Happy birthday Mike!!! what a tuesday night, heroes is saved form last nite, teh gang is over, i prepared a 7 course dinner of pure scrumptiousness, lawrence got the wrong sauv blanc, cb made her delicious chili, and here we go!
0:00 - mike: where did we leave off? i hope there's more myjah this week!
1:00 - scene 1 - starting with mohinder. not a good sign for the ep.
2:00 - it looks like mohinders spidey sense gives him suiperhearing. oh manesh.
3:00 - nikkie was a triplet! huh? the other 2 names i didnt recognize. babela?
CB Note: You didn't recognize Nikki's name?
4:00 - so, is ali larter's acting this bad? or this this scene jsut written as if the w riters were still on strike? mike predicts she ices this doctor.
5:00 - F. first nut of the ep for mike!!!
5:10 - i take it back, she only almost iced it. haha!!!
5:30 - lawrence and mike dont understand the african isaac. newbs.
6:00 - so, about those headphones? goo goo dolls? nirvana? the police? britney spears???
7:00 - ooh, the peters are 4 yrs in the future. finally, we could havea good scene! all those dudes are flying!!! (um, so why are there are taxis?).
CB Note: Obviously not everyone has the same powers, duh! Some people can fly, but some people would have different non-flying powers.
8:00 - just as i was thinking how bad the dialgoue in this scene was, mike says "its like 2 terrible actors talking ot eachother". caryn: hes using his batman voice.
9:00 - whats sylars ability that will help peter not make mistakes.
10:00 - claires ability was given. like mohinder. and nathan?
11:00 - consensus that hte scene was redeemed by claire showing up with her nwe partner the haitian to kil future peter!!! aaaaaah. they work for the future company? crazysauce.
12:00 - i dont like future elles haircut. oh, and molly makes a appearance lol. whoops. apparently thats fast girl, not elle. minus a point.
CB Note: For someone who loves Kristen Bell so much that she's in his top 5...you sure don't know what she looks like!
13:00 - ando is being such a whiner.ofc he makes a good point, hiros mad bc future ando nuts him. ooh, a veiled threat. burn.
14:00 - i heard mike went with the john foster dulles for his office at work...
15:00 - sigh, more mohinder and majahhh. at least shes showing a veritable heap of attractive cleavage.
16:00 - mike is making snide remarks about majahh and menash. hes so mean! rachel, otoh, is riveted by this scene.
17:00 - ohnoes a RASH. the RASH is spreading. get that man some bacitracin!!
18:00 - ruhroh, future mohinder is it? he sounds like darth vader tbh. ohgod, do you think mohinder is peters father?
CB Note: No.
20:00 - future sylar ftlol. hey hes got claires dog! that was an enjoyable scene at least. lawrecne nails it: "creepy as hell"
21:00 - what ability is it? this is weird. see, peter doesnt need sylars ability bc he can get other ppls powers too . i thoght maybe it was claires, but peter has claire too. what is going on? apparently he needs the udnerstanding that sylar has. caryn stop tapping my arm, im having my 3rd bowl of chili so what and im trying ot blog.
22:00 - whats gabriel gonna paint?
23:00 - fastgirl is raising molly with parkman? huh? and, she really lookes like elle. im so confused. mike: "this isnt rome, youre not rachel. coem on!"
24:00 - that scene was fearguy and claire was good. i do like badass claire. i wish caryn would dress like that. rawr!
30:00 - fix the watchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
31:00 - so i think sylar just gave his power to peter with that watch thing.
CB Note: Duh, that was the point
32:00 - ohnoes they foudn them! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. good scene inc.
33:00 - am i the onyl one wondering why peter just doesnt stop time? srsly...
CB Note: Also, if the Haitian is Claire's partner, why wouldn't he always be with her so that no one could use their powers and she could just shoot him (like with future Peter). Cause they want to be able to kill Peter using their powers? Which worked so well it caused a nuclear explosion....
34:00 - so, sylar jstu asploded after lil noah got killed by fearguy. and theres a lot of debate about what happened.
so, first, peter and claire live bc they cant die? sylar too? fastgirl and fearguy should be dead. and now this is one of the things peter has to go bac kto the past and stop? we are confuzzled. nobodys talkign sense. i think rachel is still in season 1 tihnkign about asploding people.
37:00 - i cant eat my chili bc of thsi stupid blog and thsi stupid vent.
38:00 - ali larter nut projcetions: what will she do now?
- mike: takign care of mycah (he immediately tried to blame this nut on lawrence)
- caryn: go find the third triplet
- correct answer: try to commit suicide but get caught by nathan
-rachel: omg it was like west saving claire!
- mike: to the hollywood sign!!!
42:00 - teh general snarkyness of current comments (some of which are really bad - my own worst enemy rachel) shows the skepticism at this plot.
ali: so, you can fly?
lawrence: whats your sign?
43:00 - yes lawrence, i loved frosted root beer mugs. speaking of, i really want some rootbeer.
44:00 - rachel nuts nathans new plan - sleeping with all 3 ali larters. id be more excited about that if we could get a little nudity.
45:00 - nice nut on this future press conference mellin. but, WHAT is with those sunglasses. rachel thinks they are in style in the future. i doubt it, they are hideous.
46:00 - great scene, with nathan rolling in to talk to peter. an army? to do what? what dreams and paintings has nathan seen? ruhroh, nathan is sounding a little nuttier now.
47:00 - congratulations lawrence, on that nutting of peter sylaring nathan.
48:00 - at least that scene was good, and his rolling back to see present sylar.
49:00 - rachel admits to beign so confused about the future, and how many times its changed. poor rachel. i think she thinks that sylar asploding this ep was the explosion that was gonna happen back in season 1 in new york. poor rachel and her eye.
CB Note: Is there a good reason you keep writing "asploding" ???
50:00 - oooh. thought she was fast enough, but turns out she wasnt. good scene!
51:00 - oh, his spirit guide that attaches to his subconscious. duh. nut inc: its gonna be THE TALKING TURTLE!!!
52:00 - i agree with lawrence, this parkman plot is teh dumbbb.
53:00 - who exactly stole both parts? if it wasnt the company? who is hte manipulator?! any nuts? this would be a big nut if i could only get it. grar.
- its prolly a bad guy in that future ep. i bet its adam...
54:00 - i really think the dialogue in this ep was uncommonly bad.
how on earht are they gonan explain mr petrelli being back? poor rachel. first her eye, now her head.
mike thinks it was a good ep. i tihnk it was half good, half awful. soem scenes were compellling. others are jsut so bad, either plot or dialoguewise. pictionary time! and lordy am i stuffed. cant wait to ice my own cupcake though (regular icing, not ali icing)
CB Note: Lame icing joke!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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