so, id rather cuddle c and give her big hugs while we watch this. instead, i am being forced to blog this awful show.
CB Notes: You're welcome all!
1:00 - oy, watching these previously's, just angers me more about everyones criticism about my awesome catalyst nut.
2:00 - so at dinner with c's family last nite, we were talking about how heroes has gotten worse. and her dad was like "well thats bc c's mom never watches it and cant follow it" and i was like "also... it stinks"
CB Note: What are you talking about? I don't even understand what you're trying to say my dad said. He did joke that my mom can't follow it, but how could she "never watch it" when she does?
3:00 - were any of those pictures important? i as too busy typing, bc c makes me.
CB Note: Yes they were pictures of things that would happen this episode!
4:00 - i kind of wish that vm was on lost...
5:00 - oh puppetman.
6:00 - hrg! wheres he been? srsly i have no idea. i cant remember.
7:00 -where are peter and nathan going. sigh im lost.
8:00 - whens gossipgirl on?
9:00 - do we need these gratuitous dead person body parts scenes?
10:00 - wuts the catalyst do?
11:00 - wait, it wasn't obvious to you guys that that pencil drawing was claire?
CB Note: Was she wearing a cheerleader outfit?
12:00 - oh noes lots of bad things today! i like how claire can die during the eclipse thats smart. and if we remember season 2, hiro actually appeared during the ecilipse of that battle. is that when all abilities started?
CB Note: Ooooh, yea he appeared in the past and there was an eclipse so his powers didn't work! I guess that's why he couldn't get home? But then the eclipse was over and he still thought his powers didn't I dunno...
13:00 - whose side is daphne on again? and parkman's plan to find him is find his phone number? really? nobody else had it?
14:00 - c reminds me that daphne saved parkman in that dream last time. that was cool!
15:00 - c sometimes has to go potty like that. why are they at parkman's, wut happened to my seth green and breckin meyer cameo?
CB Note: I have no idea what that is a reference to...
16:00 - oh btw, i guessed that was claire dead in hrg's arms at the start.
CB Note: But then you made fun of the guy who said that was claire in the drawing? Also...not a nut.
17:00 - know what'd be cool? if there was really a chance for claire gettin WHACKED.
18:00 - lol ando called daphne Nemesis.
19:00 - why is hiro having a staring contest with little t?
20:00 - yay, sassy vm returns!
21:00 - what exactly is vm doing? i dont understand at all.
22:00 - hey, i hear ticktocking. sylars hungry.
23:00 - c doesn't get wtf vm is doing also. sigh at this show, and it was actually shaping up as a good ep.
24:00 - who else is tired of mohinders random science mumbo jumbo? omg the moon controls the waves! mohinders changing! that's bc you're a frigging moron. just dai. k thx bai.
25:00 - so... ali larter's character is totally pointless again right? 3 seasons in a row? sigh.
26:00 - i love daphne, but this parkman plot is pretty bad. and its esp sad bc i was excited for the daphne backstory. also, if this was in the comic book, why didn't they just read it? for that matter, why don't they just skip ahead a page and find out what happens at the end?
27:00 - ecliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipse.
28:00 - caryn ewwwed at mohinder. i laughed.
29:00 - sure was lucky they were flying over a lake!
30:00 - really? naked mohinder. come on. srsly. why.
31:00 - how do they know how to find the haitian?
32:00 - where are they? haiti? why as the eclipse in both haiti and lawrence kansas. is that possible?
33:00 - his village is on a map? how convenient.
34:00 - lol at parkmans attempt to read his mind and control him. parkmans face is hilarious.
35:00 -daphne says its happening. wuts happening? what is he going to get?
36:00 - "if we double back we'll make it in an hour". that means like it was 15minutes away, they went 15min in the wrong direction? big whoop. just turn around and stop fighting like a bunch of teeenage girls.
CB Note: Wouldn't 15 minutes and 15 minutes be a half hour, not an hour babe?
37:00 - peter is opening up a can of emotional whoopass on nathan. huh? how did nathan choose dad in the future.
38:00 - hi haitian. tsup?
39:00 - lol vm. and double lol sylar and his fingerpoint.
CB Note: I have no clue what this means. Could you try to what's happening on the show so we can read the blog and understand your thoughts?
40:00 - "claire noooooooooooooo" simultaneous from me and c. also, hrg busted elles face gud.
41:00 - also, hiro will go back in time and fix all this when he gets his powers back. this will be a nut.
42:00 - how does sylar be all calm in the future when hes still totes bad apparently?
43:00 - well, at least claire can feel pain again.
44:00 - hey, i thought claire and elle were becoming friends on that plane flight like 2 eps ago?
45:00 - claire mentions that she can feel pain again. a nut for 43:00.
46:00 - this is a loooooooooooooooooooooong eclipse.
47:00 - listen you 3 morons. open the farking comic book already.
48:00 - too bad the eclipse saved mohinder.... also, wheres majah?
49:00 - Sam's Comics. of course!!!!
50:00 - terrible dialogue with peter haitian and nathan.
51:00 - je m'appelle j. je parle francais.
52:00 - claire's mom, please shush and can we get on with this episode.
53:00 - nice speech parkman. is this a romcom?
54:00 - these Heroes romances that progress from like total strangers to madly in love in 2 episodes are just ridiculous (park daph, elle sylar, majah mohinder, nathan ali. they are all soooooo bad. i guess park daph is my fave anyway)
CB Note: For the record, Elle and Sylar have a history, they liked each other when she was working for the company, trying to get him to kill. So at least there's that. Daph/Parkman is a bit ridiculous. He's in love with her simply because he saw in the future they were married. And then she loves him because he's a good guy and wants to protect her. Can't we at least show them having a cute moment where they talk like normal people and bond?
55:00 - caryn and i have no daph nuts. no clue whats going on. omgeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, she cant walk! nice twist.
56:00 - out of curiosity, what does one's mind feel like when its full of cotton and ice?
57:00 - aww, we cut out as elle and sylar yakkity yak yak yak.
58:00 - caryns got us fired up online.
59:00 - ruh roh, looks like a peeping tom!!!!
soso ep. could been better, coudla been worse. blergh.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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