less enjoyable to watch! What makes it unenjoyable is you needing to NUT everything!!!!!!!!!! Secondly, the tension comes from trying to figure out who is sending all these guys after Sayid. Thirdly, Sun is receiving surveillance reports, but we don't know if she's doing them or widmore is doing them and sending them to her. Also, I don't know if Sun has a reason to try to capture Sayid. But, also let's note that these people aren't trying to kill Sayid, just tranquilize him, so whatever their plans are, they need Sayid alive for it!
22:00 - also, why did dumbass not just shoot sayeed right away, why the awful elaborate ruse?
CB Note: True that. Also, who turns their back on a known assassin?
23:00 - cb notes the significance of them wanting to just tranquilize him. although we dunno what it is yet. ohno they are going for kate!
24:00 - oooooh yea. Becky Bloomwood Confessions of a Shopaholic commercial, featuring Disturbiaaaaaaaaaaaaa. sing it Rihanna!!! (cb is not pleased, becky blooms is british in the book, but she's american in the movie. the book takes place in britain and they are both british. here's the thing though, they made the movie in america, made isla fisher american, BUT, left the male lead as british. just... lol.)
25:00 - why not just tell her assassins are after her, jack?
26:00 - why are ben and sayeed in a fight now? i dun really remember.
27:00 - cb throws up an awesome nut! theres that shining light up to the sky, they dunno what it is, and cb is all over its the hatch! john knows, and wants to not go near it, and avoid the beach. cb and locke - 2 peas in a pod.
28:00 - nut disclaimer, did they show them seeing their old selves in last week's previews?
29:00 - ohnoes, miles is bleedering.
30:00 - so, sawyer walked in on kate helping claire give birth. a) cb actually nutted this was what happening when she heard the girls muffled yelling. b) remember how we watched a rerun of Lost on channel 55 and then ended up watching our first episode of House after? well, THIS was the episode of Lost we watched - this exact one! it must mean something...
CB Note: I still cannot that we randomly came upon the same ep that was then featured in the new lost, SO RANDOM!
31:00 - oh, and sawyer is sad, bc he saw kate. touching. cb's mushy over it.
32:00 - kate should commit arson and burn the lawyer's office down... hey, for 2 bonus points, who knows the elements of arson in NY?
33:00 - i vaguely recall locke pounding on the hatch and the light coming on.
34:00 - so, now i was wondering why miles and charlotte got the bleed, but the others didn't. my basic guess is it was just they didn't come with our Losties, so our Losties are special. then faraday is all "maybe its duration" and im thinking "oh, they've been on the island less long". after all, we know faraday was also on the island in the past from last week. but THEN he goes and says "have you been on the island before?!". and miles is all "wtf huh?" so charlotte and miles could have been on it before? and longer than faraday? and, not to be a debbie downer, so were those 2 guys from the freighter who died.... pft. i hope they explain it good!
CB Note: We already had a hint that Charlotte had been on the island before in her first ep! In fact, according to Lostpedia, it's even implied that she may have been BORN on the island!! ALSO - I cannot take credit for this cause I just read it as a guess on eonline but I'm super pissed that I didn't think of it.....Miles could be Marvin Candle's (the Dharma guy from the videos) son! Who we see in the premiere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RK Note: So when Faraday said "duration" I thought OH, maybe BEING on the island longer builds UP duration that would lead to less likeliness of bleeding, and the Oceanic survivors and Juliet have clearly been on the island for awhile, and Dan Faraday may have been on the island back in the past like when we saw him in the cave posing as a member of the Dharma Experiment, and so I thought "well that makes sense, those people have been on the Island before and have built up endurance and Miles and Charlotte have not." But THEN like a second later it was all FLIP FLOPPING the OTHER way, where the LONGER you have been on the island apparently the more likely you are to bleed? And Miles and Charlotte would have been on the island longer, and CHARLOTTE on the island the LONGEST OF ALL? Apparently this is so-- but when was Charlotte on the Island? Maybe she was born and/or grew up there? Does she KNOW she grew up there? What was the hint from Charlotte's first ep that hinted she's been on the Island before, and does she REMEMBER and KNOW it? Also I ABSOLUTELY 100% agree Miles must be the Dharma Guy's son, that makes perfect sense-- but the bigger question is, why doesn't Miles KNOW it and why doesn't Miles KNOW he lived on the island as a child? Because Miles did not appear to know it at all!
35:00 - cb asks a critical question: how'd that other boat catch up with them so fast?
CB Note: They did seem to come out of nowhere to be right behind them.
RK Note: And WHO are those boat people?!?!! I think they were in the FUTURE in that scene where they were being chased in the canoes! But how far in the future?
36:00 - i enjoyed sawyer's one liner conversation with god. i thought the first one was dumb, but it set up the humorous second well.
37:00 - caryn claims she nutted the client was claire's mom. she did indeed say it right before the door opened, so she does get that credit. she also says she had it way long ago, but you now how it is, CBNote or it didnt happen!!!
38:00 - this aaron/claire/claire's mom/jack/kate thing better go somewhere. as in, somewhere more than "oh hi claire's mom heres kinda what happened i hope its ok, thanks for understanding."
39:00 - mid Jack speech im thinking "hmm, i wonder if claire's mom doesn't actually know whats going on, she doesn't seem to be reacting at all to jack being there, and she'd totally partly blame him b/c he'd know it wasn't kate's baby either" and then she's all "what're you talking about?" and im like "AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGHHHH I SHOULDA WROTE IT DOWN!!!!" and then cb's like "i knew it too, it was obvi. blog it or it didnt happen" and i gonna propose that we pretend we both nutted it but i didn't get a chance b/c she started complaining about how i pause the show to blog, and spend all show talking about nuts or non-nuts or attacking her nuts and yada yada yada then i hit play again.
40:00 - super sketchy explanation for how she just happened to be in town too. i hope its really cooler than that, i was getting intrigued!
41:00 - also, on a separate and different note, i kind of think its apparent now that ben is a good guy, since we know widmore was a former other who got kicked off the island for being a dbag.
42:00 - GREAT twist with the lawyer going to see ben, re hurley's murder charge. it was BEN who put the lawyer on to kate, so kate would want to run, and be persuadable to go with jack and back to the island. brilliant!!!
RK Note: But even weirder, why did Ben admit it? The more Kate thinks someone really DOES want to take Aaron, the more likely she'll be to want to go back to the island!! Maybe Ben will threaten to tell Claire's mom the truth?
43:00 - i wonder if they'll ever go back and explain the pregnancy problem on the island. is it related to time travel?
RK Note: They better explain EVERYTHING eventually
44:00 - ohnoes a juliet nosebleed!!!
RK Note: This fits into the duration thing discussed above, since Juliet has been on the island longer than the Oceanic people by awhile... BUT Miles and Charlotte therefore were on even LONGER than Juliet. So also, is it just a matter of time before Faraday and the Oceanic survivors ALSO start nose bleeding? The Oceanic Six sure better get to the Island soon and save them all from hemorrhaging!!
45:00 - Reenactment:
Locke: anyone speak french?
Scene: people talking french on a liferaft
Me: omg i wonder if its Rousseau?!?! (insert huge nut-grin)
Cb: oooooh
Scene: unroll Jin in lifeboat
Cb: Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!!
Me: F.
ok, so a few points - first, how did those french people on the boat get there? cb makes a great point that maybe they are Rousseau's people, bc they could still be in the past. now, part of me wants my nut. the other part of me is hoping they don't expect me to believe that Jin has been floating unconscious in the water and spasming through time while our Losties have been having adventures for the last FOUR episodes...
RK Note: And yet, apparently they DO want us to believe that. Oy. So happy Jin is alive though!!!
46:00 - oh, kudos to Kate for figuring out the aaron plot that i nutted earlier.
(fast forward to) 59:00 Think sun will decide to be a total moron?
RK Note: I think once Ben proves someone to Sun that Jin is alive, she'll go back to the island with them. BUT, major problem, WHERE IS SUN'S BABY? No way Sun is going to go back to the island without the baby, right?!?!?!! The baby was in her tummy on the island so it should be allowed to come back with them/ not sure if it "must" return like the other 6?
60:00 - nut nut nut, nut nut nut, nut nut nut nut nut nut nuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttterooooo. young rousseau sure is a hottie! cant wait til jin hears her name... here it is..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
61:00 - cb was thrilled that i mistakenly threw my AWESOME nut away, and she scooped it up and said it could still be true. :)
CB Note: So, as soon as we see Jin, J's all like oh, well it's not Rousseau then, I wonder how these random French people got there. And I'm like, have you not been watching the last 3 episodes?? They're going back and forth through time and they interact with people at different times. It IS Rousseau back when they crashed and landed on the island! And he's all like huh? And I'm all like NUT for ME Biatch!
RK Note: I LOVE that it's Rousseau!!!! So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also what happened to Rousseau in the present? I can't remember if she is alive or dead? if she is alive, where is she?
on the whole, this ep was kind of average, not that great really. however, i very much like that we are seeing young rousseau, thats brilliant. also, even avg LOST is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loseroes.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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