So, after a winter hiatus, we begin 2008 Nutblogging. Blogging for Rome will commense next week. Tonite, we begin LOST blogging. Suffice it to say, there will be lots of nuts to be found!!!
The room is full of excitement. The recap episode as impressively not sucky. Rachel's hair is a mess (she looks like an Other circa season 2), Mike cheats at Scrabble, and Lawrence had to pick a friend up at the airport so he couldn't make it.
1:00 - i was wondering how that stack of fruit got on the island. but it was part of a flashback!!!
2:00 - is that OJ in taht car?
2:30 - me: "please god dont be opening this on a new character flashback"
3:00 - did jac kdammit b/c it was jack's dad in that camero?!?!
4:00 - me: "shit its a flashforward isnt it". everyoen else: "duh"
5:00 - "sawyer" "kate" hurley" "jin"
5:30 - caryn wins with Hurley!!! me: "wtf"
6:00 - The Oceanic Six! Only 6 get off!! - Kate, Jack, Hurley. Who are the other 3?!?! Predictions: Mike: "Desmond Sawyer Locke" Caryn: "Sawyer..." Rachel: "Sawyer Juliet Claire" Consensus that Claire was an awful pick. Rachel amends to Sun. Me: Sawyer is so dead. Juliet doesn't make it either, b/c then Jack would be with her and not sad. So those 2 are out. Mike just amended to "Sun Desmond Locke" - he thinks that Sawyer's story is over. Mike amends to "Saeed Sun and Lock". Still waiting for Caryn's picks. Mike is now ranting about Michael and Walt. My final picks: "Locke (he's the dead one from last finale)...." Caryn: "Sawyer Sun and Jin". Sun and Jin are not takign up 2 slots, they're back in love and will die on island. Its possible that hte people who get off the island are hte people who didn't get their healing done on the island. Ie - shannon and charlie died, they fixed themselves. Hmm, not sure that works. My final picks: "Locke
7:00 - rachel thinks Hurley was fleeing b/c he saw the numbers.
8:00 - Hey look they worked Ana Lucia into the storyline! Hey look, I don't care. What a waste the Tailies were.
9:00 - he keeps seeing Charlie dying :(
10:00 -
11:00 - Saeed Hurley and Bernard and Jin are all a the beach when the guys from the boat who will kill everyoen will come there.
12:00 - still cant pick my Oceanic Six. I'm just not excited about Jin and Sun. Sayid is looking liek a good possibility. Ben i tihnk would never leave. Sawyer is going to die for Kate. Claire, despite the ripping on her earlier, is gonna make it for Charlie. I'm going to lock her in as Survivor #5. I can't come up with anybody else with a better reason to get off. My final picks: Locke Claire Sayid."
13:00 - wtf would Hurley throw hte walkie in the water for. he says they gotta go warn!!!
14:00 - hwo the fark is naomi not dead?
16:00 - i bet Kate's right about this fake trail stuff!!!
17:00 - Rachel notes that we don't know how Locke got out of hte pit after he got shot.
19:00 - why is Dave Chapelle visiting Hurley?
20:00 - he asked hurley if they were still alive! who is "they"!!! Caryn whispers "they;re still alive on the island!!!" me: "makes all our Oceanix Six guessing not as fun. tho it's still guessing the 6 to get off"
21:00 - Hurley is lost. caryn is scared. And he foudn jacob's house!!! and he hears that whispering. Rachel: "taht covers 3 seasons of whispering"
22:00 - Don't answer hte phone Kate. That's what happens and then he kills you! It's just like Scream!!!
23:00 - this guy on the phone, he does NOT do a good job pretending to be an actual rescuer. eep Naomi!!
24:00 - prediction - naomi's sister will play a role. otherwise that was gratuitous tlel me sister i love her. why did naomi lie and protect the Losties? I'm really unsure who is good and bad.
25:00 - so we saw someone in the rocking chair, and a different person with an eye in the door.
26:00 - holy shit, it is like that cabin teleports around!!!!! and its locke! (successful nut for caryn)
37:00 (i fell 12mintues behind!) - yay everyones reunited. lalala.
38:00 - rachel: "maybe charlie didn't die..." yes rachel, surely that's waht it is. charlie lived, and he's at Hurley's mental hospital.
39:00 - imaginary Charlie confirms he is dead. so much for rachel's theory.
40:00 - then he slaps Hurley. w.t.f.
41:00 - rachel: "how is this not supernatural?" b/c that show is on cw with Dean from gilmore girls...?
42:00 - what's hurley hiding from?!?!?! omg, Charlie told Hurley that "they need you" Hurley needs to save whoever was left behind!!!11!!1!11!1
43:00 - whoa, jack WAS gonna shoot him. and it shoiuld be noted that i said during the recap ep "why'd locke throw a knife at naomi when he had a gun???"
44:00 - for hte record, i tihnk that naomi thought she was saving them. but she was actually hired by somebody else.
45:00 - hi kate! perfectly timed walk in!
46:00 - line of hte episode: "jack, with your permission, id like to go with john"
47:00 - nutted that sawyer "survivin'" line.
50:00 - jack visits charlie. jack looks good. this means he was initially fine when they got home, but later turned nuts and missing the island...
51:00 - hurley thinks jack is checking if hurley is gonna tell!!! tell what!! what were the conditions ot get off?!?! oh em gee!!!!!
52:00 - hurley says he shulda stayed with jack, instead of going with Locke!!! thei sland wants them to come back hurley says. AAAAA!!!
53:00 - so will the be returning to the island in Season 7?
54:00 - A helicopter!!!
60:00 - well, few people are more critical of LOST than me when its bad, but it finished strong last season, we were excited for hte start here, and this episode was PHENOM!!!! can't wait for next week!!!
Honey Garlic Chicken with Stir Fried Vegetables
11 years ago