0:00 - i cant believe i agreed to do this...
0:30 - even mroe ridiculous, i cant believe ive practically seen the entire season, b/c caryn insists its the first thing we watch wed nite, even tho there are tons of other great shows on, like Pulling Roses, Peepee, and Clean Prude (opposite of money).
3:00 - rats i missed the opening while i was getting wine and my dinner. im gonna needot be drunk to make this bearable.
4:00 - yay its Whitney!!! all time best model ever!! She should be a judge instead of paulina boringskova. btw, p.w.n.3.d.
5:00 - seriously, are either of these 3 girls remotely comparable to The Whit?!
6:00 - who goes up an just kisses random strangers on vacation? 13 year old girls buying allliteratively named lip glosses?
7:00 - Sam, pre-kiss: "omg, please dont have herpes..."
8:00 - fyi, im totes rootign for Anelie.
9:00 - except she just blanked. her face was awesome. It was like when peter realized that arthur was stealing his power and he was mucked!
10:00 - ugh, and her kiss was awful too.
11:00 - omg mckie's face scares me.
12:00 - what is wrong with this show? these girls, alleged models, are so bad, that i, a 26year old male have no desire to hook up with any of them.
13:00 - omg, how CHEEZY was the end of hte commercial, when they all got out of that car or boat? were they supposed ot be clowns? bc tey looked like clowns. seriously, i need more tortilla chips, bc i ran out and theres still so much cheese left.
14:00 - sam's photo is so blegh.
15:00 - analeigh's is terrible. paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainful didnt describe it tyra. oh, wasnt she great in the first commercial?
16:00 - photo is bleh.
17:00 - these girls are so weak. i tihnk fatima woulda won if this were her season.
18:00 - thsi guest judge is full of insightful commentary: "... but she looked great..." really, girls who are supposed to be models looked great? who'd have thought?! good thing youre a judge!!!
19:00 - caryn and i are both going with mckie defintely forward, and sam out.
20:00 - that was the worst lurch impression ever.
21:00 - mckie moves forward, nut 1 for us.
22:00 - RAISIN!!!!!! analeigh is out. sam is in. cand caryn is FURIOUS. she's already declared she's boycotting the rest of hte episode, but for some reason i still have to watch and blog.... wtf? also, caryn states that tis been obvious from the beginning that it was gonna be mckie. rach, do you agree?
23:00 - just to clarify, a "raisin" is the new official 'opposite' of a "nut".
24:00 - dude, they were showing some monster nip in that photoshoot. thats some modeling i can approve of.
29:00 - whoa! that runway is Off the Hizzy For Shizzle, amirite Young Jeezy?
31:00 - that previous entry was for rach... had to speak her language for a lil.
33:00 - i wonder what the verdict on that drape for whitney is...
37:00 - im going to have nightmares of that walking pink ball.
39:00 - whitney melts face. she owns. mckie looked TERRIBLE walking. TERRIBLE.
40:00 - sam stinks too. caryn wishes we could have seen analeigh walk too. Last year with whitney was obviously a fluke. we are back ot lamers in teh final 2, and sucky girls winning.
41:00 - also, for all the talk of this cool runway, frankly, i thought it was kind of lame and dumb. i wasnt impressed at all.
42:00 - caryn: "mckie's accent changes every other word". shes kinda right.
43:00 - there's a reason they didnt show us hte professional dutch models walking... bc they woulda made uncle sam and mcsuck look as bad as they truly were.
44:00 - tyra you liked those facial expressions? it looked to me like she had (serious disease that its politicaly incorrect to make fun of people with) or (another mental disease or defect). Seriously, she looked terrible, are you kidding me?
45:00 - photo shoot one: they both stunk. STUNK. boxing? boxing???? really? really seth? boxing mckie, boxing? really amy?
46:00 - Photo shoot two - Sam looked hawt. mckie kinda looked hot too.
47:00 - Clipper Ship: i can see why they like mckie's but its not that hot to me. i LOVE sam's. how she's holding the rope and her dress. stfu and stop being so critical nigel you lamer. wtf kind of name is nigel anyway?
48:00 - tyra's shoot: sam looks good, but its kinda meh overall. McKie's isnt bad, but again bleh. Mckie's glam photo looks AWFUL. AWFUL. i buy that she's a spaz and couldnt stop tripping over her own 2 feet as a kid. sam's is good, but wuts with her legs and knees? that loosk like some kind of folk dance.
49:00 - uh oh, the music is getting tense. deliberation time. its gonna be "interesting". tyra no its not. its mckie 100%, we all knwo this. You elimmed analeigh so she wouldnt show up mckie in the final walk.
50:00 - oh its anya! looks like shes doing great! good thing she doesnt need to speak ever...
51:00 - i think nigel just creamed his pants talking about mckie's final pose. seriously, it looks like a bearcub ate her face! i love how he tried to run off how hideous her walk was with one line under his breath.
52:00 - on the nut front, caryn is going with mckie... but she wants everyoen to know she "feels robbed".
53:00 - caryn just paused to make a comment to me, and she paused on mckie making mental disease or defect face... i swear.
54:00 - caryn is irate that sam has been involved every week and talking to the camera, and mckie has always been in the background.
55:00 - caryn is now signing on to "go for broke with sam, even though i dont think its sam"
56:00 - NUTS!!!! ill count it for caryn too, we both knew it was destined.
57:00 - i just asked caryn is Mr. and Miss J were married.
58:00 - caryn tells me she read on EOnline that it was so obvious who was going to win this season that they had to edit it to make it look unobvious, so they edited mckie out of hte show. whatever.
59:00 - can i have the last 45minutes of my life back? rach, you owe me.....
p.s. tyra was just all "gimme that signature pose" and i thought for sure that mckie was gonna make mdd face, but instead she did long neck o the right... and then tyra was like "another another" and mckie did.... wait for it... long neck to the .... LEFT!!!! yes, she did the EXACT SAME POSE to the opposite side. ell.oh.ell.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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