0:00 - 5 dollar footlong......
1:00 - last month's white wine of the month from italy is pretty enjoyable.
1:30 - are we gonna have any VM this week? I MISS VM!!!
2:00 - hey, its mr and mrs p, and linderman. i think this is the past!
CB Note: You'd have seen the opening scene showing Hiro tasting that paste stuff and going for his "nature walk" and seeing all these past events if you weren't too busy looking for the nymag gossip girl blog that you read without me!!!!!
3:00 - arthur looked into nathan and saw trouble? i thought he was a thief. what power was he using?
4:00 - i was busy eating my 5dollar, and looking up the new york magazine blog gossip girl post from this monday, when i missed claires mom and new blue fire dude together causing trouble. caryn got mad at me.
5:00 - so, flint is apaprently bad fire guy, and caryn notes it makes sense hes brother and sister with claires mom. nice lil surprise. also, caryn recognized that guy capturing them. i recognized him too, hes from season 1 and was a company employee i do believe.
CB Note: That was obvious from the use of the stun-gun, which is apparently the company go-to.
6:00 - cant tell the relationship of sylar hanging himself compared to when he got that first kill from the moving things guy when that dude thought he was mohinders dad.
CB Note: It was also obvious he was thinking about how he killed that guy and felt so guilty about it he wanted to kill himself! Oh sensitive Sylar...
7:00 - elle in sylars past!! I MISSED YOU VM! do they know each other? i bet they do. why else would he need her forgivenessmo.
CB Note: What's the opposite of a nut?
8:00 - caryn wonders during commercial why cedric diggory does not wash his hair in twilight. you guys all wanna go see it together? rachel, he's pretty dreamy....
9:00 - caryn reminds us all that this episode is what Hiro is seeing after he passed out with african paste man.
CB Note: No, I was just reminding you since it had seemed that you missed it at the beginning of the episode, which it turns out from this blog, you did! This is why your nuts have been lacking lately, you don't pay attention!
10:00 - well apparently he didn't know vm. i cant believe he fell for that rope broke nonsense. aww, sylar, VM is my angel! dun steal her!
11:00 - so... hrg and elle were partners? a year ago? before the haitian??? and, did he call sylar mr gray? i liked the whale story. hows the pie gonna work? is it slang for you know what? and, shouldnt the company kinda know how to track them and find out about transferring powers? they made a virus and all and papa p is a power thiefzor. i mean, this scene must have taken place after sylar mucked mohinders dad, which means early season 1. hrg wasn't with haitian then?
12:00 - nutted this guy working for the company.
13:00 - umm, and now papa p is with mama p in the garden. and he was totes dead s1. is hiro seeing stuff all out of order? he must be, bc nathan was running for congress all season 1. way to make it confuzzling!
14:00 - "when peters powers manifest..." - did they virus up peter too?
CB Note: Everyone's powers started coming out after the eclipse...
15:00 - simultaneous OMGs from caryn and i as we realize the truth of nathan's car crash. CANT BELIEVE I DIDNT NUT THIS A FEW MINUTES AGO. DOH!!!!
16:00 - guess it wasnt all nathans fault, like we were led to believe season 1.
17:00 - great question ---- how come peter never absorbed his dad's power??? (i want you all to try to answer this one...)
CB Note: I actually was thinking this over as we watched last night too! How funny. I think I just figured it out. His dad "died" before his powers manifested!
18:00 - nathan told his mom to choose a side!! hero or villain!!! caryn noted this. i was busy finishing my sammy.
19:00 - you cant put one over on mama p, papa p. everyone knows that.
20:00 - pft, like she's gonna believe that weakass 'no'. im betting she didnt believe, and she KILLS HIM! or tries.... but hmm, she was allied with linderman in season 1 i tihnk... so how did dad p end in that bed?/?
21:00 - IRON MAN!!!!!
22:00 - also, i just realized what weapons they use to get the bad heroes. why do they never yell "Dont Tase me Bro!"
CB Note: Really? You JUST realized what weapons they use??? The stun-gun has been used many times this season.
23:00 - i wish i could have some of VM's pie....
24:00 - Clyde!!! we'd totes been missing him. they should totes bring him back. of course, i thought that clyde was hrg's old partner, wasn't he? then something happened, and clyde ditched the company... i'm pretty sure they mucked this up.
25:00 - sylar mentions... THE HUNGER!!!!!! he's always breaking the 5th commandment - "thou shalt not covet the powers of others"
26:00 - caryn notes the irony if hrg actually turning sylar bad.
27:00 - didnt elle get her powers from a formula? i cant remember. and shouldn't she have inherited.
28:00 - caryn doesn't know why hrg wants sylar to kill. i think its bc he wants to catch him in act and bring him in to the company.
29:00 - linderman: "i dont know how nathan survived.." ummm, YOU GAVE HI MPOWERS DIDNT YOU?!?!?! i just pointed this otu to cb, and she raised her eyebrows. im pretty good fyi..
30:00 - wtf. hes mindreading? thats not his power. ugh, and now hes like mind controlling her. caryn adeptly points out this was eden's power. wtmuck, just wtmuck.
31:00 - this scene with hiro half waking, and them putting him back to sleep, how pointless was that? jesus this show has fallen so far.
32:00 - i did enjoy the clint-firegirl witty repartee.
33:00 - that was some baaaaaaaaaaaad special effects in that exploding boxcar.
34:00 - has arthur erased mama p's thoughts and memories before? i thought thats what linderman said. so, i think shes gonna pick the truth, and then they are both gonna turn on arthur. good use of linderman's power here. and ummm, wtf is arthurs power. he erased her thoughts? made her agree with him? and steals powers? srsly, w.t.f.x.
CB Note: I agree...we need to discuss arthur and his powers. So he can take someone's powers from them, but he also seems to have other powers reminiscent of other heroes that still have their powers, for example eden with the making people do what you want, the haitian with erasing memories, parkman's dad with the reading of minds. He obviously can also talk to people with his mind and control them, like he did with mama p and the doctor who's keeping him alive.
35:00 - why does he set claire's mom free? srsly? why? it dun make sense. who cares what they lied to her about.
CB Note: Maybe he was protecting HRG/the company? Maybe they never wanted to take her in for fear she'd find out they took claire?
36:00 - kinda hilarious how claire ran into that boxcar fire. caryn and i remember that scene from season 1. she got taped doing it i think.
37:00 - i thought he took the name sylar from the watch after he killed papa suresh. shes still calling him gabester.
38:00 - trevors ability is cool elle. i wish i could do that. PEW PEW!!
39:00 - love it. mama p brought the haitian to bring arthur down!!!
40:00 - a) i think vm blew it. caryn thinks vm broke his heart. whoa, they're watching how he does it. that was the point. im not sure what good it actually is though. hrg created sylarrrrrrr. also, caryn notes that sylar has never done the cool gun thing.
41:00 - caryn wants credit for nutting poison soup. it was so obvi. im not counting it.
CB Note: You're not counting it cause you didn't think of it yourself! Screenshot or it didnt happen!
42:00 - now we gotta explain htf he lived and was in that bed. did mama p really fuxx that up that bad?
55:00 - she wanted to incinerate him!!! but nathan walked in... ohnoes. nathan ruined it alllllll.
56:00 - whats the loose end hrg just mentioned? - is it elle?
57:00 - we saw peter get out of this cab, and hrg get in in season 1.
58:00 - i still dont think that this petrelli plotline can be taking place at the same time as the rest of them, just fyi.
59:00 - ohnoes, he mindcontrolled the doc!! how could mama p be so dumb and not go see him herself? srsly....
60:00 - dude, how did his head get detached. omg its arthur! but seriously, why'd he decapitate him? and omg arthur is gonna muck hiro. but srly, is his power this mind bs or power stealing??? W.T.F.
CB Note: Don't take Hiro's powerrrrrrrrrrrrr
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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