1:00 - mike's already making gratuitous music complaints.
2:00 - funny hurley.
3:00 - hopefully we'll get more of miles and ben telling everyone whats going on.
4:00 - omg, michael's there to die! wuts that mean?!?! i feel like im more sarcastic and negative when watching with these momos.
5:00 - does alex know rousseau is her mother? i cant even remember.
6:00 - ben just answered it for me. i agree with rachel that alex is hot. she should be on Rome.
8:00 - caryn and mike note that that scene ended with mroe unnecessary eerie music. i wanto go back and watc hearly season eps to see if they were as ridic with the music then.
9:00 - i bet its michael that is mucking up the engine, btw.
10:00 - caryn claims to have nutted a micheal flash-x episode during the previously on segment.
11:00 - so anyway, why did michael try to commit suicide by shipping crate?
13:00 - rachel is nutting that michael was the person in the coffin. this could not possibly be more incorrect. its the early leader for Worst Nut of 2008.
15:00 - caryn nutted him seeing Libby. this im betting confirms my Flash-Middle nut.
16:00 - its a good thing the car didnt blow up. walt wouldnt have got the note.
17:00 - caryn notes some grey in michaels beard. flash forward?!
18:00 - rachel gets credit for old black woman as "mama"
19:00 - thanks mama, flash-middle it is.
20:00 - rachel's "we dont see walt b/c he is too old nut" fails, as walt comes to the window and opens the curtain, revealing his face!
22:00 - michael's got a gun.... (sung ot the tune of janie's got a gun, by aerosmith)
23:00 - michael and caryn are dancing to the eerie music.
24:00 - rachel is predicting that michael will continually be unable to kill himself. which looked kinda good, and then more significantly, it's the Other guy!!! caryn nutted fakebeard guy btw. rachel though that in some dark alley in nyc it was gonna be Widmore...
25:00 - mike continues to be critical of everyone, despite his copmlete lack of nuts and glutton of generis pig jokes.
26:00 - how did michael lose walt?!?! whoops, looks like he told walt about how he killed libby (sad) and ana lucia (thank god)
27:00 - fake-beard guy has informed michael that the island wont let him kill himself. props to rachel. it's kinda like Desmond being unable to change his past, and also beign unable to save charlie.
28:00 - wtf, the gun is fully loaded, and it wont shoot. seriously. thats a lil much.
29:00 - fakebeard says widmore ptu hte fake plane down there. didn't the captain say last week that it was ben who put hte fake plane there? caryn notes that we were told last week that hte captain was a liar (by michael the spy though i think....)
30:00 - eep, fakebeard has assigned michael hte task of killing everyone on the boat!
31:00 - fakebeard has a lot of info on how widmore faked the crash. note that it coulda still been ben faking it, and that was their own info. im not sure what side i come down on, though i lean to it beign part of widmore's plan, b/c he needs to find ben on the island and keep it a secret to re-set up dharma or something.
32:00 - btw, when did michael find the time to learn how to be a deckhand?
33:00 - sheesh, sure wasn't hard for michael to smuggle crates aboard the boat while lookign super suspicious.
37:00 - oooh, whats in the carepackage?!
38:00 - rachel: guns, teargas, explosives, things ot kill everyone with. mike: heads.
39:00 - rachel adds: "an infectious biological agent that is making everyone crazy. " i thought they were going crazy from moving toward the island.
40:00 - i went skeetshooting once, but it was with a shotgun, not an automatic weapon.
41:00 - rachel: its a bomb, its a bomb.
42:00 - caryn wanted toolbox redit when there were tools on top. now it appears to be a bomb. now phantom Libby is telling him not to do it.
43:00 - just in time, i successfully nutted that the island wasn't gonna let him blow it up. rachel wonders why the others didnt think of that.
44:00 - so.... what's wit hthe "not yet" note? thats from the others? hte island? it wont blow up til closer? srsly, wtfarx.
51:00 - omg a call from walt?!?!
52:00 - lol ben. you d-bag. haha. aww ben you good guy, not killing innocent people on the boat.
53:00 - more lists of names? sheesh.
54:00- ooh michael finished telling sayid the story.
55:00 - looks like sayid is gonna rat michael out. lol.
56:00 - the Others are at this Sacntuary. its the only safe place. why arent they just at the 2nd island?
57:00 - jesus. that nice sentimental moment went to hell. i hope rousseau saves alex. wtf is shooting at them? why would ben send them there? we are all totally clueles
58:00 - and mike just totally nutted rousseau getting killed right before it happened...
59:00 - whoa. what an ending.
random guesses for who th eshooters were. rachel thinks had to be the others and that ben wanted teh daughter to die so widmore couldnt use her to get to him. i dunno. also anticlimactic end for rousseau, who lasted forever just to getm ucked like that.
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11 years ago