thank the lord.
1:00 - jenah is going home. we opened with her saying she didnt wannt to go home, shed go hom e if she was in final 2 with selesha, and she really didnt want to go home. she's so cooked. im reinstating her nicnkame - Goose. they tricked me last week, but its right back to the usual modus operandi this week (which by the way is admissible character evidence)
3:00 - its Jaslene. she's talking, but i cant understand what she's saying.
4:00 - i wish i predicted a selesha victory earlier in the season. im making an official selesha victory prediction now.
5:00 - caryn says the final 3 is too ahrd to predict. theyre all good, so you have to wait to see the challenge and who screws up.
6:00 - so far, its chantal. and jay just did a brutal parody that i enjoyed. and tehn she did good.
7:00 - they jsut did a jenah "Take 'x'" montage b/c there were so many takes. and now theyre making her use cue cards.
8:00 - more "jenah comes off bitchy" subplot from jay.
9:00 - Heather could have done better than these 3...
10:00 - selesha is breaking down on set!!! ohnoes for my 4:00.
11:00 - caryn echoes my thoughts that chantal did the best.
14:00 - we're doing the dumb questions segment. 1st, who do you think should win? yourself, really? i never would have guessed! 2nd, who is the worst? they ganged up on jenah, playing up the "jenah has attitude and a bitch" subplot. honestly, i *never* got this subplot. she doesnt seem bitchy. usual Top Model forcing dumb subplots on the show.
15:00 - i should be studying, but caryn is making me blog this atrocity. going to Lamarca and Juno tonite tho!
16:00 - caryn thinks selesha looekd stiff in her pic. i agree.
17:00 - i was also unimpressed with chantal. maybe b/c im not the target audience, but both those commercials sucked. i didnt like chantals pic either.
18:00 - music change for jenah. uh oh!
19:00 - they are ripping on jenah. igel is bullshitting like usual. i hate him. they're accusing her of insulting and being bitchy again.
20:00 - caryn and i both unanimous that jenah's commercial was the best. she totally was the most natural. she only laughed at the end after she bit the fruit, but otherwise she was totally the best.
21:00 - jenah is now ranting at the girls being bitchy. shes so cooked, but im indignant about it now too!
22:00 - i like her photo the best too. they are gonna eliminate her. but its bs. i enjoyed her rant against being all rainbows and sunshine and smiles.
23:00 - note: selesha ended the covergirl commercial they showed. thats bc she won imo.
24:00 - caryn fastforwarded thru the jaslene commercial, but did a "this is my life" impression.
25:00 - caryn thinks jenah might be saved by breaking through emotionally.
26:00 - caryn jsut said she tihnks chantal is out, and nigel called her amateur (like jenah did!).
27:00 - man, i wish i could walk in the Chi Gong Hi Fashion Show.
28:00 - chantal is hte first name called! so much for caryn's nut. itll be lost in the forest forever. caryn defends it by noting that she thought theyd keep jenah after she cried, since they did a 180 and were copmlimentary towards her at judges table.
29:00 - jenah's gone. nut for me. listen, last week was a TOTAL ABBHERATION. they always tip the hand early, and make up the contrived storyline to justify the boot.
30:00 - i liked jenah's pics. too bad this show is about as real as The Hills. i dont uderstand why the WGA strike isnt affecting it. its all scripted.
31:00 - im starving. cant wait for lamarca.
44:00 - there are no words for what im watching. tyra is walking down this crazy procession. jaslene looked walkig it.
45:00 - twiggy: "woooow, look at that". Tyra: "work it girl!". me: "i haveno clue whats going on. theyre just walking! for what its worth, selesha is walking hotter imo. my 4:00 is goldensauce. actually, make it lamarca bolognese sauce.
46:00 - chantal looks much stiffer to me.
47:00 - chantal just got screwed. the wind blew her dress over under a stilts-guy performers stilts and he BIT THE DUST! everyone was mortified. i thought it was hilarious.
48:00 - caryn correctly otes that chantal just looks defeated. Selesha will win. i really should called it months ago. i knew it.
49:00 - caryn agrees with me that selesha had a great walk. caryn thought seleshas walk had attitude, but chantals was more poised. frankly, i tihnk theres only 1 adj to describe seleshas' walk. it begins with F and ends with ierce.
51:00 - photo recap. i like chantals smoking one better, and chantals gargoyle better. wtf is with miss j's hair btw? i thought these great wall of china photos were dumb.
53:00 - the runway feedback: j says selesha "owned it". twiggy liked it. this is so in the bag. im such a great nutter. tyra notes the stiffness. who is good? i am. while ive railed against the "own it" babble all season, i will admit that selesha did, in fact, "own" that runway.
55:00 - tyra notes that this is our 9th Top Model. hopefully, for my sake, it doesnt hit doubledigits.
56:00 - miss j says chantal is mroe high fashion and less commercial.
57:00 - nigel sticks up for selesha. what the f is this high fashion versus commercial stuff? could they give us a tutorial to explain the difference to me? what blather this whole industry is, from proj runway to this show. Top Chef is totally the best, and i dont even get to taste the food!
58:00 - tyra thought these girls would go home early and not make it so far. guess she sux at judging talent. burn!
59:00 - the moment of truth. money is still on selesha. caryn is predicting selesha too.
60:00 - Selesha! me: "BAM!" see 4:00 and 23:00.
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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