finally, the show that i actually *want* to watch!
i predict tonite's ep will be a juliet ep (and that's not b/c i accidentally read a spoiler before averting my eyes from the TV Guide).
1:00- nut!
2:00 - juliet made it off the island. yip!
3:00 - whoops, its not a flashforward. its a "when she first got to hte island" scene. lol.
4:00 - we got fooled bc we thought no more flashbacks.
5:00 - where's charlotte and faraday go?!
6:00 - whisperssssssssssss. guess that explains the heretofre meaningless flashback to start the ep.
7:00 - wtf. she was sent ot tlak to juliet? they're gonan release hte gas from The Tempest like when ben first killed em all? is that a station? and i thought ben was a prisoner?
8:00 - wtf how did that girl vanish?
9:00 - hey look, its the Taile spy, aka Beaux Mart from Ugly Betty!!!
10:00 - i have nothing to write for these last 2 minutes, caryn was distracting me.
12:00 - thie guy has a wife. caryn thinks he was dating juliet in a previous ep. im so conufsed by this scene.
13:00 - caryn asks why juliet just doesnt tell jack. i think tahts a good question.
14:00 - for those of you who dont know, when Lost offered our favorite VM, kristen bell a spot for this season, it was to be as charlotte.
15:00 - what was with that look that kate n charlotte gave eachother?
16:00 - so, charlotte.... nto a good liar.
17:00 - looked like gas masks in taht bag to me!
18:00 - line of the nite "it's very stressful being an other jack"
19:00 - caryn (re harper): "passive-aggressive much?"
20:00 - nice nut for caryn at 12:00.
21:00 - and goodwin did get hurt, when he was sent to be with the tailies!
22:00 - who from ben's past does juliet look like? his mom who died in childbirth? caryn: "baby, you tihnk he ever saw his mom who died in childbrith?" me: "pictures.... duh" caryn: "obvi, ben had a first love. and there was a lil girl in his childhood ep"
23:00 - htf did ben send a msg to harper ot talk to juliet?
30:00 - already half thru. i feel like not much has happened yet. feels like a season 3 ep tbh.
31:00 - oh juliet, you lil homewrecker.
32:00 - sheesh, everyone knows that ben has a crush on juliet!
33:00 - goodwin is working with some dangerous chemicals it seems!
34:00 - look, its the scene of ben sending goodwin to find the tailies. hmm, did somebody mention that before, at say, the 21:00 mark?
35:00 - weird, juliet when on ahead w/o kate and jack. this is all so sketch!
36:00 - 36-15-28!!!!
37:00 - ooh ben, taping over the game!
38:00 - Caleb is on the tape!! it is widmore's boat! pretty sure i predicted that preivously!
39:00 - widmore and dharma are gonna exploit the island!
40:00 - whoa, the widmore file!
41:00 - gonan find out who the man on the boat is!
42:00 - what bs kate. why does it even matter if they know who you are. makes no sense!
43:00 - i asked who zack and emma were. caryn knew they were the kids from the tail.
52:00 - so... wtf is going on. did ben even contact harper? did ben want the gas to go off? im so clueless. none of this makes sense.
53:00 - hwo did charlotte and faraday evne knwo to go there? it makes no sense!
55:00 - aww, tender juliet-jack moment.
57:00 - whoa is that their first *makeout?
Sooo.... mediocre at best, but pretty disappointing. kind of a "not very much happened" episode. and what little did happen, didnt happen til the last 10minutes. caryn agrees with me. all that juliet backstory did very little, other than to tell us she resembles somebody from ben's past and he thinks she's his. otherwise, nada. this was very "last season" and a huge disappointment following last week's awesomeness.
caryn also gave a nice rant at the "youll never believe who ben has on the ship". caryn: "i wouldnt believe it, except that you idiots told us that Michael was coming back this season!!!!"
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago
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