Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 25, 2007 Grey's Anatomy

berry burst cheerios r good.

we totally didnt realize that Dr. Hahn was peter's ex wife in Weeds.

1:00 - i bet caryn's pumpkin is b etter than izzy and alex's.

2:00 - little grey is so cute in that costume!

4:00 - Avaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. lookin hot. still, woulda been better if addison stayed. mostly bc is save an hour of my life every week.

6:00 - caryn wants me to point out that this return of ava woulda been a nice shocker, except that she was on the cover of TV Guide this week!

8:00 - wtf theres like half of my box of cheerios left, but no more berries!!!!

13:00 - i bet something really happened to foot guy's foot.

15:00 - they're gonna hafta give the daughter's heart tot the father. take it to the nut bank.

18:00 - by the way, foot guy is gona cut his own foot. such an easy nut.

21:00 - total nunt to the 15:00 prediction. caryn didnt see it coming.

30:00 - i like hahn. but that oculd be just b/c i like weeds. speaking of, we still have to watch this week's weeds! its up next! speaking of, where can we score some?

32:00 - good insight Mr. Gilmore.

40:00 - ohnoes, Mr. Gilmore!!!!

55:00 - the last 15minutes were a bore, but yang taking the apartment back was funneh.

57:00 - Mr. Gilmore was saved by Alex not letting him go home. didnt think of that.

58:00 - why'd ava leave? i totally zoned out for awhile.

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