Thursday, February 28, 2008

LOST Episode 5 2/28/08

LOST awesomeness continues!!!!

1:00 - hey, looks like hte helicopter is working.

1:30 - that weather looks BAD!

2:00 - i bet they dont die, b/c sayid is alive in the future. (nut)

3:00 - they eject?

4:00 - caryn and i are debating that weird experience desmond had after the hatch exploded. i think it was when he was trying t ochange the past and couldn't. caryn is remembering it as the future.

5:00 - well, caryn was right about desmond kind of jumping places here.

6:00 - sooo... Island desmond just switched places with some other desmond (future desmond..? no, b/c future desmond would obvi know what happened to him in the past on the copter)... alternative world desmond? a past desmond that used to be in the military? did desmond desert hte military way back, b/c he oculdnt cut it? i think he did, in which case then present desmond just switched places with past desmond, and past desmond is all "omfg where am i". n.u.t. still, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry weird. how do they explain it without supernatural?

7:00 - dan is not a good secret keeper. could they have not arrived yet b/c of the time mess up with the missile...?

8:00 - side effects for the wrong bearings? desmond side effects?


10:00 - as caryn notes, there's obvi some space-time issue aroudn the island???

11:00 - the boat people are not happy.

12:00 - did desmond actually desert the military b/c he had this actual dream of the future? then he deserted and the future came to pass just like he dreamed it? i dont remember the actual reasons given for him deserting back in season 2 or season 3. Does this mean desmond has alwas been able to see the future, even before hte Hatch experience. (this would all be a great nut!) [note that the 2 desmonds have swapped back now].

13:00 - well guess not, past desmond is still in the present LOST time.

14:00 - ack, some other dude that has gone nuts. takes away from the specialness surrounding desmond. hmm

15:00 - gosh, they sure are mad at pilotguy.

16:00 - lol sayid, took off at dusk, landed in middle of day.

17:00 - daniel's reaction shows at side effects lol. LOL at that magnetism question. OY hatch

20:00 - ok, im pretty sure that this army stuff is what happened after desmond should have proposed (but couldnt, in his experience fro mseason 2 or 3).

21:00 - i love it. so, daniel just told desmond to find him in the past in 1996! that is why desmond deserts the army! chalk it up for a nut at 12:00. caryn notes that its like BTTF when MJFox had to find Old Doc. anyway, continiung, we are about to get into some of hte difficulties of time travel. First option: old desmond is time traveling for the first time, and now will have hte opportunity to reveal new information to old faraday, who will use that information in the future on the island, information which he doesnt have now. However, the second option, which i think is the correct one, is that old desmond has actually experienced all of this already (time as a continuum, not linear) and i think this b/c we already knew that desmond deserted the military! in fact, i bet the current LOST faraday, alraedy knows that he was visited in the past by desmond.... hmm, the problem here is that that means he would have recognized desmond on the island when they met an episode or 2 ago. Did faraday recognize him?

22:00 - hours or years? faraday has had this happen before. how many times? is this what dharma was studying?

23:00 - now, if desmond if helping faraday, why are the boat guys being unhelpful and trying to stop him from talkign to faraday?

25:00 - did desmond not tell faraday about elouise the last time?

26:00 - "you cant change the future" - daniel is espousing the circular theory.

27:00 - future rat figured out the maze.

30:00 - awesome scene with desmond nad 1996 faraday. and penelope has been calling the boat!!! aaaa.

41:00 - 5minutes but 75, more time relativity stuff. omg the mouse is dead!

43:00 - caryn thinks bens inside boat man opened the door for them.

45:00 - THE BLACK ROCK! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. (Russo's boat, they went ot it to get tnt in season 1)

46:00 - Hanso? owner of the journal? mate from the ship? and Caleb (Widmore) is buying the journal of hte guy who was on hte blackrock which ended up on the island. and Desmond is there!!

48:00 - caryn loves desmond. i tihnk hes one of the awesomest characters. maybe hte best nowadays.

49:00 - this guy is totally diying, just like hte mouse. caryn and i both nutted that earlier, verbally.

50:00 - uh oh 2004. desmond is mucked. he needs to get anchored. here's hte odd thing, if desmond is aware hes going back and forth, why was he so shocked it was 2004.

51:00 - now, obvi i tihnk he gets in touch with penny, bc of the time as continuum theory. the onyl thing i dont understand is how faraday didnt recognize him from earlier this season. I almost want to go bakc and find their first meeting. in fact, we're gonna go find it online after this ep.

56:00 - OMG here's hte phone call!!! desmond got the number in the past crazzzzzzzzzzzzy.

57:00- She picked up. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. caryn is balling, fyi.

58:00 - why is the boat out of power source? (makes no sense. just the emerg phone?)

59:00 - AAA. faraday is time traveling himself too? using desmond as his constant? so old faraday is switching spots in the future with new faraday. what'd he jsut skip the middle of his life?

WHAT AN EP!!! OH to the EM GEE!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ANTM Cycle whatever episode 2 feb 27

1:00 - jesus tyra, its wed nite and im watchign the cw. do you really think i wanted to hear about female genital mutilation at this particular moment? wasn't last season's ausbergers enuff?!?! and im prolly the best chance you have at getting somebody who wants to hear that on wednesday evening. what about the Smallville/OneTreeHill crowd?

2:00 - caryn wants me to note guy fieri commercial for tgifridays. are they gonna Kick it up a notch! was that guy's saying?

3:00 - we are eating fancy cupcakes fyi. and you guys are missing out!

4:00 - kim was totally a cheerleader in high school. and shes not even that pretty, but shes totally the prettiest of the bunch. and she says shes not dumb, but shes really down to earth. caryn disputes the dumb statement, noting that there's really no relationship between the descriptive terms dumb and down to earth.

5:00 - god i hope amis gets eliminated, bc i cant stand that name.


7:00 - so, there's 1 giant bed for them to sleep on. is this antm, or A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila?

8:00 - if you had the 8minute mark in the "when's the first genital mutilation testimonial" office pool, then you won this week! for the record, im taking the 5 minute mark for next week.

9:00 - they went outside to smoke, but i remember them not being allowed to smoke last season.... lol?

10:00 - "mr and mrs jay" - i laffed.

12:00 - badgley mishka!!!!

14:00 - rachel always thought badgley mishka was one guy, fyi.

15:00 - whoa, busted girl who got kicked off last season is so nervous, that she's calm! OMG!

16:00 - so far, only katyrzina owned it on her runway walk.

17:00 - props to kim for noting that fashion prices are ridic.

18:00 - amis just used the term "ragamuffin". i love her.

19:00 - ugly girl is SO BAD compared to heather.

20:00 - lol at marvita-fatima. i hope they both make it. theyre gonna always be bitchfighting. i would think itd drive tyra nuts seeing the black girls be so bitchy. oprah would never let that happen on The Big Give.

21:00 - Paulina Porizkova!!! caryn says she's the new twiggy. i hope shes smarter than twiggy.

22:00 - whoa, paulina is a b*tch. hilarious listening to her put down the models.

23:00 - hey, we actually gotta fashion tip there, dont bite on ur back teeth or your face will be a square.

25:00 - do you think stacy ann is bill cosbys daughter?

26:00 - stretch taxi-limo? caryn just called it fab-cab? wtf.

27:00 - im told it said fab cab on the door.

28:00 - uh oh, fatima is callin marvita's face smushed, just like paulina did!

29:00 - i think selesha's commercial was a disaster. at least shes audible, unlike jaslene. but that commercial was bad, except for the rihanna name drop. and i dont even like her new hairdo.

30:00 - homeless youth issue fashion shoot! oh socially conscious tyra.

31:00 - competing for the most things i dont care about is marvita's former homelessness. say it with me: WE. DONT. CARE.

33:00 - i have no clue what jay means when he explains this concept. of course, i feel that half the shoots. i dont know why they just dont go out and own it...

35:00 - srsly, am i watching ANTM or MTV's Real World Road Rules Gauntlet Inferno XVIII? b/c what the f is all this silly drama?

36:00 - oh god, amis was laughably bad. she might stay around for that reason.

37:00 - i like katyrzinaaaa.

40:00 - tyra mail is the dumbest phrase ever. do you know who we have to thank for it? somebody from Survivor, which coined the term Tree-Mail. :(

42:00 - ruh roh, more kim high fashion money ranting shes cooked. and now fatima is telling the confessional maybe this isnt the place for kim. and rachel remarks, "maybe if people werent spending 2000 dollars on clothes, you wouldnt be poor in somalia!". BURN!

43:00 - Twiggy is gone. who will the new judge be?!?!?! i just nutted that its Paulina Portizkova!!! caryn claims to have nutted earlier b/c she called her "the new twiggy". rachel and i think that she meant that in the model sense. anyway, whyd twiggy quit? i think it was b/c she was exposed as a fraud by Victoria last season!
CB Note: Ahem: "21:00 - Paulina Porizkova!!! caryn says she's the new twiggy. i hope shes smarter than twiggy." What's so hard to understand...she's the new twiggy. No nut for Justin!

44:00 - aww tyra was homeless for a day for fun or something. i was too busy blogging.

45:00 - rachel is eagerly awaiting the "stunning revelation" of the episode still.

47:00 - allison is mucked, but she's one of the like 3 prettiest. sigh.

52:00 - STUNNING REVELATION!!!! there it is! kim doesn't believe in the designer expensiveness! LOL. she just said she doesn't find it interesting. the judges made shocked faces. the girls are stunned. I love it, Kim just insulted them all, but she's like "THIS IS SO SHALLOW I DO NOT WANT TO DO IT!"

55:00 - eliminating another anyway.

56:00 - im explaining how awesome Kim's exit was. she just insulted them all. it was as good as Victoria's talkback.

58:00 - omfg they're still being mad at the only hot girl, the pilates girl. calling her lopsided? f u miss j. and tyra is making snide gossip girl comments. want some "owning" tyra? well, Gossip Girl OWNS your stupid show biotch!

59:00 - we agree that tyra's accents are dumb.

60:00 - i wanna make a prediction that there will be a surprise non-elim, ala amazing race, since they are dusting 2 girls this ep.

61:00 - lol at kimberly's name still on miss j's jacket. great continuity catch caryn! they showed him ripping it off 5min ago lol. newbs.

62:00 - fatima and marvita made it. boooooo. yay for katyrzina.

63:00 - phew allison the hot girl stayed alive. final 2. caryn is hedging her bets as usual. im going with amis safe, rachel is going with amis elim. nut for me. and for caryn.

Ugly Bettyface Disc 1 Ep 4 (The real ep 4 we hope)

caryn: what else could it be besides episode 4? me: coudl be episode 5!!!

we getto finish bettyface before being tortured thru antm.

1:00 - prada trumps passion! daniel had his beej interrupted. and caryn nutted the stampede being for fasion.

2:00 - i cant believe im laughing at this oshi noshi yeshi scene.

3:00 - yay for more shakira references.

4:00 - i bet bettyface ends up with the gucci bag! rachel thinks britishwoman will get it for her.

10:00 - mroe anti HMO. still lovin it.

12:00 - i think that 25k spent in rio is gonna matter later too perhaps.

13:00 - dude, caryn and i need a universal remote. wheres the love walter?

15:00 - ooh, intrigue! in caleb's office at 1030! sounds like he mistook bettyface for julie cooper...

17:00 - "her" car. is it not faye!?!?!

19:00 - undying lvoe for feye on the musicbox. i nutted that. go back to the ep 1 blog i think. nuuuuuuuuuuuut.

20:00 - they are all going nuts in the closet. what was the point of signing up on the list???

21:00 - romance between betty and the accountant?

22:00 - nuts on the gucci bag for betty.

25:00 - will she sell it to earn money? or will she keep it?!

28:00 - the blogging is slowing down. im tiring out :(

31:00 - i love oshi's entourage too. sterio holder guy lol.

34:00 - caryn notes that its gonan be so sad to sell her bag bc its just like her mothers :(

35:00 - jesus, i hope shes getting mroe than 1 refill for that 4500 dollar bag!!!

36:00 - 15 refills! 3000 used :(

40:00 - the menudo / taquitos offer was hilarious.

45:00 - everyones guessing the roudn white food theyre gonna teach oshi. empanadas? tortillas? pancakes? white pizza? sugar cookies? cottage cheese (caryn and i wanna make clear that last one was rachel's)? i liek tortillas...

46:00 - mark's face is hilarious.

47:00 - Brazilian Butt lift! scandalous!!!

50:00 - the white tassel? really? isnt that some kind of trademark violation? its GOTTA be. lawrence? mike? anyway, dad usedto lvoe white castle as a kid. so did i. but itd make you sick. they are called Belly Bombers for a reason!

55:00 - justin, caryn, and rachel: "awwwwwwww". walter got betty the gucci knockoff!!!

57:00 - lol, they all think the knockoff is real. and she just duped mark!

60:00 -caryn is dismissing rome and the wire though. i wouldnt go that far. but it wasnt awful.

Ugly Bettyface Disc 1 Ep 3

why are we watching the 3rd str8 ep? b/c i dont want to watch americas next busted models with no personality... aka ANBMNP

1:00 - lemonade-iced tea is DELICIOUS!

2:00 - caryn and i tihnk that bunny is cute. mark disagrees. that mark sure is a good actor.

3:00 - we are wondering now if the discs mislabelled the epidoes 2 and 3. i think otherwise the last ep was fine except for that previously on wierdness. but the girls insist its odd taht bettyface is decorating her desk in ep 3.

4:00 - i just nutted what this blonde doign the Fashion channel thing is from -> Studio 60. she was one of hte writers, the one dating nate corrdry at the end. +1 for me.

5:00 - "first issue goes to press tommorow". So, last ep started with them beign pleased with how the first issue sold. which means, THEY MISLABELLED THE EPISODES ON THE DVD. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? how does NOBODY notice? that is just RIDICULOUS!

6:00 - i remember "the book" from Devil wears prada. Lol at this air brushing.

7:00 - "2 million dollar baby" - yuk yuk yuk.

8:00 - WHO STOLE HER BUNNY! omg, if somebody tried to steal little t or munchkin from me and caryn, heads would ROLL!

10:00 - aww, she got so thin she vanished, she agreed with bettyface. i bet bettyface convinsces her to do what she really wants!

15:00 - oh pre-crack whitney...

17:00 - mmm empanadas. better than noncaloric spacefood. so, i just though i nutted touched-up girl as lizzy kaplan, and i exclaimed out in triumph, but caryn says i was wrong. aww, i miss lizzy.

18:00 - why does he have fay summers key?! were they nutting together?! (the naught kind)

19:00 - oh em gee. her bunny is kidnapped and being ransomed!

20:00 - rachel tihnks mean secretary girl kidnapped hte bunny. caryn and i tihnk it was mark. betty is gonna do a great job with the book i bet!!

22:00 - lol, dad walked out ans asked if he missed something on the tella novella b/c the girls had a fight with gina hyena, and it WAS str8 out of something like ynr.

30:00 - sounds like a nutted soemthing happenign to the book! gjme imo.

33:00 - i tihnk they just made a "woman was masturbating with her showerhead" joke.

35:00 - i guess this is our gratuitous spicy hot latinas pulling their hair and wrestling scene...

43:00 - "and fifty cents!" lewl.

44:00 - britishwoman now sounds like a medieval peasant.

45:00 - lol at these bunny pictures. i dont know what i would do if little t was ransomed! i ebtter keep my eye on rachel!

46:00 - poor smelly bunny :(

50:00 - *boot* i will not torture you, the readers, with the sappy reasons why...

51:00 - i dont get it, why is daniel going to ipanema? did mike tell him there were lots of hot girls there?

52:00 - the bunny's stuffing is poking out everywhere >< its so sad.

54:00 - i like this nathalie girl. shes sweet.

55:00 - caryn thinks nathalie is gonna tell them to keep the unretoucheds! nut for caryn!

56:00 -

ep 3(2) has concluded. but not before rachel offered us the proverbial "nut that everyone else nutted 2 and a half episodes ago". yes rachel, the mysterious caller is Fay! ofc, the ony chance of it not being Fay is the ole "ooh ooh we intentionally made you think it was fay by pointing every clue in that direction, but now chekc out this switcheroo that was totally unnuttable b/c we didnt foreshadow it at all!!!!!"

Ugly Betty Disc 1 Ep 2

CB Note: Justin likes Ugly Bettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Justin likes Ugly Bettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

1:00 - so, having just watched ep 1, we all swear taht some of the "previously on" that lead off ep 2 were NOT in ep 1.

2:00 - lol at betty gettin bounced!

3:00 - ooh, its trendy and fendi!

4;00 - the late fay summers? is that hte woman that she was talking to?

5:00 - funny bf is playing dance dance revolution yo. word. true dat.

6:00 - ugh, i cant blieve i laughed at the "out til 945" joke.

7:00 - for just 2 days! i dont think that one would work with caryn. and this kid dances better than mike i bet.

8:00 - what is walter from?! i wish caryn would imdb him alrdy!!!

9:00 - so we imdbd him. didnt recognize anything. only lil black book with brittany murphy. caryn thinks maybe hes from commercials.

10:00 - why is caleb being mean to daniel. does he want him to fail?

11:00 - does bettyface know that her nephew is totally flaming gay?

12:00 - rachel is bundled under the red fleece. she looks like a giant blonde raspberry.

13:00 - hilda the Herbalux saleswoman is giving bettyface tips!

14:00 - betty has to change? dont change who you are bettyface!!!

15:00 - i just wanted to mention, that with no time guidance, i finished last ep at 57:00, only 3 minutes off from what it would have really been on tv. gg no re!

17:00 - more HMO bashing, i love it.

18:00 - awww, its sweaty betty!

19:00 - Fabu isn't even one word.

22:00 - he tampered with Fay's steering?! why did he try ot kill hsi ex editor?!

23:00 - harvard-yale, the biggest college football game of the year? did i get lost on the way home and end up in 1834?

25:00 - rachel stop laughing at the blog, we are supposed to be sad at this emotional moment!

28:00 - i like her heart belt. looks sexah. caryn is making some lude and rude comments, which i do not want to repeat on this family blog.

30:00 - rachel nutted vinny biacnhi as bettyface's dad's friend 3 secs before the reveal. it counts!!!

32:00 - ROFL! its Billy, the visionary Director behind such films as Queens Boulevard and Medeillan!!!

33:00 - this bettyface sure is a sly persuader!

34:00 - calalillies?! know who liekd calalillies.... duncan's wife from Big Shots (surprisingly enoyable show)!

35:00 - i love thsi ethnic betty rap music.

36:00 - caryn predicts that betty is gonna bring Billy a sandwish! (rachel wants credit for predicting this too)

37:00 - oh no, they are EBaying Fay's death car! what will caleb do?

38:00 - lol, daniel ignores and is mean to betty in front of the hot girls.

39:00 - nut for the girls.

40:00 - lemme take this moment ot say that i made an amazing nut at Deifnitely, Maybe, aka Absolutely, Sorta but caryn otunutted me by 5-10 minutes :(

41:00 - real woman DO get pms!!! lemem tell ya! at least, that's waht dave tells me. mike says its not much of a problem once your girlfriend has gone thru menopause...

43:00 - uh oh, betty's getting a Herbalux makeover!

44:00 - makeover episode btw. so betty was ugly for all of 90minutes? i like her hairdresser tho.

45:00 - caryn wants me to take that previous statement back. instead of a ANTM makeover, betty is just ghetto-fab.

46:00 - rachel thinks she appeals to the Queens community. Bough-ist!

47:00 - shakira shakira!!! i love the way she shakes it. can i get an estoy aqui?! cus caryn's hips dont lie!

48:00 - line of hte ep: "it looks as if Queens threw up". what was she looking at, New jersey? caryn and rachel think this joke stunk :(

50:00 - miss america was being mena to bettyface. she should say that at least she didnt get DQd for sleeping wit hthe judges! im now debating whether to refer to willhlemina as miss america or paula abdul...

52:00 - is it me, or does every make fashion mag people seem like total d-bags?

54:00 - look its another sad scene! look, im laughing instead of crying!

55:00 - we agree that Billy isn't gonna be tricked.

56:00 - he forgot something, now bettyface will save the day. tho watching plastic girl pretend to be betty is lol.

57:00 - fyi, dave is from queens.

58:00 - caryn feels bad for paula, b/c she just wants to impress her daddio.

59:00 - audible "awwwws" when betty asked for that matchbook.

60:00 - rachel thinks that caleb doth protest too much! rachel sure is perceptive!

61:00 - speaking of pms, looked like paula needs to take some Annuale!! (great snl skit this past weekend)

62:00 - YEA! awesome "DDR" scene to end the ep! what's DDR you ask? apparently, its waht the kool kidz like rachel call dance dance revolution.

Ugly Betty Pilot

WHY am i watching this? well, it's bc mike is being a loser, so is lawrence, rachel didn't like Wire, and now im stuck watching this.

2:00 - i started blogging late. i wasn't going to blog, but after the opening scene which was sooooooo bad ("it's dolce gabbana, from milan") i felt like i would need hte blog to get thru this. I expect to be devastated that this awful show is a hit, and Arrested Development got cancelled.

3:00 - what's Herbalux?

4:00 - did i just see that Gina Gershon is in this? hmm, maybe we'll get to see some ta-ta's.

5:00 - i recognize this guy. her bf apparently. what from? i bet caryn knows.

6:00 - i predict he's going to dump her. which runs contra to what the woman said.

7:00 - Caleb! i hope Kiki is on this show too!

8:00 - caryn and rachel just nutted that this guy was getting a blowjob. i totally didnt notice.

9:00 - but Bettyface's bf is breakign up with her, so i just tied the nut score at 1 apiece. oh, and i was supposed to feel sad i think, judging by the sappy music.

10:00 - we'll call it a mental nut tie since everyone knew that Betty would get hired by Mode b/c then the whoremongering son of Caleb wouldnt want Beej's from her.

11:00 - lol, her little brother (nephew apparently*) knows she's not fashionable.

12:00 - heyyy, they brought that Guadelaraja joke full style.

13:00 - line of hte show so far: "hi, are you the before?" - zing!!!

14:00 - i bet that secretary had PLENTY of experience that Caleb's son was looking for.

15:00 - what's Vanessa Williams from? Rachel: what's vanessa williams from?!?! Me: "what has she been in?" Rachel: ummmmmmm. Caryn: She was miss america. Rachel: she was miss america. ummmmmmm. Caryn: ummmm. imdb her, she's been around forever. Rachel: she was in an adaptation of Scrooge. Caryn: she was a singer, she had ummm. Rachel: i meant a christmas carol. me: Thank you for proving my point ladies.

16:00 - am i watching The Devil Wears Prada or Ugly Bettyface?

17:00 - 15:00 postmortem. rachel: she's famous for being miss america, but she got disqualified for sleeping wit a judge. caryn: i thought that was for taking racy pictures. me: now THOSE would make this show better!!!

18:00 - holy f. the tripod?!?! does that mean it reaches the floor?!?!?!?!

21:00 - caryn nuts philippe is the crazy architect from cashmere mafia. yes, we watch cashmere mafia. and yes, its divine!

22:00 - ouch, he called bettyface fugly! caryn: philippe is a meanie. and he stole the pphotolayout idea!

23:00 - i bet british christina is gonna hook up bettyface with a new smock!

24:00 - bizarro sex in the city? i didnt get it, but they told me thats b/c the 4 fat girls were like hte bizarro. and then i pointed out that of the 4 stars in sex in the city, the only 1 i would nail is charlotte. so the joke changed to 4 "unfashionable" girls to account for this reality.

25:00 - ooh, a mystery!

26:00 - mike told me that this is what he did over the summer. (i won't explain further, only those here will get to be in on this lol joke)

27:00 - i liked that hot hoe's lingerie. but the only job she'll be getting from (or for) him is a blow one!

28:00 - hot damn. another hottie! no wonder this show is a hit. its got lots of girly stuff for the girls, and lots of barely clothed hotties for the guys!

30:00 - its unfair shes being mad at bettyface for working. not her fault.

31:00 - the music changed wihle i was blogging, i think bettyface had an epiphany. NUT!

32:00 - rachel claims to have made this nut also.

33:00 - omg look at all these outfits in the closet! its girl heaven! and i dont care!!!

34:00 - but i did like hte $7000 potato sack comment.

35:00 - oh look, british woman has bettyface's idea. i bet its great and britishwoman will tell somebody. unfortch, caryn has an even better nut - she thinks britishwoman is gonna tell Miss america!

38:00 - i laughed at the gratuitous donut eating shot.

39:00 - i bet she comes back in the outfit! nut!

40:00 - caryn pointing out what we all think: HOW DOES IT FIT HER!

41:00 - ok, bettyface trying to model is kinda funny. but wtf is this for now? whys he taking real pics, he just needs the lighting.

42:00 - and she quit! THE SHOW's OVER. thank god! lets get the wire! rachel: she finally pulled together an articulate sentence, but it was in telling him off :(

43:00 - omg, he's gonna talk her into staying. F!

44:00 - ooh he didnt. shes still at home. lets hope its over!

45:00 - that plasma scene was sooooo bad. like really bad. like, i only woulda thought it was good if i lived in kentucky bad.

46:00 - hey, i tihnk its gina gershon. and she didn't like it. Now we all agre that bettyface's idea will save the day.

47:00 - so, daniel is gonna be hte good guy. total nut on my part. rachel is just now getting that philippe was in on the sabotagery!

48:00 - in brighter news, this takes away caryn's "betttyface's idea to miss america" prediction from earlier.

49:00 - agreement all around that salma hayek on the telemundo show is hilarious.

50:00 - walter's a bigger loser than bettyface.

51:00 - hey, betty is railing against HMOs. i like to see that!

52:00 - aww, daniel's backstory. hes the blacksheep. the tommyboy if you will, to dead brother's david spade.

53:00 - wtf kinda idea is that for sellign cosmetics?! bettyface busting out the brand loyalty statistics!

54:00 - i love gina gershon's entourage.

55:00 - who is the woman in the mask in cahoots with miss america?! prolly the woman that caleb wanted to be dead! i sure bet!

57:00 - rach says daniel reminds her of logan from vm. bad boy turned good. andddddd heres a lil KT Tun for all the fans out there!

60:00 - caryn: gotta say, kidna loved it. rach: kinda loved it. me: ok we can do another.

Friday, February 22, 2008

LOST Episode 4 2/21/08

Let's keep the awesomeness rolling. and speakign of awesomeness, Linkin Park was AMAAAAAAZING!!!!

0:00 - caryn says locke is in bens bed, eating a dharma something. she tihnks hes still on the island in the future.

1:00 - turns out we are in the present though... locke is brining ben a meal, the last 2 eggs! locke thru them on the wall though. waste of good eggs :(

3:00 - funny comment form caryn - claire got over charlie pretty fast. lol. she stopped crying after 1 ep.

4:00 - what pregnancy thing? kate pregnant? missed her perioc? moody? or does he just mean it in general as in she dun wanna get pregnant from nutting him.

5:00 - kate in the future! kate pleads not guilty! she was guilty as sin of a lot of it tho!!! ohnoes shes in custody!! they gotta take her back to the island!

9:00 - "sun and jin, havent seen them for awhile" - caryn

10:00 - dan didn't look like he agreed with that "get all of us off this island" statement.

11:00 - not for VM fans: caryn says taht she read that Kristen Bell was gonna be Charlotte. that woulda OWND.

12:00 - locke is being pertty mean to kate! uh oh. she's gonan do something kate-like. ooh, its hurley the traitor.

13:00 - i think miles wants a minute with ben... sounds like a nut.

14:00 - who will generate sympathy!!!!

15:00 - caryn nuts her son!!! which is a double nut, b/c caryn said to me earlier thsi season taht she thought the "him" that kate referred to in alst season's finale in the first flashforward with jack was her son. This nut would also seem to confirm the "Sawyer didn't get off the island" nut. and its obvi his child, so juliet probably figured out how to get the kids to live then.

18:00 - Jack to the witness stand! he's a character witness! what are hte Evidence rules about character?! (couldn't tell you, we stopped going in October)

19:00 - whoa, jack is lying. 8 survived? crashed in the water?! he must be tellign the preapproved story. and it must be that 8 survive in that story. and kate is mad b/c it lies about sawyer? hmmmm..

20:00 - hey, where was jack's beard in that scene?!!?

21:00 - boxed wine! brings back memories of college.

23:00 - oh perceptive sawyer.

24:00 - caryn and i agree that sawyer is pretty brililant. we both predict that kate untied miles, and that sawyer got locke out of hte house for her, and now shes going to bring miles and ben together, but by doing it this way, it looks like sawyer is on lockes side so locke wont know he helped kate. good nut by us.

25:00 - wtf is this miles extortion stuff? is he really going rogue, or is he ordered to pretend to be helping ben.

26:00 - oh, question, why did it matter to kate if he knew about her? seriously, why does that matter? how is it important?

38:00 - oh look, its kate bitchy mom. wish she woudl die already.

41:00 - here's another question: why doesn't kate get the people who are covering up what really happened to make this court problem go away. as in, why dun she just threaten to out everything that really happened?

42:00 - aww kate's mom dun wanan testify gainst her anymore. too bad thats not how it works, she would be put in contempt and jailed. ooh, and kate rebuffs her. pwnt.

44:00 - caryn is enjoying thsi sawyer shirtless scene.

45:00 - caryn is also enjoyign this makeout scene. i coulda done with mroe female nipple tbh.

46:00 - what the muck are they doing with these cards? whts he practicing for?

48:00 - what happened wit hte helicopterrrrrrr. who is lying to who?!?!

52:00 - locke is nutso.

53:00 - caryn: "hummina hummina"

54:00 - why dun kate wanna boink? she thinks she might be preggers?! nope she says shes not. is she sure? she's sure. woohoo!

55:00 - fyi: kate is totally pregnant, and she jsut tested sawyer, and he failed, and now shes going back to the beach. TOTAL nut. big hairy one. remind me to come back and refer to this nut in the future.

56:00 - why does she care that kate stays put? doesshe expect her ot break the probation? was she pressured to offer that? it makes no sense to me.

57:00 - aww, jack didnt mean the not loving part. what happened to juliet?

58:00 - so, is sawyer dead or on the island? i vote dead. caryn is sad.

59:00 - DA DA DA DA! ITS AARON!!!! zomgee. totally de-nuts like seventeen different nuts.... Claire must not have made it off, blowing up my Oceanic Six. Sawyer may still be alive. or dead. here's the thing though: if its Aaron, Claire's baby, WHY would it matter so much to Jack and Kate's relatinship? i dont think that makes much sense. in fact, i am taking this opportunity to re-predict that the child is sawyer's!!!! If this turns out to be correct, you guys are going to be hearing about it for ages!!!!!

i thought the episode was okay. not as good as the previous ones, but still good. next week's looks crazy.

Friday, February 15, 2008

LOST! Feb 14, 2008 Episode 3

We couldn't see LOST last ntie b/c of the VDay MB20 concert. blogging begins now:

0:00 - why are they looking for ben! who are they! caryn thinks sayid may be one of the Oceanic Six!

1:00 - who is RG on that bracelet thingy?

2:00 - aww, i wanan play golf in that pretty place! sheesh, look at all the bunkers in front of that pin!

3:00 - NUT for caryn!!! well done babe. and this guy is totally freaking out lol.

4:00 - double whoa, sayid just shot that guy! and killed him! WHY! why was he so nervous when he found out who sayid was? and why'd sayid shoot him?! if he knew who sayid was or was hunting him, woulda thought he wouldnt act so nervous. perplexing imo.

7:00 - Congratulations ot Mike and Myself, both of whom had Sayid in our Oceanic Six predictions from 2 weeks ago.

10:00 - where is Sayid? it woudl appear Berlin. this blonde is kinda cute. is she a good girl or a bad girl?

11:00 - sayid made contact with her! he was looking fro her? who is he working for? what's his plan for her? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

12:00 - jack practices george bush diplomacy according to sayid.

13:00 - aww, sawyer is talkinga bout the little piggies! caryn has the cutest lil piggies!!! my fav is the one that eats roast beef!

14:00 - wuts that sand? cabin sand apparently. wtf is with the cabin moving around.

15:oo - line of the ep; "does that mean i should wait 20min and go anyway?"

16:00 - i enjoyed the "what was sayid in iraq?" scene.

20:00 - is this the first date or a future date?

22:00 - hmm, im tihnking maybe sayid's bosses sent him to kill that guy on the golf course?

23:00 - and now it is apparent to me that sayid is making contact with this girl to get to her boss. bank that nut, that's why sayid is taking her communicator thingy with her. Now, who is the boss? I predict that the boss is related to Dharma, the Others, or the people who got them off the island. can't bemore specific yet, just lots of different options. For the record, caryn also predicted sayid's intention to kill her boss 15secs after i did during that scene.

24:00 - daniel is prolly the science guy there to study the island?

26:00 - nutted that, the item they fired at is beacon din get there. its liek you cant get to the island!!!

27:00 - good point by caryn: where are hte other Others, the ones who didn't get killed in the ambush. my best guess is on the other island, but I thought some were on thsi island with Locke...

28:00 - i suppose this is why Hurley tells Jack in the future he was sorry for leaving JAck to go with Locke.

29:00 - line of the ep 2: "oh, awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer."

31:00 - weird. his rocket eventually arrived, but WAY too late. caryn suggests something is mucking up time there?

32:00 - what's in the secret passage?! does it lead to the Conservatory?!?!

33:00 - money, passports, WHY?!

34:00 - omg its Sawyer!!!

35:00 - omg Hurley was a traitor. perhaps he this is what he really regrets.

39:00 - line of the ep 3: "well, i guess they are running out of jail space"

40:00 - lol at ben's lost dollar. it's no use having friends you can't trust!

41:00 - uh oh, kate and sawyer are gonna have guard and prisoner sexx.

42:00 - aww, Sawyer wants to live on the island with kate. caryn is gonna tear up. ouch - kate calls sawyer a lil girly playing house. nutted the tears.

43:00 - what's sayid gonan give locke in exchange for charlotte?!

44:00 - bust for her, her thing beeped finally at the wrong time!

45:00 - holy shit at that scene. first, sayid tells her what he's doing. and its sad. then she SHOOTS him! then she calls her boss and she was a agent too and trying to figure out who sayid worked for! then, sayid mucked her with a clever distraction attack. THEN, she had the same bracelet as Naomi!!!!!! Hence, she works for the poeple Naomi works for, and he's hunting them. sort of a nut to my earlier predictions of who Sayid was after.

55:00 - as to who Sayid is working for, im uncertain if he's working for anybody. Perhaps he is just huntign poeple involved with what happened on the island. That woudl explain the fear in the golf course guy. for the record, caryn thought sayid was a bounty hunter, a la domino harvey, at the beginning, so that was half right.
CB Note: Ok, so I have been misrepresented on this blog yet again! I was not half right, I was completely right! I thought (at the beginning in the golf scene) that Sayid was killing off people who were in some way related to the crash, "rescue," etc. Bounty hunter was the only title I knew of that meant someone hired to kill people! =p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

56:00 - lol at sayid trading miles for charlotte.

57:00 - daniel knows that soemthing is farked up from his test, but what exactly is it?

58:00 - caryn and i agree, it totally sounds like ben.

59:00 - nut. Ben is off hte island, but not one of the Oceanic Six b/c he wasn't on the plane. caryn references hte passports, good tihnking babe. Sayid thought with his heart instead of his gun before, something bad happened, and that's hwo ben recruited him. who died b/c of that? is it a reference to hsi Iraqi gf, or something that happened on the island or after? aaaaaaaaa.


seriously, this doesnt even resemble the same show we slogged through last year.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

LOST! Feb 7, 2007 Episode 2

Nutblogging time!

0:00 - WTF are these people looking for on the bottom of the ocean?!

1:00 - the fake Oceanic 815!!!

2:00 - caryn recognizes this crying guy watching the 815 news. he came down in the copter last week!! why doesn't he know why he is crying? wtf did that fake Oceanic 815 come from?!

3:00 - it looks like hte copter with the rescuers went haywire. i suspect bc of the island's magnetic properties.

4:00 - caryn: so to cover it up, they submerged the plane in the sea? me: a fake plane? who did it? i asked caryn who was covering it up, and she says its the same people who wanted to make sure that hurley and jack and everyone werent gonna talk about stuff! but, shes doesnt know how to explain the Oceanic Six survivors given that the plane was already found on the ocean floor...

5:00 - "dan, am i on speaker?" -> could this be ANY MORE SUSPICIOUS!! dont muck it up jack! but, with these guys looking so suspicious, why did hurley say last week he shoudla went with jack...?

6:00 - ooooh, lock and ben know that hugo is talking about JACOB'S cabin!!!

7:00 - "i got them from walt". caryn: you still soudn crazy.

8:00 - this new guy is SUCH a bad liar. wtf are there gas masks in there for!

9:00 - prediction possibility: dan was sent by dharma? they are with dharma? he has a gas mask b/c that's how ben killed the dharma people?

10:00 - lol, locke lives b/c he lost that kidney!!!

11:00 - lol, kate was gonna take dan's gun.

17:00 - hmm, now we see this new asian miles in a backstory after the oceanic wreckage was found. w.t.f. is going on here. apparnetly he makes ghosts go away... or finds stuff that ghosts have hidden! wtf is this? lol and he kept that drug money. wtf is this about? so supernatural.

18:00 - NUT! i told you that whole "tell my sister i love her" line was significant. see last week's blog.

22:00 - i will say i enjoyed that miles v jack "how stupid are you" scene. sayeed and juliet were badass.

26:00 - but, now that the losties have hte guns, they better first farkign ask what the "primary objective" is!!!

33:00 - tunisia? this is the back story for all the rescuers imo. nut.

34:00 - caryn are are debating whether these are flashforwards or flashbacks. to set everybody straight, these are flashbacks. caryn thinks everything shuld be flashforwards from nwo on, and perhaps thats true, except they are putting all the new ppl in this 1 ep. frankly, thats good, comapredto last year. now, as to the 815 in the ocean confusion, im nearly positive that there was a point last season when we foudn out that 815 had in fact been found in teh ocea nand everyone was dead. i dont remember who said that, but we think maybe naomi told them that when she first landed.

36:00 - polar bears in africa omg! a dharma bear collar with the polar bear in the desert! and was she happy ot see it? b/c if she was... then ive got a 9:00 nut incoming!!!

37:00 - prediction: she lives. otherwise i wouldnt have juts watchd that africa scene. nut.

38:00 - oh weird, now she has encountered Locke's crew!!! wonder if theyll meet jack's.

39:00 - wtf doesn't sayid break miles' face.

41:00 - caryn nutted transponder on the dog immediately. well done baby! locke's got her is right jack!

44:00 - and newcomer number 4 flashback here it is...

45:00 - fake dead people in the ocean? caryn thinks this guy knows that that plane isnt real. nut there. and he was supposed to be flying the plane?!

47:00 - his fone is mucked.

48:00 - jesus at that ben shooting her scene. i was like "wtmuck are theyk illing her" knew they oculdnt be bc of her backscene. that was pretty bold of ben.

54:00 - caryn wants credit for nutting that it was the guy who met hurley. ironic, naomi was the leader.

55:00 - no longer looking good for the 9:00 dharma nut.

56:00 - o.m.g. juliet was a native. and miles goes nuts, b/c THEY ARE THERE FOR BEN! and why would they be there for ben, and with gas masks... perhaps its b/c of my AMAZING NUT AT THE NINE MINUTE MARK!!!!!

57:00 - james told him so!

59:00 - ben knows they are there for him and who they all are. and he just told us so. and what happeend next? i couldnt tell you, bc the show ran 3 minutes over and tivo stopped taping. i wish caryn would learn how to use it. everyone and their gramma knows by now that lost runs over and you need to tape the next show on abc as well. le sigh.

Otherwise, great ep!!!!!

p.s. - caryn fixed it. ben has a guy on their ship!!! wtf?!

p.p.s. - im totally psyched about that 9:00 minute nut... already the frontrunner for the Nut Of 2008 Title.