I was gonna whine about having to watch heroes instead of pushing daisies, but caryn says VM is gonna be in this ep. yipp!
peter's dad is such a thief!!!!
2:00 - yay a mohinder scene! i mean, sigh. so i heard the flying noise and thought nathan was flying. then i looked up from typing and mohinder was superjumping... like mario.
CB Note: Mohinder is the WORST. I think I dislike him so much now that I'd rather keep Majaaaah than him. At least she got hotter!
3:00 - so, what is arthur doing? is he a total bad guy? or secretly good?
CB Note: You're just trying to put this "secretly good" thing in now in case he becomes good in a future ep way in the future so you can claim a nut! Cause he's done NOTHING so far that says "good guy"
4:00 - way to nut that "you're grounded" caryn.
5:00 - eris quod sum!!!!
6:00 - nothing like a scene of mamma claire giving claire some motherly advice. booooooring. well, at least something is wrong with the lights.
7:00 - And at the 7th minute, there was much rejoicing. Elle Elle Elle!!!
8:00 - what happened to her? was she in a fight with sylar? was she even on earlier this season? i can barely remember, bc it was...ummm. FIVE weeks ago. pshaw.
CB Note: And yet again you show that you have the memory of a 72-year-old man (yes that was a dig at McCain). Elle was in the fight with Sylar at Level 5. He was trying to kill her when she freaked out and made an electrical explosion that let everyone free. That was the last we saw of her (when Mama P sent her packing) and now she's all haywire!
9:00 - claire;s brother comes up with an awesome move. who woudla thought it. unfortch, it did cut off super hot girlfghting between claire and elle. personally, im betting on kb every time.
10:00 - i think arther will be able to remove her abilities... hahaha good one arthur. does this mean no more majah?! we can only hope obi wan, we can only hope.
11:00 - LOL. awesome. Majah hates mohinder.
12:00 - lol, mohinder asks arthur to take his abilities. we can only hope that arthur obliges and mohinder stops being such an awful character, and just goes back ot regular boring.
13:00 - whoa enmeshed protein links! obvi a fresh injection would fix mohinder. sure. and mohinder is skeptical of their self serving agenda! and this dialogue is awful. and mohinder is skeptical bc WE HAD THIS PLOTLINE LAST SEASON.
14:00 - tbh id rather be Wii'ing.
15:00 - caryn is working on our super awesome halloween costumes btw. is BG coming to NYC for HWeen?
16:00 - why is sylar so emo?
17:00 - coolio, mama p coming ot sylar in his dream and telling him to get all badass and save lil p. 3 cheers for badass sylar. at least he's cool.
18:00 - why cant elle control her power? i dun gets it.
19:00 - you guys aren't gonna believe this, but caryn thinks she knows what girl gave elle that card for some company called pinehearst.
CB Note: Sarcasm doesn't suit you.
20:00 - btw, wtf is with pinehearst. aren't they already in this show, only theyre called The Company? recycle more plotlines please. MOAR!
CB Note: The Company is Primatech. Pinehurst is the new baddies company.
21:00 - vm is totally pwning hayden here. no, they're not fighting. kb is just a pwns actress.
22:00 - hopefully this elle+hayden plotline is compelling.
23:00 - so, all these dudes are like superpowerful villains, why do they need lil' daph to do their dirty work?
CB Note: Cause she can move quickly
24:00 - well, if you had ep 6 for when daddy parkman gets wtfpwnt after a 5second scene, then you won. funneh.
25:00 - pinehearst DOES sound like a dishwashing liquid mama claire. good one. now get off the screen already and lets move this plot along.
26:00 - speaking of hrg, ummmm. where is he at?
27:00 - yes, claire needs the same thing as elle, her ability under control... umm. how is claires ability OUT of control?
28:00 - sadly, i have no nuts for how parkman gets out of this quandary with Li'l D.
29:00 - is parkman really gonna be sad about his dad? after all, last season, his dad locked him in a bad dream... just pointing that out, since its unlikely the writers remember.
30:00 - caryn: "peter's been locked up alot this season". good comment caryn, i preferred when he was kickin ass and takin names.
31:00 - ruh roh. mohinder is gonna turn peter into Cocoon Man version 2.
32:00 - hey, good plotwork - peter telling mohinder future mohinder looked like the sith lord.
33:00 - wtfx. how did sylar let himself get captured by Cocoon Man. sigh, that scene was shaping up so cool.
34:00 - caryn's so smart.
35:00 - btw, have you guys met Bumpkin, the little pumpkin with a cute face that i got caryn for halloween? Bumpkin is best friends with Pookie now. They play Wii Fit together. Why am i writing about them now? well it's a nathan and ali scene in mohinders loft - caryn asks why are they still there? i dunno!
36:00 - and hey, an appearance by hrg! i got excited, and then nothing happened...
37:00 - you tell her elle. you just wanted to be a plumber right?
38:00 - caryn was all over this elle mucking the plane thing. speaking of.... how could she be so dumb to FLY somewhere in a PLANE?!?!?! more unbelievable than a YNR plot.
39:00 - think claires gonna feel anything from all that eletricity?
40:00 - aww, are they gonna be best buds now?
41:00 - so... it appears parkman is dead... first, fear guy sucks, and if they killed parkman that would be the dumbest thing ever, he's one of the more likable characters. two, i dont know how they explain him not dying after Suck Ass Fear Guy Who Kills Parkman (i asked caryn to come up with an alliterative name) punches him through the chest, 3) caryn has the best idea i guess, that hiro goes into the past
44:00 - or four, parkman tricked him to begin with!
45:00 - so who is the arch bad guy? mama p or arthur? it seems that now its pinehearst and arthur v angela and primatech! better head to primatech asap parkman.
46:00 - sylar don't let him steal your powers.....................
47:00 - this episode was getting kinda good, but then.... right on cue... its mohinder and majah!!!
48:00 - majah says maybe one day she'll forgive mohinder. caryn thinks thats kinda nuts, since he attacked her and put her in a cocoon. also, mohinder says his feelings for majah were real, but i dunno how thats possible, seeing as tho that plotline came out of leftfield.
49:00 - hopefully majah is done now, but i doubt it. all those episodes, and all that screen time, and she's still had ZERO bearing on this show other than as timewaster. its like the writers wanted to leave work early.
50:00 - whatd he tell sylar?!
51:00 - caryn thinks sylar is supposed to be smart. but now he's all gullible for mom then dad. caryn is not pleased. i mean, i tihnk i kinda agree, he should be skeptical of these baddies.
52:00 - ummm... peter has no abilities... so he should be dead after that fall. also, seeing as how elle and claire just saw him thrown out that window, i think they will not be headed into that building.
CB Note: How come you don't mention in this blog when I wager a good nut?? This is when I said that maybe Sylar slowed down Peter's landing!!!
53:00 - caryn is also miffed that sylar was all "ill help you peter" and now hes all "splat you go peter"
54:00 - what bs that peter's alive after that.
55:00 - omg, elle's going to get her ability taken! dont dew it elle. dont!
56:00 - claire asks the question that we asked. how'd he not die? hopefully they have a cool explanation for it and that was a foreshadowing question...
57:00 - caryn points out... its FIRE AND ICE! a pair of hot blondes! i'd say its Ice and Fire. oh Daenerys Targaryen!!! (caryn just referred to her as the Khaleesi)
CB Note: Mike, Justin totally "mommed" me by originally writing "she's the Khaleesi where Caryn is in the book write now" alluding to her not being so in the future. He tried to backtrack, lame attempt tho.
58:00 - well, arthur does some foreshadowing on that peter surviving thing. caryn asks who i think caused him to live. im going with sylar. i think sylars a good guy this season, and he did it. cant possibly explain how. caryn also went with sylar immediately, tho also cant explain how. here's what i wonder - wouldnt arthur want peter alive or dead, and if dead, then hed be mad and go tell sylar ot keel him or do it himself.
CB Note: I did explain how - Sylar slowed down his landing!!! He wants him to live!!! He's still goood!
59:00 - ohnoes. OHNOES. lil d how could you betray the parkster. :( and parkster, how could you not read it in her mind... duh.
60:00 - good one peter. i guess now we know how sylar saved him. nuts for caryn and i.
CB Note: Psh. Nuts for ME. You stink.
61:00 - btw, howd arthur get dead and in that bed to begin with?
62:00 - Justice Department. lol as if that'd work.
63:00 - looks like peanut butter to me... Jif Extra Smooth...
well, the preview for 2 weeks did look cool.
We are trying to decide whether we should watch Daisies or if caryn should do some Wii Yoga. dunno!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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